Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Billy's Rescue, Book #7 of the Asps Series - Suzan gets revenge.

Today’s excerpt is from Billy’s Rescue, Book #7 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Suzan gest some revenge for an unwanted “gift” a former Marine gave her a couple of years previously.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



“Thank you so much for your consideration.  By the way, the two students I recommended for the school…how are they doing?”

“Excellent.  Not as bright as Andrew James, but we’re thrilled to have them here.  I wonder if you would do something for me, if you have time?”

“Yes, of course.”

“When are you leaving?”

“Had planned on leaving within the hour, but can delay a bit.”

“Maybe this could wait until you get back then.”

“Well, what is it?”

“We have a new student who has applied.  I’ve met him and his parents, but would like your opinion before accepting him.”

“Bit unusual, isn’t it?  Do you have some reservations?”

“Not really, but just something I can’t put my finger on.”

“Be happy to do it.”

The principal nodded as she passed the folder of the proposed new student across to Suzan.  Suzan looked inside.  She nearly fell out of her chair.  After she gathered herself, Suzan had a tight smile showing.  “It will take you a bit of time to get Andrew James organized.  If you call the parents and they’re in, tell them a representative of the admissions advisory group will drop by in the next fifteen minutes.  I see from their address they aren’t far from the school.”

The principal tilted her head slightly, not expecting Mrs. Telman to take such prompt action on the matter, but took the file back, looked at the phone number in it, then made the call.  She told the mother, who answered the phone, Mrs. Telman of the Admissions Advisory Group—which, until that moment, had not existed—would drop by shortly, if it was convenient.  The mother was only too happy to meet Mrs. Telman.  Suzan soon left, file in hand.

When Suzan arrived, the prospective student’s mother answered the door, and after Suzan introduced herself, she was invited in.  The two ladies walked to a large living room.  The woman’s husband almost fell over when his wife introduced “Mrs. Telman.”

After introducing Suzan, the wife introduced herself and her husband as Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forquer.  Suzan simply muttered, “Charles and I know each other from our time in the Marine Corps.”

As she sat down, she added, “In fact, dear Charles gave me a dose of the clap…after telling me I was his one and only.  So tell me, Charles—how did you like cleaning latrines?”

Suzan and Charles had not seen each other since they were stationed at Camp Pendleton together.  Suzan had been kidnapped by a joint Hamas/al-Qaida team operating out of Canada.  Jim’s old Janitor team had tracked down the operation, then set about rescuing Suzan and other ladies kidnapped, not that Suzan needed to be rescued.  By the time the Janitors arrived, she had escaped.  During the aftermath of the operation, it was found out Suzan had been infected with the sexually transmitted disease by Charles Forquer.  Jim was an old friend of the Commanding General at Camp Pendleton, who soon had Forquer doing a number of very unpleasant things.  Forquer left the Marine Corps as soon thereafter as he could.

With his wife totally embarrassed, Charles, trying to defuse the situation—almost to the point that Suzan hadn’t spoken—mumbled, “I didn’t care much for the treatment I received after you left the base.  I got out as soon as I could.  Dear, Suzan was Suzan Saltwater when we knew each other back then.  I take it you’re married, Suzan.”

“Yes.  To a retired KGB super spy by the name of Boris Telman.  He was with me when it was determined you gave me the clap.  I’m sure he’ll want to have words with you when I tell him you are now living in Sedona.  Not very polite words, would be my guess.  But we’re going on a trip today, so I guess it’ll have to wait until we get back.”

Mrs. Forquer had seated herself and held her face in her hands, with head down.  Forquer asked, “Does this mean you won’t approve our son?”

Suzan stood up.  “I would imagine no private school in Sedona—or the surrounding area—will accept your son.  But if I were you, I’d be more worried about my husband.  And not just him.  His closest friend and our next-door neighbor, Drew Hollins, is a retired CIA spy.  He thinks of me as a second daughter.”

With that, Suzan showed herself out.  Mrs. Forquer looked at her husband, who tried to talk his way out of the situation.  “It was just a Marine fling, dear.  No harm, no foul.”

“Oh, shut up.  I can’t live here.  I’m too embarrassed to show my face.  What if she goes back to the school and tells them exactly why she won’t approve us as fit parents, because you not only couldn’t keep it in your pants, but also passed around something like that.  How many other women did you infect before the Marine Corps stopped you?  On top of which, her words about her husband and his friend almost sounded like a threat to me…very thinly disguised, but a threat nonetheless.  I want to move away from here…now.”

“Yes, dear.  But it’ll likely cost us a lot of money to sell the house quickly.”

“Don’t ‘dear’ me, you pervert—and it’s my money, in case you’ve forgotten.”


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