Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - NEW RELEASE - Escape From Mexico (More Books) - Clyde and Bob working on finding 'Z' but having a bit of fun along the way.

Today’s excerpt is from Escape From Mexico, a just released action/adventure novel featuring Jim Scott, Bob Becker, Clyde Feegle (and their wives), and new character Joe Goldberg.  CIA Director Glenn Burgess is being pushed by the President to track down a drug cartel kingpin going by the name of ‘Z’.  Clyde and new character Joe Goldberg are busy trying to locate ‘Z’ (and have been getting a helping hand from Jim and Bob)…but no one involved has lost their sense of humor.  Enjoy and have a great day.



NOTE:  This book is now available at Amazon’s Kindle Book Store, and is posted on the below web site in the new “More Books” section.



Glenn shook his head after ending the call, very happy to have Joe Goldberg involved.  After a visit to the Oval Office earlier in the day, Glenn came away with the impatience of the President on the subject of ‘Z’. 

During that conversation, the President had inquired about the ‘Z’ hunt.  On being told nothing new had come up, he replied, “Well, here’s an idea.  What say when the next President is elected, I sit him down and tell him you have agreed to stay at CIA until you find ‘Z’?”

“That’s not funny, sir…well, maybe just a bit.”

“Good.  Then I am to assume you will spend less time playing patty cakes with Miss Guilfoyle, and more time urging your folks over there to get with it?”

Glenn had swallowed and asked, “You know about Candi and me having a thing?”

“Hell, Glenn—I’m a man, not the little blind mouse living in the White House.  I’ve seen the way you two look at each other.  If I wasn’t married to such a wonderful woman as I am, I would envy you.  But that aside—if it isn’t too much trouble—I would appreciate it if your people can take care of the ‘Z’ problem sometime in my lifetime.”

“Yes, sir—we will do our best.”

After the call from Glenn, Clyde looked at Joe and shrugged.  “Guess we best find ‘Z’ before Glenn gets pissed about being bugged about him and quits.  As you know, he only agreed to take the CIA job for a year or so, to clean up the mess left by the previous administration, and is now more-or-less committed to staying on until the President’s second term ends.”

“I didn’t know he had committed to stay on that long, but doesn’t surprise me.  He cares…unlike a lot of people in Washington.  Come on—let’s get back to work.”

The two men stayed at it until after midnight, when Joe grunted, “We’re reaching the point of diminishing return…both too tired to be of much use.  Let’s hit the sack.”

“Yeah.  Doesn’t help that we’re getting old.”

“No, it doesn’t.  Good night.”

They were back at it early in the morning, when Jo came downstairs to find them working away, with fresh coffee already made.  She asked, “You two spend all night down here?”

Clyde shook his head.  “What…you don’t remember me coming to bed and making love to you?”

“Funny, husband.  Speaking of which—never mind.”


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