Friday, July 31, 2015

Latest from the Janaitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Back To China (Other Books) - New President not happy with left-over members of last administration.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To China, a stand alone book featuring Jim Scott, Bob Becker, Hector Garcia, Hector’s son Billy, and others.  In the aftermath of the kidnapping of two scientists working at Area 51, the new President soon gets a bellyful of three men not yet replaced from the last administration.   Enjoy and have a great day.
When the photos had been passed around without further comment, until Sir Anthony had them back, the Director asked, “Where did these come from, if you don’t mind me asking, Sir Anthony?”
The ex-President felt he knew what the answer was going to be…Jim knew what the answer would be, and nearly smiled as he thought, “You just stepped in it, big boy.”
Sir Anthony blew out a mouthful of air and answered, “Roughly fifteen years ago, an agreement between the United States and Great Britain was reached whereby we would exchange real-time satellite photos…this to assist the War on Terror.  Some of these photos—alas, those of lesser quality—are from one of our satellites.  The ones of better quality came from one of your satellites.”
The President was taken aback and growled at the CIA Director, “Our own satellites took most of these photos, and you know nothing about it?”
The Director swallowed and shook his head.  “No, sir…nothing.  Evidently our people thought this to be just routine construction.”
The President held in check the growing anger he felt and softly muttered, “From what I can see here, there is little doubt Sir Anthony is correct in his assessment.”
Deciding to give the CIA Director some cover—or at least change the subject—the Homeland Security Secretary asked, “Sir Anthony, if I may…how is it you are able to determine just where our missing scientists are at any given time?”
“Before Mr. Hogan traveled to America and Area 51, we implanted a GPS disc in him, for just such an eventuality as we now face.”
The President quickly questioned all four of his people if the same thing had been done with Mr. Walendy—and if not, why not.  The Secretary and two Directors remained silent, but the general—much to his pending regret—answered, “We didn’t, because in America, we don’t force our people to have anything implanted in them.”
Jim just closed his eyes and waited for Tony’s response, which was soon coming.  “My dear general, neither do we.  We asked Mr. Hogan if we could do so, and told him why.  He immediately saw the wisdom of the implant…as I’m sure Mr. Walendy would have…if asked.”
With the tension in the room—including his own—growing, the President quickly turned the conversation to the kidnapping itself, and what was being done on the ground in Las Vegas.  What followed was quite a bit of CYA (cover your ass), buck passing, and blame directed at others.  After about ten minutes of that, the President was ready to explode. 
Instead—in very even and controlled speech—he looked from the Secretary to the two Directors and issued his verdict on what he’d been hearing since they arrived.  “You three gentlemen will have your resignations to me within the next thirty minutes.”
Then he looked at the general.  “You go back to the Pentagon and find another switch to sleep at.”

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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Pool Of Blood (Other Books) - Snipe takes a shot at Bob's wife.

Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of Blood, the third book of three Bob Becker books (though Bob is back in the next book, and others down the road).  Sniper attempts to kill Bob’s wife, Michelle…on the courthouse steps.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.
Outside, Gus left Bob and the two ladies, before Bob drove them back to the courthouse.  Lorri needed to get her car, and Michelle had another motion to file.  She had forgotten to take care of it because Lorri had approached her while she had been in the courthouse.  When Bob dropped the women off, he drove around looking for a parking spot.  He found one the next block from the front entrance of the courthouse, and half a block down from the courthouse.  By the time he found his parking spot, Michelle had already run in and delivered her motion to the appropriate court.  When she exited the building, Gus was heading in her direction. 
Less than two steps and another two feet to the left of her, he saw a red dot on her forehead.  He bounded in her direction and shoved her just as a shot rang out, and penetrated the glass portion of the door she had just come out of.  Gus immediately hustled Michelle to her feet, then into the courthouse.  Gun drawn, he shouted, “Shot fired,” before running back outside.  He saw nothing in the way of the shooter.  As he was looking around, Bob, who had heard the shot, hurried toward him.
Even as he saw Bob coming, Gus realized that the sound of the weapon used was high-caliber, and decided inside the courthouse was a much better place to be than standing there, making a fine target of himself.  He waved at Bob to hurry as he went back inside.  Bob—who knew full well the sound he’d heard on his way had come from a high caliber weapon—ran into the building right behind Gus.
Gus moved toward Michelle, who while shaken, was holding herself together.  Bob followed along, still having no idea Michelle had been the target.  Gus nodded toward Michelle, “Bob, I’m afraid Michelle was targeted…laser dot on her forehead before I pushed her out of the way.  None too soon, I might add.  Fraction of a second later, heard the glass window go and heard the sound wave.”
Bob took Michelle into his arms and stroked her hair.  “You okay, honey?”
“Yeah, guess so.  I didn’t really know what was going on when Gus pushed me.  Until just now, I didn’t know anything about any laser dot.  Gus, do you think whoever fired the shot was aiming at me because I’m me…or just a random selection.”
“I’d bet on you, Michelle.  Shooter was just wanting to kill someone, there were other people around after I shoved you, then got you inside.  Make sense to you, Bob?”
“Your reasoning sounds about right, Gus—as much as I hate to think someone is after Michelle and we have no idea why.  Hold it…honey—I’m sure you have Lorri’s number.  Call her and tell her to get to our place. 
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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - NEW RELEASE - Escape From Mexico (More Books) - New character Joe Goldberg rescues woman.

