Monday, November 14, 2016

Bullets And Baseball, Book #6 of the Asps Series - Asps capture bad guys in Pakistan.

Today’s excerpt is from Bullets And Baseball, Book #6 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Asps capture some bigtime terrorists in Pakistan.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



Though not happy with leaving so soon, Hassan started packing his belongings.  While outside the camp, Bruce muttered, “One hell of a cool customer, our Hector.”

Inside the “headquarters” building, without seeming to pay much attention, Hector noticed Hassan closing and picking up one of the two laptops in the building, as he handed his satchel to Kahn to carry.

Outside, Usmani summoned five men to escort the five in Hassan’s group to their car.  The Asps and friends witnessed those additions to the group.  They hurriedly made their plans, as they moved further away from the camp, leaving only Dusty on one side with Jack on the other, to watch the camp. 

When the ten-man contingent from the camp came down the path, Kahn was using his flashlight from time to time.  As they started to pass the deployed Asps group, Bruce flicked his speaker bulb.  Seconds later, five nearly silent shots, fired by Bruce, Tony, Ike, Maggie, and Billy dropped the five bodyguards.

Even as those five were falling, Hector—who had stayed close to Hassan—took a half step forward to quickly hit the man a vicious blow to the temple region.  Hassan, stunned, fell to the ground.  Hector took care to catch the laptop, set it down, then was on top of Hassan before the man started to regain his senses.  Hector already had a Walther pistol in his hand by the time he was on Hassan, not wanting his Asp in case he was frisked—reasoning a gun was understandable, an Asp not so—with the Walther in his mouth.  Even as Hassan was trying to figure things out, Hector’s finger was in his mouth.  When Hector found what he expected to find, a cyanide capsule, he freed it from the tooth it was inside, and took it out of Hassan’s mouth.  He growled, “Tape, please.”

Maggie, standing nearby was ready.  She handed Hector a strip of duct tape, which was soon covering Hassan’s mouth.  He turned Hassan over to use plastic restraints handed him by Maggie to secure the terrorist’s hands.  Hector stood up.  “Take care of his feet, please, Maggie.”  

Even before Hector had moved, Bear had his own temporary gun, a Glock, out.  He hit Kahn in the side of the head.  He had his man trussed up before Hector finished with Hassan.

Ike did much the same to Mirza.  With those three secured, Bruce nodded approval.  “Someone stay with these three while we go back to deal with the camp.”

Hector replied, “I’ll do it.  Usmani has a laptop, Bruce.  Send Jack down here to give these three something to quiet them…even trussed up like they are, they can still make noise.  I don’t want to risk knocking them out again—want to be able to question them when you guys are through.”

Bruce uttered, “Right,” as he turned to leave.

By then, Maggie had put a hood on Hassan, Ike had one on Mirza, while Tony tossed one to Bear to put on Kahn.

Even though Hector didn’t have on a comm. set, Jack still heard him—both from the wire Hector had on, and through the speakers of other members of the team.  “Nothing going on here.  I’m on the way with my kit.”

Bruce didn’t object…just kept silent as he continued to move toward his previous location.  Ike tossed Bear a backpack.  “Your stuff is inside—except for your rifle.  It’s back at the safe house.”

Billy tossed the same to his father.  “Same deal, Dad.  Nice work.”

“Thanks, kid—get outta here.”

Everyone on the team—save Bear and Hector—had on jungle camos.  A set for both those two men were in the backpacks, along with their Asps.  As Hector stood to start changing, Bear muttered, “Watch mine for me,” as he left the backpack while he started up the path.  As he did, he added, “I’ve got an idea.”

Hector shrugged and continued to change, until it hit him what Bear must have in mind.  He thought, “Some balls.”

Even as the others were spacing themselves as they had been earlier, Bear boldly walked back into the camp.  He came up to one of the terrorists.  “Forgot something.  Will you go with me when I come out, so I don’t get lost?’

The man nodded as Bear continued to walk toward the headquarters building.  Bruce swallowed.  “Son-of-a-bitch—good idea if it works.”

Bear walked right on in and, after elbowing the door shut, walked up to Usmani, then hit him with the gun he pulled from his pocket, knocking him out.  Before he started looking around for things to secure the man when he came to, he knelt, opened Usamani’s mouth, found the cyanide capsule, tossed it aside, as he whispered, “Uh, got this guy—have fun.”

Only about fifteen of the men in the camp were still up, as Bruce whispered, “Son-of-a-bitch” before he added, “Let’s do it,” as he sighted in on one of the terrorists and killed him.

Everyone started doing the same.  Terrorists were dropping all over the campsite, with none of those still upright understanding what was going on, as they heard no shots.  When those fifteen were down, Bruce ordered, “Ike, Billy, hold fast.  The rest of us, let’s get the sleeping ones.”

As the team headed into the camp, two terrorists came out of their shelters.  They died before they even knew they were being fired at.  The team systematically eliminated the rest of those in the camp. 

Meanwhile, Bear used an unrolled rag-head cover as a hood, bound Usamani’s hands with a piece of rope and, using the dangling extra length of it, led him out of the headquarters building.  He was carrying the other laptop.  Bear looked around, saw other members of the team going into, then emerging from various buildings, crinkled up the corner of his mouth, and stood still, until everyone was convinced the camp was empty of living terrorists.  As Bruce headed his way, Bear smiled.  “Got the laptop—didn’t look for anything else.”

“Nice work with your prisoner.  Took some balls, fella.”

Bear smiled before he replied, “Just seemed like a good idea at the time.  After we chased this bastard all over Oman and Yemen, I didn’t want to risk him getting killed somehow.”


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