Monday, November 7, 2016

Birth Of the Asps, Book #1 of the Asps Series - Dusty and Kye start the dance.

Today’s excerpt is from Birth Of The Asps, Book #1 of the nine-book Asps Series.  The raid on the al-Qaida camp starts when Dusty and Kye meet to guards on the way in the “back door” of the camp, while the rest of the team comes in the other way.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



Knowing the subject would be revisited at a later time, Kye nonetheless soon started moaning and groaning, helped along by fantasizing something she knew she should feel guilty about fantasizing, but didn’t.  She added a bit of jarring to her performance by bouncing up and down in her seat.

Meanwhile, Dusty scanned the area with his night vision gear.  After about three minutes of Kye’s act, he reached over and touched her.  He whispered, “Okay, I don’t see anyone around.  You can stop.”

“I was just getting into it.”

“Yeah, yeah—come on, Whatawaste.”

Kye smiled, got out her side of the truck, and walked around the front.  By that time Dusty, Asp drawn, was already starting down the path that led to the pool and small waterfall.  Kye followed along.

When he reached where he had left the path before, he moved into the dense rain forest and worked his way to the path that led to the incline.  When he reached it, he stopped and motioned for Kye to go up first.  As she neared the top of it, she saw two men, raised her Asp, and shot both from about ten feet away.

Dusty had seen her actions.  He quickly half pushed her the rest of the way up the incline, before he went around her to make sure both men were dead.  After a fast check to make sure there was no one else nearby, he whispered, “We’ll have to watch to make sure nobody comes around that bow back there and comes up behind us.”

Kye nodded as Dusty moved the bodies off the path, to a place of concealment.  As he moved down the path, she followed.  When they reached the spot that had been predetermined as their area of responsibility, Dusty pointed for Kye to hunker down and wait on the word to start shooting.  As she did as asked, he moved on down the path about ten feet and did the same. 

He flipped down his communication set speaker and whispered, “We’re in place.  Kye took out two bad guys on the way.”

He was unconcerned at no response, sure the others were in no position to respond for some reason or other.


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