Today’s excerpt is another from Escape From Mexico, a just released action/adventure novel featuring Jim Scott, Bob Becker, Clyde Feegle (and their wives), and new character Joe Goldberg.  Joe Goldberg, staying with old war buddy, Clyde Feegle “for a few days” stumbles onto a situation needing attention…he rescues a woman destined for rape and murder.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



NOTE:  This book is now available at Amazon’s Kindle Book Store, and is posted on the below web site in the new “More Books” section.



“I don’t know about alright, but the blood you see isn’t mine.  It came from the guy with his balls and penis blown half off—and the guy over there with the hole in his head.  He had a knife to my throat when Mr. Goldberg shot him.”

One of the policemen went to the other dead man, saw the hole in his forehead, and muttered in Joe’s direction, “That was a dangerous thing to do.  He might have cut her throat when you shot him.”

Joe shook his head.  “Young man, you don’t know what you’re talking about.  A shot to the forehead causes an immediate loss of body control.  Probably the first thing to happen after I shot him was the release of his knife…followed closely by the lack of bladder and bowel control.”

Before his partner could say anything to further rile the man who might well have saved a life and kept the lady from being raped first, the other policeman spoke up, “You’re right, but I’m not sure I’d have the nerve to take the shot.”

“You probably haven’t had the training I’ve had.  Army Special Forces, retired Sergeant Major.  Now, with all those niceties out of the way, let me give my statement, then you can take one from Miss Adduci.  After that, we’ll take our leave…that is, Motzi, if you want to come with me?  I’m staying with a friend in a big four-bedroom home.  I’m sure he’ll be more’n happy to have another houseguest.  We’re gonna have to get you cleaned up and get some new clothes for you.  I’d guess your luggage is still on the bus.”


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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - NEW RELEASE - Escape From Mexico (More Books) - Clyde and Bob working on finding 'Z' but having a bit of fun along the way.

Today’s excerpt is from Escape From Mexico, a just released action/adventure novel featuring Jim Scott, Bob Becker, Clyde Feegle (and their wives), and new character Joe Goldberg.  CIA Director Glenn Burgess is being pushed by the President to track down a drug cartel kingpin going by the name of ‘Z’.  Clyde and new character Joe Goldberg are busy trying to locate ‘Z’ (and have been getting a helping hand from Jim and Bob)…but no one involved has lost their sense of humor.  Enjoy and have a great day.



NOTE:  This book is now available at Amazon’s Kindle Book Store, and is posted on the below web site in the new “More Books” section.



Glenn shook his head after ending the call, very happy to have Joe Goldberg involved.  After a visit to the Oval Office earlier in the day, Glenn came away with the impatience of the President on the subject of ‘Z’. 

During that conversation, the President had inquired about the ‘Z’ hunt.  On being told nothing new had come up, he replied, “Well, here’s an idea.  What say when the next President is elected, I sit him down and tell him you have agreed to stay at CIA until you find ‘Z’?”

“That’s not funny, sir…well, maybe just a bit.”

“Good.  Then I am to assume you will spend less time playing patty cakes with Miss Guilfoyle, and more time urging your folks over there to get with it?”

Glenn had swallowed and asked, “You know about Candi and me having a thing?”

“Hell, Glenn—I’m a man, not the little blind mouse living in the White House.  I’ve seen the way you two look at each other.  If I wasn’t married to such a wonderful woman as I am, I would envy you.  But that aside—if it isn’t too much trouble—I would appreciate it if your people can take care of the ‘Z’ problem sometime in my lifetime.”

“Yes, sir—we will do our best.”

After the call from Glenn, Clyde looked at Joe and shrugged.  “Guess we best find ‘Z’ before Glenn gets pissed about being bugged about him and quits.  As you know, he only agreed to take the CIA job for a year or so, to clean up the mess left by the previous administration, and is now more-or-less committed to staying on until the President’s second term ends.”

“I didn’t know he had committed to stay on that long, but doesn’t surprise me.  He cares…unlike a lot of people in Washington.  Come on—let’s get back to work.”

The two men stayed at it until after midnight, when Joe grunted, “We’re reaching the point of diminishing return…both too tired to be of much use.  Let’s hit the sack.”

“Yeah.  Doesn’t help that we’re getting old.”

“No, it doesn’t.  Good night.”

They were back at it early in the morning, when Jo came downstairs to find them working away, with fresh coffee already made.  She asked, “You two spend all night down here?”

