Thursday, November 17, 2016

Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the Asps Series - Hell on wheels Pepper Kuenn is about to visit the al-Qaida operation in Bolivia.

Today’s excerpt is from Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the nine-book Asps Series. The al-Qaidas in Bolivia are about to catch it in the neck. Enjoy and have a great day. 



While all that was going on, Jane (Pepper) Kuenn, a retired Assistant Director of the CIA National Clandestine Service, walked into the den of Andrew F. (Drew) Hollins.  Drew was Holly Scott’s father.  He was also a former Air Force Intelligence operative who had moved over to the CIA to become the best spy the agency ever had, according to many in the know.   Pepper saw Drew sitting looking at a chessboard.  She asked, “Where’s Boris?”

“Said he would be over…about ten minutes ago.  Don’t know what’s keeping him.”

Drew and Pepper were lovers, in spite of the fact he was now eighty, while she was on her way to the same age—well past seventy.  Pepper nodded.  “Just as well.  Wanna talk—short talk.  You ready to make an honest woman out of me?”

Both were widowers.  They had discussed marriage early in their relationship.  Both agreed they were willing, if and when the other decided they wanted to proceed.  Drew stood up, took Pepper in his arms, then gave her a deep kiss.  “I’ll take that as a yes.  You gonna call Holly—get her into her wedding planning mode?”

“No—you do it, Pepper.”

“That all you got to say?”

“Other than ‘I love you,’ ‘will be happily married to you,’ yeah—it’s all I’ve got.  If you’re expecting me to ask why now, I’m not going to.  Doesn’t matter.”

“I just decided I wanted to have a kid with you.”

“Oh, that’s funny.”

As they were laughing about their exchange, Boris Telman walked into the room.  Boris was a retired KGB agent, considered by all who knew the spy business as the greatest spy who ever lived.  He, his wife Suzan, who was a retired Marine Captain, and Drew had all been members of Jim’s old Janitor team.  All, along with Pepper, had assisted the Asps on several missions.  He asked, “Did I miss out on something?”

“Yeah, Pepper just proposed to me—I accepted.”

“Wonderful…both of you.  Another wedding for Holly to prepare.  She’ll be the happiest of us all.  Congratulations, Drew—about time someone took you off the market.”

Pepper groaned, “He’s been off the market, Boris—just not married off the market.”

“I stand corrected.  Drew, do you feel like a trip to Bolivia to celebrate?”

“What, pray tell, have you unearthed in Bolivia?  Something you think we should investigate?”

“One of my old stringers just called.  He told me al-Qaida is setting up shop in a big way down there.  Thought we could go down, nose around, then let Jim and the Asps know what we come up with—unless the four of us can handle it without help.”

“Sure, I’m game—how about you Pepper?”

“You know my answer.  When we leaving?”


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