Friday, July 3, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Dead Silent Calm (Other Books) - Drew and Boris conducting undercover operation in China.

Today’s excerpt is from Dead Silent Calm, Book #7 of the Janitors Series.  Drew and Boris, undercover in China, find the facility housing the mad scientist.  On the pretense of looking for a location to build a new facility, they manage to pinpoint the scientist’s location.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



One of the two men conducting the site hunt for Boris and Drew looked at the other—and in the Wu dialect they both spoke since the search for the site would be concentrated in Zhejiang where the predominate dialect was Wu—warned, “We must be very careful using that road.”

The other nodded and replied—also in Wu, “I understand.”

Neither Boris nor Drew showed any hint of having understood a word of what they both clearly heard and did understand.

As they drove up the road, Boris knew—from the directions he’d been given by his contacts—that he was soon to see the Biao facility.  As they drove, to their right there was nothing but weeds.  On their left, there were weeds also until they saw, back from the road some two hundred feet a high chain link fence, and further back the building they had come to find.  Drew and Boris seemed totally uninterested in that building and for the most part continued to look out the right side of the car.

Some fifteen minutes later they came to train tracks.  Boris nodded as he tapped one of the two keepers on the shoulder.  “This is what I hoped to find up this way.  From what I could remember of the map of this area we studied, I felt there were train tracks somewhere in the area.  If we settled on the site we saw before heading up this road, could a railhead be laid to intersect these tracks?”

With almost audible relief, one of their keepers answered, “Most assuredly.”

Boris nodded.  “Fine.  Let’s turn around and go back to that site.  I’d like to study it further, and if you happen to have a camera along, we’d like some pictures to take back to our boss.”

Soon the car was headed back down the road toward that site.  As they approached the Biao facility, Boris who really was about to burst from holding in his need to relieve himself, suddenly groaned.  “Please stop the car.  I’m embarrassed to admit this, but I have an enlarged prostate and must relieve myself, if you don’t mind me doing so in some of these weeds.”

The two minders managed not to smile as the one driving pulled the car to the side of the road.  Soon Boris was standing in tall weeds relieving himself.  As he turned to head back to the car, he dropped a GPS homing device he’d carried in his pocket into the weeds without being seen by the two keepers who’d tried not to watch too intently as Boris eased his bladder.

After looking over the site where the never to be built plant would be located in detail, and placing some stakes which had been brought for that purpose at the four corners of the proposed site, taking pictures, and discussing some details of the proposed location, including the availability of a work force, the four men headed back to the airport they had landed at.

Once back in Beijing, Drew and Boris negotiated a preliminary agreement on construction, work force recruitment and other details of the proposed joint venture.


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