Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Whodunit Did It (Other Books) - Elmer's captain kicks him and team out of office for long week-end.

Today’s excerpt is from Whodunit Did It, the first of three Elmer Bader books.  FBI, NCIS, LAPD Homicide Detective Elmer Bader, and his partner have been working the case of a murdered Three-Star Admiral (who had just been nominated to be the next Secretary of Homeland Security) together until they are worn to the nub.  Elmer’s Captain has a solution.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Just then, Captain Bergmann walked in all smiles and happiness, as he asked, “How’s my crack crime-solving team doing today?”

Elmer groaned, “Get the hell outta here, Gordo.  Now is no time.”

Gordon gave Elmer a funny look, before he asked, “What did you say?”

Reggie, fearing Elmer was about to go too far, butted in, “Another little snag, Gordon,” before he explained about the Malibu, but what they were going to do about it.

“All right—this does it.  You’re all shot.  You’re putting too much of yourselves into this—including our FBI and NCIS friends.  This is Friday.  I want everyone in this room out of here in the next ten minutes.  I want every last one of you not to think about this case, discuss it, or even admit it exists until Monday at eight.  I’m not kidding about this.  As shot as the bunch of you are, you’re not gonna solve anything until you get away from it.  Go find out what life outside this war room—as you call it—is like.”

Elmer started to explode, but remembered Ruth’s words of the previous night, not to become obsessed with the case.  He sighed, “You’re right, Gordo.  Pack up your gear, folks.  Alan, let’s take the girls deep sea fishing.”

As soon as Elmer gave in to the Captain’s comments so easily, everyone else in the room realized Gordon was absolutely right.  They had been working this case until they were getting cross-eyed from it.  Homer smiled, “I can’t tell you the last time I had as much as ten hours off.  Thanks, Captain Bergmann.  When you’re right, you’re right.  I’m gonna sleep for seventy-two hours.  See you all.”

Greg looked at each of his other three agents, saw the bags under their eyes, and saw their blank stares.  “Come on gang…nothing until Monday.  Come back ready to slay dragons then—but nothing until then.  Meet here at eight Monday.”

Even as he spoke, Gordon left the room.  By the time Greg and his people were gone, and Elmer, Alan, and Reggie had stacked things up a bit and were getting ready to leave, Gordon returned with some crime scene tape.  As soon as those three left the room, he made a big ‘X’ across the door with the tape.  He said in a loud voice, “Anybody sees anyone going into this room before eight Monday morning, shoot them.”

Elmer laughed, “A bit dramatic, Gordo…but you’re right.  We got the message.  See you Monday—unless you forget yourself, head into the room, and get shot.”

Gordon laughed in spite of himself.  He watched as his three detectives followed the path taken to the door by the others.  Elmer never even looked back as he followed Reggie, with Alan right behind him.  Outside, Elmer and Alan shook hands with Reggie, wished him a nice long weekend, then told him they would see him Monday.  After he walked off, Alan asked, “Okay, we really gonna do this?”

Elmer nodded.  “Yeah, we are.  I got a plan.  Go get your bride.  Meet me at my place.  Wear something suitable for going to sea.”

“How the hell are we gonna find a boat that won’t cost us a fortune?”

“I told you, I got a plan.  For a change, my mind is clear and sharp.  See you at my place.  Don’t dally along the way…no screwing or anything.”

“You’re nuts—but we’ll be there.”


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