Friday, November 11, 2016

Bear's War, Book #5 of the Asps Series - After causing big bang, Asps get out of Dodge.

Today’s excerpt is from Bear’s War Book #5 of the nine-book Asps Series.  After blowing up the villa of the Iranian Ambassador, the Asps make good their escape from the area.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



When Bruce saw a police car approaching, he stopped and got out.  He looked back up the hill and pointed at the inferno as everything up at the compound was now ablaze.  The first police car to reach them hollered at Bruce to get back in his vehicle and go on about his business.  Bruce nodded, and smiled as he drove away.  Tommy, who was sitting in the front seat next to Bruce, smiled.  “Very nicely done.  A nosey bystander told to go on his way.  Very nicely done indeed.”

When they came to a roadblock, Bruce put his window down and told the policemen he and his friends in the next two Land Rovers had been told to get out of the area by another policeman.  He was signaled on.  Tommy sighed.  “That was almost too easy.”

Bruce nodded.  “Yeah, but we better get to the plane and get in the air as soon as possible.”

Judy, sitting in the rear with Billy, joined in.  “Damn good thing you had us all check out of the hotel.  Did you make arrangements about the Land Rovers?”

Bruce nodded.  “I did.  All we have to do is get to the plane, get on it, and get the hell out of Dodge.  Wish those damned Iranians had waited to screw around in the barn until we were off this hill.”

By the time the three Land Rovers reached the plane, and everyone but the three drivers were on board, news was already spreading worldwide that the Iranian Ambassador might have been killed in an explosion at his villa away from the Embassy.  After Anson, Bruce, and Kye parked the Land Rovers where Bruce had told the rental company they would be left, and the three had returned to the plane, Jack had done all he could for Bear and Dusty, neither of whom could yet hear or speak.  Both were also having trouble even seeing. 

Kye and Dusty had pre-filed a flight plan showing them going to Frankfurt, and Kye slid into the pilot’s seat.  She and Dusty normally flew the plane, but with Dusty in no condition to fly, Bruce took the right seat.  While he could fly the plane, he was nowhere as good a pilot as either Kye or Dusty, but no one else on the plane could fly, so he mumbled to Kye, “You’re stuck with me as a co-pilot.”

Kye joked, “And navigator…where to?”

England…for now.  As soon as we’re up and on course, I’ll check with Tommy, make sure it’s where he wants to go, then give Tony a call and get us landing permission at their SAS base outside London.”


As she rolled the plane into take off and then up, Kye set a course for London.  Bruce went to the cabin and asked Tommy if he wanted to head for England.  Tommy assured him that he did, having no interest in going back to Germany, until they determined it was safe to do so…once verifying the Swiss authorities weren’t looking for either him or the Asps.  In the same regard, Bruce turned on the onboard television, and the team soon discovered the explosion outside Bern was all the news.  From what they could pick up from the broadcasts, the Swiss authorities seemed to have determined the Iranians had no one to blame but themselves.  It had already been determined the truck started the series of events that led to the destruction of most of the Ambassador’s compound.  As they watched pictures of the scene, Bruce shook his head.  “Well, Bear may not be able to hear this, but I assume he can see it.  He did one hell of a job on those jerks.”


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