Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Father Mulligan, Book #8 of the Asps Series - Jim leads raid into Iran after hotshot businessman.

Today’s excerpt is from Father Mulligan, Book #8 of the nine-book Asps Series. Jim and a few friends parachute into Iran, then capture one of the men responsible for the trap that cost the Asps one man.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



“Okay, we’ll pick the lock, if it’s locked…very carefully to not make enough noise to alert them.  We’ll just assume there’s no alarm system.”

Kye joked, “You know where you find ‘assume’ in the dictionary, don’t you?”

As the others were all smiling at her question, Jim laughed.  “Yeah, yeah.  Come on.”

When they reached the door, Jim turned the handle.  He found it was not locked.  But when he pushed gently against the door, it didn’t give.  He frowned and took out a pick set to pick the deadbolt above the handle.  Then he tried the door again.  It opened without a sound.  Kye followed him into the kitchen area.  The two guards died without ever knowing they were about to be shot, as Kye and Jim each killed one of them.

Jim whispered, “We’re in—two less guards to worry about…not Qods Force, by the looks of their clothing.  Now heading toward the ballroom-type deal.”

Hector replied, “We’re done in the tents.  Another thirteen guys…with twelve empty beds, so I’d say all the Qods Force guys are now history.  Damn near ran into a bit of a problem—two of them were up for some reason.  Fortunately they froze, so we got ‘em before they could raise a ruckus.  You want us to come on into the house with you, Jim?”

“Yeah.  Come on through the back door—we’ll wait for you here in the kitchen area.”

Just as Jim spoke, one of the guards from the front room walked through a swinging door, into the kitchen.  Kye happened to be looking right at the door when it swung open.  She shot the guard in mid-forehead.  He slumped to the floor without much sound, so Jim hurried forward to pull him the rest of the way into the kitchen, thus allowing the door to shut properly.  He looked at Kye, smiled, and nodded.

Those two then patiently waited for Ben and Hector to arrive.  When they did, the four, led by Jim, went through the swinging door as they headed toward the large room, where the other three guards were waiting to die. 

They did so with little problem, as the three men all fired one shot each before Kye caught up with them—being the last in line through the door earlier.  She quietly joked, “Thought I’d leave the light stuff to you three.”

Jim smiled.  “Okay, let’s make sure the first floor is empty before heading upstairs.  Ben…you stay near the bottom of the stairway.  Just to make sure we don’t get surprised by anyone wanting a glass of goat’s milk.”

After the first floor was carefully searched for anyone alive—and it had been determined there was no basement—Jim led the way up the staircase.  There were five bedrooms upstairs…two were empty.  One was occupied by one of Larijani’s daughters.  She was quickly subdued as Kye put a piece of duct tape over her mouth before putting a hood on her head.  Jim immobilized her with several turns of duct tape wrapped around her arms and body.  Her legs got the same treatment.  The other daughter was found in another bedroom by Hector and Ben.  She was soon trussed up in a like manner.  Larijani and his wife were found in the master bedroom, in two separate beds.  While Ben and Hector gave Mrs. Larijani the same treatment as her two daughters, Kye slapped duct tape on Larijani’s mouth, while Jim held his Asp against the man’s throat.  He was hooded and helped out of bed, before being hustled to the stairs, then down to the study Kye had spotted in her part of the first floor search.

Once in the study, Jim soon had Larijani’s computer up and working.  It took very little in the way of threats to get the man’s access codes to various bank accounts around the world.  Jim had long ago perfected a method of taking money from the accounts of evildoers, before routing it into a seeming black hole…to wind up in various offshore accounts of his.  In this case, he started the process with a pass through an al-Qaida account he had previously discovered.

When he finished—taking nearly an hour to accomplish his task—he quickly shut down Larijani’s computer, then disassembled it, to take the hard drive.  “Okay, team, let’s hit the road.”

Ben was put in charge of hurrying Larijani along, as he followed the others out of the main house to a garage, where Larijani’s various cars were located.  They picked a large sedan, piled in, and drove off, with Jim driving.  He knew exactly where he was going.  He soon found the landing strip of Larijani’s nearest neighbor.  In no time the team managed to get into the man’s executive jet.  They soon had its engines warming, with Kye at the controls.  The noise of the engines alerted the owner his plane was warming up.  He had no idea as to why.  By the time he came fully awake to find out why, Kye was in the process of taking off.  The confused man knew something was seriously wrong, but for the life of him couldn’t figure out who could be stealing his plane in the middle of Iran.  By the time he decided he better call someone about the situation, then figured out whom to call, Kye was well on her way to the Iran/Iraq border.  When she reached it, she followed it north to the Iraq/Turkey border.  From there, she flew to the Syria/Turkey border, then on out to the Mediterranean Sea. Once there, she dropped to wave-top levels while headed toward Israel.

The trip caused all types of commotion, but no plane of any of the nations involved came close to giving chase of consequence.  While Kye did her thing, Jim was questioning Larijani, knowing full-well the man hated to fly.  The threat of being tossed out of the plane was all Jim needed to get the full information he wanted from his captive.


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