Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Fido, Book #3 of the Asps Series - Asps lend a hand.

Today’s excerpt is from Fido, Book #3 of the nine-book Asps Series.  The CIA station chief in Bogotá has a problem and asks the Asps for help.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



“Actually, I’m nearby and have a problem.  I’ve picked up a tail. Was about to call a team of my guys, but since I’m close to the hotel and you’re right there, how about sending me some backup.  They’re in a tan four-door sedan.  I’m about five minutes away.”

“Can do.  Hold,” Bruce said, as he put Jose on hold and called Harry.

“Harry, Jose has picked up a tail.  He’s about five minutes from the hotel.  Let’s tail the tailers.  They’re in a tan four-door sedan.  You handle it—I’ve got something to talk to Jose about.”


Off the call to Harry, Bruce got Jose back.  “Harry will take care of it.  You just park and come on up here to the suite.”

“Thanks, Bruce.  See you in a few.”

Off the call with Bruce, Harry quickly tossed more than enough for the meal and rather large tip on the table.  “Come on, Ike—we’ve got work.”

As he stood up and headed out of the hotel restaurant, he gave a head nod to Dusty, who reached into his pocket and tossed a wad of money on the table, to more than cover the meal.  Sarah had seen the head nod from Harry and got up as well.  Jack, on seeing the quick movements by the others on the team, tossed money on his table and soon followed the other four.  When Dusty, Sarah, and Jack caught up to Harry and Ike, near the front door of the hotel, Harry quickly whispered what was going on and assigned his forces on where to deploy.

Outside the hotel, Harry and Ike went to one of their SUVs, while Sarah and Dusty started walking down the road to the left of the hotel entrance.  Jack headed the opposite direction.  As he walked, Bear and Kye were headed toward him, from the nearby restaurant they had eaten at.  He gave a slight headshake and kept on walking.  They understood at once and kept on, wondering what was going on.  When they saw Sarah and Dusty walking in front of them, well past the front entrance, they decided to follow along at a leisurely pace.

When Jose pulled up near the hotel and parked, he did so between Sarah and Dusty and Kye and Bear.  He paid no attention to them, and Kye and Bear did likewise, now certain something was amiss.  The tan four-door sedan drove right on by and stopped well on the other side of the hotel entrance, and just past Jack.  He was sure it had to be the car they were looking for, but paid no heed to it as he kept on walking.  As he passed the car and neither of the two occupants showed any sign of getting out, he walked until he reached the next corner, then turned left and crossed the street when traffic allowed.  On the other side of the street, he turned left and walked to a nearby bar and restaurant.  As he entered, he glanced at the sedan and noted the two occupants were still inside it.  He went to a window table in the bar section of the establishment and casually took out his cell phone, even as a waitress came up to his table.  He glanced at her.  “Rum and coke, please.”

He called Harry.  “They parked about two hundred feet past the front entrance, on my side of the road.  I’m now across the street in a bar.  Can see them clearly from here.”

“Good job.  Just stay there, while I call Sarah and Dusty and get them turned around.”

“You might call Kye and Bear.  I think they’re following Dusty and Sarah.  They were sharp enough to note my lack of interest in them, and walked on by without a word.  Guess the training Boris and Drew gave us is paying some sort of dividends.”

“We’ll see.  We haven’t gotten a read on those two birds yet.”


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