Friday, November 4, 2016

Sedona Chip, Book #9 of the Janitors Series - Janitors get pat on the back.

Today’s excerpt is from Sedona Chip, Book #9 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Janitors get ‘good boys’ from the President for their efforts to intercept the dirty bomb as it crossed the Mexican border into the U.S.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



But before he’d ever seen that tape, Jim and the Janitors were up early the day after their trip to the California desert.  They had just finished eating breakfast when General Bradley called, and asked Jim to come to the White House and bring all the Janitors with him.

When they arrived at the White House and checked in their guns with the Marine guard, they were escorted to the Situation Room by General Bradley, where John and the President waited.

When everyone was seated at the President’s request, he smiled.  “Nice work on Nasser, Jim.  John has an interesting report on the dirty bombs you recovered.  John?”

“Safiy Nasser died a dunce, Jim.  His great bombs wouldn’t have worked.  Oh, they would have emitted a very low-radiation level, but not enough to do serious harm to anyone.  And I guess if someone was within five or ten feet, they could have been hurt—maybe even seriously—but the radiation effect would have been next to nothing.  He didn’t even have the bomb constructed well enough to make a real big bang.  Guy was a goof.  Don’t know where al-Qaida found him, but they have better bomb-makers working in Iraq than this guy, by a long shot.  The amount of nuclear material was tiny, for that type of bomb.  But you sure put our minds to rest.  We would have been going nuts, until he set the things off—and we might have lost a few people if he’d set them off in a crowded enclosed location, like a bus, or something of the sort.”

“Glad to help.  But Hector and Harry deserve the credit for this one.  They found the guy for us.  Trapping and killing him was just wrap-up work.”

The President looked at Harry and Hector.  “Nice work, men.”

Hector nodded.  “Thank you, sir.  All in a day’s work.  Part of it was just dumb luck.  Good guy’s luck, I guess.  Harry just happened to check into the right motel when we first got there.”

Harry added, “And lucked out when the first person I talked to at any length happened to be part of the deal.  Sure glad Hector had family in Ensenada, though.  Without the warning that I was in a snake’s pit, I could have been in some trouble.”

Holly joked, “Harry, if a snake bit you, it’d die.”


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