Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Dead Silent Calm, Book #7 of the Janitors Series - Janitors prepare for raid in China but have been found out.

Today’s excerpt is from Dead Silent Calm, Book #7 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  As the Janitors approach the facility they plan on raiding, a Chinese intelligence officer is on to them.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



Just as the rafts touched shore, the Chinese intelligence officer who had spotted the pictures of Drew and Boris, and had determined that they had already left China, was receiving more information.  “Sir, these two men were taken to Zhejiang—on the pretense of looking for a building site—the day before they left China.  I have here a map of the places they visited.”

The intelligence officer nodded and looked at the hand drawn map.  His heart sank.  He was well familiar with the Biao facility.  “We have a serious problem.  Arrange a flight to Zhejiang—immediately.  We will take a squad of ten men with us.”

After his assistant said “yes, sir,” and raced off, the intelligence officer sat at his desk and wondered if he should notify anyone else.  Maybe someone in Zhejiang?  He decided that with the limited time since Drew and Boris had been gone, there was no rush.


Back at the rafts, Dan and Janet hunkered down near the camouflaged rafts and got very still as a young couple walked in their general direction.  Dan thought, “Great.”

Janet had similar thoughts, but she too kept quiet as the young man spread a blanket on the beach not twenty feet away.  They were soon watching the beginnings of an age-old activity on lonely beaches in the middle of the night.  Dan glanced at Janet and smiled.



Back at the Biao facility, totally unaware that Dan and Janet were getting a free show, Billy and Hector returned to the others.  Hector whispered, “The fence is hot.  We fixed it and have a hole made to go through.  Don’t touch anything outside our bypass wires.”

Jim just nodded as Hector led off with the others following along.  When they reached the fence, Hector went through first, then the others, with Billy the last through.  Everyone else waited as Hector and Billy undid their handy work, leaving the fence as they had originally found it.

On the inside of the fence, the tall grass had been cut away, and the building itself was bathed in an abundant amount of bright lights.  Jim, Billy and Hector took out binoculars and carefully scanned the building, and surrounding smaller structures.  In no time at all, they all spotted several surveillance cameras.

Jim sighed.  “Well, no one said it’d be easy.”

As the three men continued to study the situation, Suzan, who had now taken out her own binoculars, pointed.  “Jim, that area over there seems to have a dead spot in their coverage.”

Jim looked where Suzan was pointing and nodded.  “So it would seem.  Okay, Billy, no sense spending the night here worrying about what we can’t control.  Jess, Hec and I’ll stay here and cover you while you lead Holly and Suzan in.  Breach that door as quickly as you can.  If no alarms go off, we’ll follow you.”

“Right.  Come on gals.” 


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