Clyde shook his head.  “What…you don’t remember me coming to bed and making love to you?”

“Funny, husband.  Speaking of which—never mind.”


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Monday, July 27, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Bigfoot Bait (Other Books) - Some of the former Janitors start getting involved in Bob Becker's new case.

Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, the second of three Bob Becker books (Bob is also a continuing character in future action/adventure novels—like Jim Scott who returns in this book).  With the two kidnappers from different parts of the country following their plan, the several former Janitors who will join in the search for the girls start getting involved.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.
While the Columbia kidnapper settled down on the now-closed seat above Lindsey, the Berkeley kidnapper had reached his rest stop area.  He followed much the same routine as his Columbia cohort had, before he too stretched out for a nap.  Both men had set small alarm clocks to wake them.  The Columbia kidnapper planned on a four-hour stop, while the one from Berkeley settled on a two-hour rest stop.
While those two were falling into slumber, Dan Orf—who was all tangled up with his wife Janet in bed—was sound asleep when his phone rang.  Janet eased away from him as he stirred before reaching for the phone.  He glanced at the display panel, then with a groan answered, “Hi, Hector.  What’s up?”
“You, if you’ll do a favor for me and a good guy.  Hank Cooper’s little girl, Ashley, has evidently been kidnapped from the university grounds up in Berkeley.  As you know, he’s in no condition to go up there.  He called me to ask for help, after he called Gordon Bergmann.  Gordo suggested he call me.  I can’t go up there because I’ve gotta testify tomorrow.  Will you take care of it?”
“Hell, yes…give me Hank’s home number.  I’ll call him once Janet and I are in the air.  About time for Janet to get up anyhow—she normally pees about now.”
His comment drew a poke in the ribs as Dan was trying to write down Hank Cooper’s phone number.  Hector gave him home and cell numbers before he thanked him for his help, knowing no thanks were really needed because Dan knew Hank well.
Gordon Bergmann was the Los Angeles Police Department’s Chief of Detectives.  Detective Sergeant Hank Cooper was one of his leading detectives.  He had been working on a special unit set up to investigate in high-crime areas of Los Angeles.  He had been severely wounded in a recent gun battle with a drug gang, to the point he had already had knee replacement—along with other surgeries. 
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Friday, July 24, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Too Many Women (Other Books) - Bob tricks man who was part of a murder into confessing.

Today’s excerpt is from Too Many Women, the first of three Bob Becker books (though Bob is a continuing character in future action/adventure novels).  Bob tricks one of the men who tried to kill his new client as she walked into his office.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.
Gus answered, “Hi, tiger.”
“Hi, back.  What’s the status of the one I wounded?”
“He’s still in O.R.  Last I heard they should be done with him in about twenty minutes.”
“Okay, I’m on my way.  I’d like to talk to him first—I got an idea.”
“Oh, this oughtta be good.  May I ask just what your idea might be?”
“Just thought I might get more from him than you could.  Plan on lying just a bit…well, make it a whole lot.  Would like to tie her husband up in little knots for the L.A. cops.”
“You say so.”
As he drove to the hospital he thought about anything else he should be doing to avoid potential problems.  When he realized he might be over analyzing the situation, he was at the hospital and pulled into the first parking spot he could find. 
On arriving at the emergency section, he spotted Gus, who quickly filled him in.  “He’s out of surgery.  Doctor says he’ll be paralyzed for life, but should otherwise recover.  He’s still out, but I was told a few minutes ago he could be coming up for air sometime soon.”
“Lead me to him.  Make sure we aren’t interrupted—including any doctors or nurses.”
“Be a bit hard to do—they do have the first say.”
“Was easy, I’d get a patrolman to handle it…Detective Lieutenant.  I want a few minutes with him, before he knows he’s paralyzed.”
“Yeah, okay—I’ll try.”
As those two reached Dingy Reid’s room, a doctor and nurse were headed to the room.  Gus intercepted them and quickly asked for a few minutes alone with the suspect.  He explained about the murder he had been involved in, then added, “We’re hoping to get him to implicate the husband in the murder, so the wife doesn’t have to hide out, forever in fear of her life.”
The doctor had been ready to dismiss the request until being told about the murder.  While he was a doctor first, he was also a citizen who didn’t like the idea of helping a cold-blooded killer escape justice.  “I’ll give you five minutes.”
Gus thanked him before he went into the room with Bob.  Inside, he saw Reid was awake.  “I’m Detective Lieutenant Mantia.  This fella over here is Sergeant Becker.”
Bob grumbled, “One thing before we ask you a few questions.  The doctor told us to tell you to be very still.  Any movement on your part and you could paralyze yourself—got it?”
Reid started to nod his head, then remembered what Bob had said, so he whispered, “Yeah, I understand.”
“Good.  Okay, your friend Brown is dead.  Your boss, Jay Durbin, is in custody in Los Angeles.  He said you killed a woman in his house, then you and Brown disposed of the body.  Said he doesn’t know where.  The LAPD detectives don’t believe him, but have nothing to disprove his words.  The wife…Durbin’s wife…told us you three were with the woman, and she doesn’t know which of you killed her.  Is Durbin’s story the right version of what happened?”
“No,” came the agitated response from Reid, “it ain’t right.  He killed her.”
“Durbin did?”
“What about the body?”
“Me and Moonbeam got rid of it, but we sure didn’t kill her.  Durbin’s nuts, and a damned liar.”
Bob asked, “Where did you dump the body?”
Reid told them, then Bob looked at Gus and gave a slight nod.  Both men turned and left the room.  Standing outside were the doctor and nurse. 
Gus looked at the doctor.  “Thanks.  He claims the husband did the murder.  Appreciate your help.”
“You’re welcome…and nice work Detective.”
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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - How 'bout Both (Other Books) - Elmer in hospital after car bomb blast.

