Friday, July 10, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Fido (Asps Series) - Time out for love...

Today’s excerpt is from Fido, Book #3 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Harry finds love (and picks up a compliment all men love to hear) in Billings while taking a few days off.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Bruce, just out of devilment, asked, “Is Dr. Chickumunga there?”

Patty pulled the phone away from her ear, looked at it, then put it back, and answered, “Yes.  Hold on, please.”

She then carried the phone into the bathroom, just as Harry was drying his face.  She handed it to him with a peculiar look.  “For you.”

Harry nodded and said into the phone, “This is Harry.”

“You met someone?”

“Yeah…don’t tell me.”

“Yup.  Time to fly.  Gotta meet Fido.  Someone special, or just a fling?”

“Special.  Real special.  Am I picking Ike up?”

“Yeah, I’ll call him next.  So long.”


After ending the call, Harry looked at Patty and sighed.  “I’ve got to go.”

“What’s this about ‘Dr.’ Chickamunga?”

“What?  Oh…Bruce being funny.  I’ve got a doctorate in languages.”

“They teach you that in the Marine Corps?”

During the last two days, Harry had told Patty he was a retired Marine Sergeant Major, and had done four extra years in the Army after he retired.  Now he shook his head.  “No, I had to do it in my spare time.  Actually, all the services are good about continuing education, if you take advantage of it.  I did.”

“Back to ‘I’ve got to go.’  You just gonna up and leave me?”

“Afraid so.  Duty calls.  Was supposed to have another day.  Obviously I don’t.”

“Bruce your boss?”

“No.  We work together.  Neither of us is ‘boss’.”

While he had been talking, Harry had been dressing.  When he put on his black fatigue-type pants, then a black pullover shirt, Patty watched quietly.  When he put on his shoulder holster, with Asp, she asked, “You always dress like that?”

“When I’m workin’.  We sometimes go to some dangerous places.”

“And you’re goin’ to a dangerous place now?”


Patty moved to him, put her arms around him, and hugged.  He hugged back, then tilted her head up and kissed her.  As he stood back, he looked warmly at her.  “Keep your phone on…please.  I’ll call you along the line, when I get a chance.”



“Please take care of yourself.  I’ve grown attached to you in the short time we’ve had.  I might be falling for you in a big way.”

“I am falling for you in a big way.  If you’re willing, I’d sorta like to make this a long-term deal.  What I mean is…”

“I know what you mean.  Me, too.  I won’t push for marriage, but I’d like to make this an exclusive thing.”

“You’re on.  And I’m not opposed to marriage…but you’d be a wife with a husband gone more than he’s here.  Think you could handle that?”

“Sure.  A sometimes husband—or even a sometimes lover—beats the hell out of what I’ve had for the last year…especially a good lover like you.”


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