Friday, November 18, 2016

Whodunit Did It, Book #1 of the Bader Trilogy - Elmer agrees to re-marry Ruth with a bit of humor involved.

Today’s excerpt is from Whodunit Did It, Book #1 of the Bader Trilogy.  Some humor as Elmer agrees to re-marry his third ex-wife right after his partner marries her sister.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



Once everyone was in more comfortable clothing, with Elmer pouring drinks, he joked, “I’m not sure we need any more to drink.”

Beth laughed, “I sure as hell do…make mine a double.  In case you forgot, I was the designated driver…probably the only bride in history who was the designated driver.”

“And a fine one you were,” joked Elmer.

After everyone had their drinks, Elmer asked, “Where are you two gonna live?  That dump of Alan’s—or the plush apartment of yours, Beth?”

Before either Beth or Alan could respond, Ruth asked, “Elmer, may I have a word with you in the kitchen, please?”

Elmer dutifully followed Ruth to the kitchen.  He asked, “What’s up?”

“I want to ask you a question.”

“Ask away, baby.”

“Are you drunk?”

“Nope.  Just had a few, but sober as a judge.  In fact I’m much more sober than the judge who granted you your divorce after you demanded to pay me alimony.  Poor fella probably went out on a three-week binge.”

“Will you be serious?  I have a serious question to ask.”

“So ask—don’t threaten to be serious, then keep putting it off.  What?”

“You are drunk.”

“Nope…just happy.”

“Why are you happy?”

“Because you want to ask me a serious question…shoot.”

Ruth busted out laughing, “This is getting us nowhere.  Will you marry me?”

“Sure…thought you’d never ask.”

“Me ask?  Aren’t you the one who should be doing the asking?”

“Nope.  Did last time…you see where that got us.  Figured it was your turn.”

“You did say ‘yes,’ right?”

“Righto, baby.”

“You are drunk.”

“Maybe, but it sounds like a good excuse to use if this marriage doesn’t last, too.  I was drunk when I said yes.”

“That’s okay, as long as you said ‘yes.’  There’s something else I want to talk to you about.  I’m pregnant.”


“I’m carrying your child, you goof.”

“Well, that’s…”

That’s when Elmer passed out.  Ruth sighed, then hollered for Alan to come drag his partner to bed.  When Alan got him in Ruth’s bedroom, she carefully undressed him and covered him up.  In the morning, Elmer woke up.  He groaned.  When he saw he was alone in bed, he managed to get up, go to the bathroom, take a shower, brush his teeth, shave (cutting himself twice), then get partially dressed.  He staggered into the kitchen to see three smiling faces.  As he slowly made his way to the coffee pot, he asked, “Oh, my God—did anyone get the license number of the truck that ran over me?”

When assured no one had, he sat, drank a sip of coffee, then asked, “Ruthie, did you or did you not ask me if I would marry you last night?  And did I or did I not say ‘yes,’ right before you told me you were pregnant?”

“‘Yes’ to all of the above.  I’m pregnant.  You said you’d marry me.  You said it before I told you about being pregnant…right before you passed out.  You know, in all the years I’ve known you, this is the first time I’ve ever seen you anywhere near drunk.  What’s with that?”

“What’s after it is the world’s worst hangover.  I’m glad you asked.  I’m glad I said ‘yes.’  I’m super glad you’re pregnant…especially if I’m the father.”

“You’re not funny.”


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