Tuesday, November 22, 2016

How 'bout Both, Book #3 of the Bader Trilogy - Witnessess outed.

Today’s excerpt is from How ‘bout Both, Book #3 of the Bader Trilogy.  The names of the witnesses are made public and a scramble to protect them is underway.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



While Ali plotted, Rush and Bonnie were talking on the phone, planning on Thanksgiving together.  Neither had family in the area so both were looking forward to getting together.  Their Thanksgiving planning was in addition to the night out together they had already planned for later in the day.  Neither had any idea their plans were to change, with the release of their names to the media.  Their names were soon to be broadcast by every outlet…except Helen’s station.

A very unscrupulous reporter for one of the other television stations had wormed the identity of the witnesses to the murder who had given statements from an unsuspecting uniformed officer, who had helped Sergeant Raymond Clayton gather them prior to Elmer’s arrival at the scene. 

When the first report of the names of the witnesses was broadcast, Reggie was promptly made aware of it.  After he hit the roof in anger, he called Raymond Clayton.  He asked him to find out how the information had reached the media.  After the call, he waited for the call from the Chief of Police.  It was soon coming.  He explained he was sure no one in Homicide had leaked the information, and also told him he had just finished checking with Raymond, asking him to see if he could find out where it had come from.  He told the Chief his next move was to get protection for the witnesses.

The Chief told him to get right on it, then hung up in a very unfriendly manner.  Reggie just sighed, but got to work.  As he was doing so, Helen called Elmer, who had just reached where he was going.  She told him about several news outlets putting out the identity of the witnesses—including one television station with video footage of Raymond Clayton speaking to Bonnie and Rush. 

Elmer thanked her, then thanked her again for keeping the information off the air at her station, as she had told him they were doing.  He immediately called Alan.  He told his brother-in-law to get to Rush and Bonnie and bring them to Homicide—not to ask them to come in, but go and get them.  As an afterthought, he added, “Let Reggie know what you’re doing…he may have already arranged protection for both of them.”

Off the call—even as Alan was hurrying to do as told—Elmer called the Chief of Police.  He asked if the Chief had heard of the news releases about the witnesses.  The Chief told him he had, then added, “One of the idiot stations is even showing them on television, but only named your two prime witnesses.  Reggie first, then you, are seen talking to your two main ones.  Those two will need ongoing protection.  Well, they all will, but those two need protective custody.”

“All ready thought it out, Chief.  Got Alan Evans on the way to pick ‘em up.  They can stay with me, or at Red’s ranch.  I’ll call Red…right after I get finished here with the plans for tomorrow, with Hector Garcia and our SWAT people.”

“I’ll call Red for you.  We both know what he’ll say.  I’ll get back to you.  Do a good job with tomorrow’s planning—I’m not interested in an early grave.”

“Yes, sir.  Neither am I.”


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