Thursday, July 30, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Pool Of Blood (Other Books) - Snipe takes a shot at Bob's wife.

Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of Blood, the third book of three Bob Becker books (though Bob is back in the next book, and others down the road).  Sniper attempts to kill Bob’s wife, Michelle…on the courthouse steps.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.
Outside, Gus left Bob and the two ladies, before Bob drove them back to the courthouse.  Lorri needed to get her car, and Michelle had another motion to file.  She had forgotten to take care of it because Lorri had approached her while she had been in the courthouse.  When Bob dropped the women off, he drove around looking for a parking spot.  He found one the next block from the front entrance of the courthouse, and half a block down from the courthouse.  By the time he found his parking spot, Michelle had already run in and delivered her motion to the appropriate court.  When she exited the building, Gus was heading in her direction. 
Less than two steps and another two feet to the left of her, he saw a red dot on her forehead.  He bounded in her direction and shoved her just as a shot rang out, and penetrated the glass portion of the door she had just come out of.  Gus immediately hustled Michelle to her feet, then into the courthouse.  Gun drawn, he shouted, “Shot fired,” before running back outside.  He saw nothing in the way of the shooter.  As he was looking around, Bob, who had heard the shot, hurried toward him.
Even as he saw Bob coming, Gus realized that the sound of the weapon used was high-caliber, and decided inside the courthouse was a much better place to be than standing there, making a fine target of himself.  He waved at Bob to hurry as he went back inside.  Bob—who knew full well the sound he’d heard on his way had come from a high caliber weapon—ran into the building right behind Gus.
Gus moved toward Michelle, who while shaken, was holding herself together.  Bob followed along, still having no idea Michelle had been the target.  Gus nodded toward Michelle, “Bob, I’m afraid Michelle was targeted…laser dot on her forehead before I pushed her out of the way.  None too soon, I might add.  Fraction of a second later, heard the glass window go and heard the sound wave.”
Bob took Michelle into his arms and stroked her hair.  “You okay, honey?”
“Yeah, guess so.  I didn’t really know what was going on when Gus pushed me.  Until just now, I didn’t know anything about any laser dot.  Gus, do you think whoever fired the shot was aiming at me because I’m me…or just a random selection.”
“I’d bet on you, Michelle.  Shooter was just wanting to kill someone, there were other people around after I shoved you, then got you inside.  Make sense to you, Bob?”
“Your reasoning sounds about right, Gus—as much as I hate to think someone is after Michelle and we have no idea why.  Hold it…honey—I’m sure you have Lorri’s number.  Call her and tell her to get to our place. 
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