Today’s excerpt is from How ‘bout Both, the third of three Elmer Bader books.  Elmer, after being battered in a car bomb explosion, is rescued and taken to a hospital.  The terrorist blast had damaged several buildings, but Elmer and other cops saved hundreds.  In the hospital, Elmer immediately starts negotiating his release with the attending doctor.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Back at the original scene, where the two officers had been killed, everyone there heard the explosion.  Reggie yelled to Alan, “You’re in charge here, until any of the brass shows up.  I’m heading over to where Elmer went.”

Even as Reggie was pulling out in his car, other unmarked cars were pulling up to the site.  Some of them were senior officers.  After a fast conversation with Alan, most left for the blast site.  The one senior officer who remained behind told Alan to carry on with what he’d been doing, while he, the senior officer, would take over handling traffic and whatnot, to free Alan up to interview witnesses.

Alan did his best while worrying about his brother-in-law (they were married to sisters), while Helen and the uniformed officer had found Elmer’s foot.  Helen was sure it was Elmer.  While the officer was less sure, he helped her pull fallen material off him.  Other officers were flooding other blast zone sites, looking for any possible survivors.  They found a few from the medical facility because with only one small door to go through, several people hadn’t made it out.  They also found bodies of those who had been at the end of the long line of people trying to escape through the back door. 

By the time Helen and the uniformed officer had managed to free Elmer, several ambulances had arrived.  The uniformed officer ran to get an EMT team to come for Elmer.  As he was being loaded up, the uniformed officer went back in to look for anyone else he could find, while Helen staggered back to her sound truck.  There, one of the cameramen had been doing his best to describe to those tuned in what was going on.  When Helen reached him, he sighed.  “Now here is our hero reporter, Helen Bledsoe.”

Helen gave him a faint smile, then took over.  “One of the courageous LAPD officers who have no doubt saved hundreds of lives here today, Lieutenant Bader, was buried in the rubble of a real estate office.  He has been pulled free, and is now on the way to a hospital.  Knowing Elmer Bader as I do, he’ll pull through…but the cowardly idiot who did this foul deed can rest assured he will not get away with it.  Lieutenant Bader will track you down.  I will be there to watch the needle go into your stinking arm.”

Ruth, with her daughter Lizzie sitting next to her, asking more questions about her Daddy than Ruth could possibly answer, pumped her fist.  “You tell ‘em, Helen.  Way to go.”


Much later, at the hospital where he’d been taken, Elmer slowly came to.  He looked around his hospital room, immediately saw Ruth and Lizzie, and tried to smile.  He also saw the Chief of Police, Chief of Detectives Gordon Bergmann, Maine, and Helen in his room, too. 

Ruth bent over the bed to kiss him, then helped the not yet four-year-old Lizzie do so as well.  The Chief of Police puffed out his chest.  “Lieutenant Bader, you are a credit to our profession.  By a preliminary count, your actions saved over four hundred people today.  Thank you.”

Elmer nodded, and groaned, “Any time, Chief.”

After a few chuckles, Elmer looked at Gordon.  “How many?”

Gordon knew immediately what Elmer meant.  “Twelve dead—four more who might not make it.  About another twenty injured in some fashion or another…not counting Maine there, with her arm in a sling, and Helen, who got cut up a bit digging you out.”

Elmer closed his eyes, then opened them.  “Thanks, Helen.  Guess I owe you.”

Helen laughed, “Yeah, but I can’t collect what I want in return, because you’re married to such a wonderful lady.  But I’ll think of something.”

Elmer smiled, “What happened to your arm, Maine?”

“Broke it.  Force of the blast tossed me around a bit.  I didn’t land too well.”

Elmer looked at Gordon.  “Reggie, Alan, and Bert working the case, I hope?”

Gordon nodded, “Yeah, figured you’d either die or not, so they were better off doing their jobs than babysitting you here while you were unconscious.”

Just then a doctor walked in.  “It seems to me I said only two or three in here at once.  Lieutenant Bader needs his rest.”

The Chief glanced at Gordon, and nodded toward him.  “We’re just leaving.”

Helen sighed, “Yeah, me too, I guess.”

Elmer joked, “Yeah, me too.”  But, when he tried to sit up, he groaned before adding, “well, maybe I better re-think that a bit.”

The doctor nodded, “You’re not going anywhere, Lieutenant.  You’re here for observation for at least three days.  You took a good knock on your noggin.  I know that doesn’t sound doctor-like, but you get the message.  You almost surely have a concussion.  You are not leaving here until I’m sure you’re out of the woods.”

Elmer grumbled, “Never been in the woods in my life.  I’ll make you a deal, doc.  I’ll wait until morning, then I’m gone—with or without your blessing.”

Ruth shook her head.  “That’s my husband, the idiot, speaking.”

Just as the doctor started to say something, Helen’s cell phone rang.  She saw it was her station calling.  She answered, “Make it quick…I’m in Lieutenant Bader’s room at the hospital.  The doctor is trying to run us all out of here, as it is.”

Helen listened for a few moments, then nodded, “Get the information to Captain Wilcox at LAPD Homicide…pronto.”

She listened a bit more.  “Know just who to get for the job.  I’ll handle it—the station paying?”

She listened a bit more, and smiled, “Good.  Get it to Captain Wilcox.”

Off the call, she looked around the room.  “Someone—probably the killer, from the message he left—called.  Told the operator at my station to tell me he had only begun.  Also said my ‘boyfriend’ was on his short list of cops he was going to kill.  Mentioned he might just kill me, too…after my comments on the air earlier.  I’m assuming he meant you, Elmer.  In case you missed it—being knocked out and all—I had a few pointed words for this jackass, and also said nice things about you.”

Elmer looked hard at the doctor.  “Ten in the morning, I’m outta here.  Or do you want to risk this guy blowing up your hospital to get me?”

The doctor, now white as a sheet, nodded, “We’ll see how you are.”


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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Horace Goes Home (Other Books) - Alan and Reggie solve side case and have a bit of fun doing it.

Today’s excerpt is from Horace Goes Home, the second of three Elmer Bader books.  With Elmer busy with the case of three murdered sailors, Alan and Reggie solve a side case.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.
“He doesn’t.  I better close the gap—he could reach his destination soon.”
“Yeah, don’t get to close—we don’t want to spook him.  Forget I said ‘spook’.”
“Forgotten.  But don’t worry about this dope.  He’s dumb as a rock.  He’ll have no idea anyone is following him.  I’m telling you this guy is loony.  I’m betting the widow has him on the way to off the gun—but if we catch him with it, I bet only his prints will be on it.”
“No bet.”
Sure enough, the brother pulled into a parking slot near a pier extending well out into the Pacific Ocean.  Alan found a spot three cars down from the brother, as the latter hurried toward the pier, with Alan and Reggie in hot pursuit.  They reached the end of the pier only steps behind the brother.  When he reached a spot about halfway to the end of it, he stopped.  As he reached under his jacket, Alan was only a step away.  “You drop your damned gun in the ocean, you’re going in right after it…freeze.”
The brother froze.  Reggie carefully took the weapon, put it in an evidence bag taken from his own pocket, sealed it, signed it, then asked the brother to sign it as well.  Like the dope Alan had predicted he was, he signed.  Alan and Reggie looked at each other, then shook their heads as Alan pulled the brother’s hands behind his back to handcuff him.  As Reggie marched the prisoner to their car while reading him his rights, Alan called Gordon.  “Hi, boss.  Got the brother with what I assume is the murder weapon.  Will you have someone go pick up the wife for me, please?  I’d like to ask a few questions of both at the same time.”
“Can do.  Give me her address…oh, also her name again.  I forgot what it was.”
Alan gave Gordon the information as he started to get in his car.  The brother looked around.  “Hey, we can’t go off and leave my car here.  It’ll get towed.”
Reggie smiled, “Very good idea.”  Then as he put the man in the rear of their car, he saw a uniformed officer, whistled at him, and signaled him to come to them. 
When the uniformed officer, who was on foot patrol in the beach area, arrived, Reggie told him to have the car in question towed to the LAPD impound lot.  The officer, on seeing the offered identification of Reggie, nodded, “Yes, sir, Lieutenant.”
As Alan and Reggie got in the car, the brother was protesting about his car.  Alan shook his head.  “My friend, your car is the least of your worries right about now.  If the gun you were about to toss in the drink is the gun that killed your brother, we’ve got you for about three felonies I can think of right now.  If the gun is the one that killed your brother, murder will be added to the list.”
“Murder!  No way—she did it, not me.”
Reggie held up his hand.  “Not another word out of you, until we get you to our nice little office.  You say another word until then, I’ll take the dirty sock off my big black foot and stuff it in your pie hole.”
As Alan backed out of the parking space, then started on the long drive to the office, he glanced at Reggie.  “Pie hole?”
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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Whodunit Did It (Other Books) - Elmer's captain kicks him and team out of office for long week-end.

Today’s excerpt is from Whodunit Did It, the first of three Elmer Bader books.  FBI, NCIS, LAPD Homicide Detective Elmer Bader, and his partner have been working the case of a murdered Three-Star Admiral (who had just been nominated to be the next Secretary of Homeland Security) together until they are worn to the nub.  Elmer’s Captain has a solution.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Just then, Captain Bergmann walked in all smiles and happiness, as he asked, “How’s my crack crime-solving team doing today?”

Elmer groaned, “Get the hell outta here, Gordo.  Now is no time.”

Gordon gave Elmer a funny look, before he asked, “What did you say?”

Reggie, fearing Elmer was about to go too far, butted in, “Another little snag, Gordon,” before he explained about the Malibu, but what they were going to do about it.

“All right—this does it.  You’re all shot.  You’re putting too much of yourselves into this—including our FBI and NCIS friends.  This is Friday.  I want everyone in this room out of here in the next ten minutes.  I want every last one of you not to think about this case, discuss it, or even admit it exists until Monday at eight.  I’m not kidding about this.  As shot as the bunch of you are, you’re not gonna solve anything until you get away from it.  Go find out what life outside this war room—as you call it—is like.”

Elmer started to explode, but remembered Ruth’s words of the previous night, not to become obsessed with the case.  He sighed, “You’re right, Gordo.  Pack up your gear, folks.  Alan, let’s take the girls deep sea fishing.”

As soon as Elmer gave in to the Captain’s comments so easily, everyone else in the room realized Gordon was absolutely right.  They had been working this case until they were getting cross-eyed from it.  Homer smiled, “I can’t tell you the last time I had as much as ten hours off.  Thanks, Captain Bergmann.  When you’re right, you’re right.  I’m gonna sleep for seventy-two hours.  See you all.”

Greg looked at each of his other three agents, saw the bags under their eyes, and saw their blank stares.  “Come on gang…nothing until Monday.  Come back ready to slay dragons then—but nothing until then.  Meet here at eight Monday.”

Even as he spoke, Gordon left the room.  By the time Greg and his people were gone, and Elmer, Alan, and Reggie had stacked things up a bit and were getting ready to leave, Gordon returned with some crime scene tape.  As soon as those three left the room, he made a big ‘X’ across the door with the tape.  He said in a loud voice, “Anybody sees anyone going into this room before eight Monday morning, shoot them.”

Elmer laughed, “A bit dramatic, Gordo…but you’re right.  We got the message.  See you Monday—unless you forget yourself, head into the room, and get shot.”

Gordon laughed in spite of himself.  He watched as his three detectives followed the path taken to the door by the others.  Elmer never even looked back as he followed Reggie, with Alan right behind him.  Outside, Elmer and Alan shook hands with Reggie, wished him a nice long weekend, then told him they would see him Monday.  After he walked off, Alan asked, “Okay, we really gonna do this?”

Elmer nodded.  “Yeah, we are.  I got a plan.  Go get your bride.  Meet me at my place.  Wear something suitable for going to sea.”

“How the hell are we gonna find a boat that won’t cost us a fortune?”

“I told you, I got a plan.  For a change, my mind is clear and sharp.  See you at my place.  Don’t dally along the way…no screwing or anything.”

“You’re nuts—but we’ll be there.”


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Monday, July 20, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Adios, Amigos (Asps Series) - SAS, SIS, and Asps work togetehr to take down al-Qaida hotshot and a large force of his followers.

Today’s excerpt is from Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the nine-book Asps Series.  The Asps, working with their British friends from SAS and SIS, Jim and some other old friends, take out several terrorists after killing the head man, who was near the top of everyone’s most-wanted list.  Enjoy and have a great day.



As Usama Ali ascended the platform, Tony sighed.  “Well, there goes our hopes of taking him alive.”

Ali had come down one of the trails with his group of bodyguards, all mounted on horseback.  One of his bodyguards held his horse as Ali mounted the platform to speak.  Tony glanced at Jim and nodded his head.  Jim nodded back and sighted in on Ali’s forehead.  “Okay, gang—let’s hit it.”  As he spoke, he squeezed off his killing shot.

Within seconds of Jim’s shot, several other terrorists started falling dead in their tracks.  When Ali sagged to the ground with a hole in his forehead, and the back of his head blown away, there was a gasp from the assembled mob.  When others started falling dead with no one knowing where the killing shots were coming from, panic ensued.  The panic only increased when Bear pushed a remote button on the panel he had in front of him. 

The first of the claymores went off, tearing a hole through those standing nearby.  He set off another, then another.  He set off all ten, spaced about ten seconds apart.  With men being ripped to shreds by the claymores—plus men falling dead all over the compound—the assembled mass of terrorists knew what terror was all about now, as they ran in all different directions.  By prior agreement, all of those in the raiding party were killing those furtherest away from them, on the edges of the compound—the idea being to get the bulk of the group to head across the creek, into the face of the claymore field there, thoughts of running early long gone.

Jim fired another killing shot at a man running for the far tree line.  As he got ready for another shot, he noticed the horse Ali had ridden to the meeting was now moving around unattended.  Jim took a closer look.  He saw what—for lack of a better term—were a set of overlarge saddlebags tied to the horse.  He also noticed the animal was getting quite agitated by all the noise made by the futile return fire from the terrorists, who were firing at random all over the area, since they still had no idea where the killing shots were coming from.  Just as he was looking at the horse, it turned facing the firing pits.  Jim shrugged as he lined up a shot for the horse’s rear, just visible to him, due to the saddlebags.  He squeezed off the shot.  It did just what he wanted—gently grazed the buttocks of the horse.  That was all the unhappy horse needed to take off on a full run…toward the pits.  Jim quickly growled, “Don’t anybody shoot the horse running our way.”

The panicked terrorists paid no attention to the horse as it forded the creek and kept right on running up the gentle incline, which eventually rose twenty feet above the creek.  It shot on past the pit to Jim’s right.  Jim set his rifle down before he took off after it, being careful to ease back from the pit, so as to not be seen by those down below.  Then he gave full chase.  The horse was headed in the general direction of where the buggies were parked.  It finally slowed, then stopped about thirty feet from the buggies.  One of the SAS men guarding the buggies had heard Jim’s words about not shooting the horse, so he figured out the horse was wanted for some reason.  He slowly walked toward it with soothing words.  By then, Jim had seen the stopped horse.  He too slowed and offered soothing words.  The SAS man reached the horse first and gently took hold of his reins.

As Jim reached the SAS man holding the horse, he nodded.  “Good job.  Hold him while I take those big saddlebags off him.”

“Thank you, sir.  Yes, sir.”

Jim smiled.  “We’ve been down this road before.  Can the ‘sir’—its Jim.”

The man smiled back at Jim as Jim took the bags off.  A quick inspection found what Jim had hoped against hope he’d find—a laptop that surely had to belong to Usama Ali.  There was also a good deal of paper in the bags, along with a few personal items.  Satisfied the exercise had been worth it, Jim looked at the wound he had caused.  He told the SAS man to get a tight grip on the horse while he did some hasty repairs to the wound.  Each of the team members carried a field first aid kit.  Jim soon had the wound disinfected, then put some healing salve on it.  He did the best he could to bandage it to keep flies off it until it had a chance to begin healing, even though he doubted the bandaging job would stay on very long.  Next, he took off the saddle and removed the harness and bit.  That done, he patted the horse.  “Okay, fella, you’re free to go—hope you find a nice mare to hook up with.”

The horse just walked off a few feet and started eating grass.  Jim grinned as he looked at the SAS man.  “You seem to know horses, been around many?”

“Yes, sir…er, Jim.  Was a farm boy before joining the service.”

Jim just nodded, told the SAS man to put the bags in one of the buggies, then turned to head back toward ongoing battle.  When he got there, most of the enemy was gathered up and headed toward the ridge, where the pits were.  Even as Jim picked up his rifle to start killing more of the terrorists, Bear set off five of the claymores, then five more—and finally, the last ten.  Those blasts had a devastating effect on the terrorists gathered just on the team’s side of the creek. 

Those who were still able to move started running in all different directions, while the team kept up its withering fire.  Finally, Bruce decided it was time to go.  “Cyrus, best get your men down from the trees.  Once they’re down, we can start falling back.  I think we’ve pushed our luck about all we should.”

Cyrus agreed, as he told his six tree snipers to come down, then carefully retreat. As each of those men reached the base of the tree they had been up, they eased back into the forest before they slowly headed for the buggies and were followed by those in the pits.  As soon as everyone was gathered around the buggies, Jack saw one of the tree snipers limping along and took a quick look at him.  He had been hit in the foot by one of the wild shots fired by the terrorists.  The only other wound received by the entire assault team had been a nearly spent round that had ricocheted off a tree before hitting Kye high on her right arm.  Jack had already treated it, even though in reality it was little more than a deep scratch. 

As Jack worked on the SAS man, the others got back in their respective buggies.  Jack helped the man to the buggy he had been assigned to.  After doing so, he got in his own assigned buggy, as Bruce nodded and ordered, “Lead the way, Dusty.”


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Friday, July 17, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Father Mulligan (Asps Series) - Jim and friends buy house near bad guy's house to keep an eye on him.

Today’s excerpt is from Father Mulligan, Book #8 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Jim and team getting house near the Papoulias estate to monitor the arch villain who was responsible for the murder of one member of the team and wounding of several others.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.
At that precise moment—after Jim and Sarah had gone through all listings they could find on the internet, then having found the ideal house to buy—Patty said to the receptionist at the real estate office she was calling, “Hello, my name is Patty Clark.  You have a listing—um, number six one seven four, according to what we found online.  I would like to purchase it.  May I speak to the agent I should talk to?”
The receptionist nearly dropped her phone, before she mumbled, “Yes, of course.  Hold the line for just a moment,” then she transferred the call to an older gentleman in the office who had the listing.
The man answered, “Hello, this is Walter Umbrow.  May I be of assistance?”
Patty replied, “Yes.  I’m interested in buying your listing, six one seven four.  Is the price listed online the correct asking price?”
Poor old Walter nearly fainted.  He had gotten his company financially involved in what those in the office called “Walter’s piece of crap.”  The company was on the hook for over a hundred thousand dollars if the house didn’t sell within the next three weeks, because the bank was going to foreclose then.  He took a deep breath, held a second, exhaled, before he calmly said, “Yes, the listed price is correct.”
“I’ll take it.  When can we close if I wire transfer the money into your company’s account?”
“The entire amount?”
“Yes, of course.”
By now, Walter was visibly shaking and his breathing was getting quite short.  He gulped in another large breath.  “Um…well, we would have to set a closing date…”
“Excuse me for interrupting.  Just give me your bank routing number.  I’ll transfer the money into your account.  With the money, I will send instructions as to how the deed should be made out…in the name of my husband and myself.  Tomorrow, we will fly out, so you can give us the deed and keys to the house.  Is that satisfactory?”
“Er…umm, do you want title insurance?”
“Of course.  Tell me how much extra to add for it, so I can include it in my transfer.”
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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Billy's Rescue (Asps Series) - Biklly gets lost.

Today’s excerpt is from Billy’s Rescue, Book #7 of the nine-book Asps Series.  While free of the terrorists, Billy doesn’t quite make contact with the team.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



By the time Hector Garcia’s son reached the end of the tunnel, then walked out of the cave, he was getting very tired, but decided to keep on until he reached the buggy he knew would be waiting for him.  In addition to being tired, his ribs ached, his fingers hurt, plus his sore leg was getting worse, the further he walked.  Also, he still couldn’t see out of his left eye, but carry on he did.  After a little more than an hour, he found the buggy.  He slumped in the driver’s seat with a sigh of relief.  After another sigh—with a look around, hoping to see another Asp—he started the buggy, then drove off. 

The vegetation in the area was quite damp, especially so at night.  That—plus the buggies being virtually silent—Jack, twenty feet from on his makeshift bedroll, didn’t hear the buggy leave.  He thought he might have heard something, but he was preoccupied with the task at hand.  He had been a total of thirty feet from the buggy because he didn’t want to defecate near his bedroll.  When Jack finished, he cleaned himself, pulled his pants up, and went back to his bed.  While defecating, he had raised his night vision gear.  Now, with it back in place as he headed back to get some more sleep, he noticed the buggy was gone.  He swore as he called Bruce, who was sound asleep on the C-130.  Bruce glanced at the display panel on his phone before he mumbled, “Sure hope you have good news for me, Jack.”

“Oh, hell, no—I don’t.  I was off in the brush taking a dump when someone—hopefully Billy—drove off with the buggy.”

In spite of the seriousness of the matter, Bruce busted out laughing.  He laughed so hard, he woke three of the other Asps.  “Jack, if you’re pulling my leg, I’m gonna kill you.”

“No, I’m not pulling your leg.  I’d rather kill myself than have to make this call—but if I did, then no would be here to make the call.”

“What?  Are you drunk?”

“Oh, shut up, Bruce.  I’m damned upset with myself is what I am, and if I'm not making sense, I repeat—the damned buggy is gone.  What do I do?”

“Walk back to our plane, you idiot.  Also, from now on, crap on your own time, not mine or Billy’s.”

“Oh, cute.”

“I’ll send Dusty to pick you up.  No sense you spending the night watching the spot where the buggy once sat.”

“No, the hell with that.  I’m staying right here, but will stay awake, in case it wasn’t Billy.  What if he shows up and there’s no buggy?”

“Who in the hell else do you think it could have been?”

“I don’t know, Bruce.  Just let me do my penance in peace.  See you in the morning—hopefully with news Billy made it back okay.”

“Yeah, okay.  See you in the morning.”


Billy would have made it back—except for one little detail.  He was a great tracker, a fine reader of the stars to determine latitude and longitude, but his sense of direction was not as keen as Dusty’s—or, for that matter, a number of the other Asps.  He drove the buggy east, as he should have—but not far enough north.  He missed the plane, about three miles to the south of it.  When he realized he had spent more than enough time driving to have reached the plane, he knew he had gotten himself well lost.  He stopped the buggy to take stock before his next move.  For some reason he would never be able to properly explain later—either to himself or others—he decided to go to Kabul, Afghanistan.  Part of the reason for his decision was he had seen the three men the team had killed so knew the man in Kabul they were sent to get wouldn’t be coming to interrogate him, because the messengers would never reach him.  He also knew the name of the infiltrator in Kabul.  He should be dealt with. 


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