Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Latest from the Janitros, Asps, and Other Books - Birth Of The Asps (Asps Series) - New team (the Asps) is formed and start planning first mission.

Today’s excerpt is from Birth Of The Asps, Book #1 of the nine-book Asps Series.  New team (to be called the “Asps”) formed, one member gets a new nickname, and planning starts for their first mission.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



“Good.  Thanks.  I’ll get right on it, as soon as you finish with the briefing I’m sure is to come.”

Bruce smiled and nodded.  “Glad to know if your mother raised any dumb kids, it wasn’t you—though the briefing will be short.  There is an al-Qaida cell on the island nation of Dominica.  Just what in the hell they’re doing there, we don’t know.  But we’re gonna find out, then eliminate them, if we can do so without upsetting the locals.  The Brits we work with asked for some help on this deal.  Right now, they’re a bit overloaded and undermanned.”

Dusty smiled.  “I assume you have a plan.”

Harry nodded.  “Yeah.  You and Mrs. MacInnis are going to go there and nose around.”

Dusty joked, “In case you forgot, I’m not married, Harry.”

“Sure you are.  Your wife is sitting not ten feet from you.”

Dusty glanced at the only lady present and asked, “How long have we been married, Kye?”

“About two minutes.  We are going to fly into Dominica, check into the Fort Young Hotel, and tour the island in all its splendor…concentrating on an area that we know is close to the al-Qaida camp—exact location unknown.  That’s what we’re to find out.”

“I hate to ask this question, but why me?  Why not one of the other guys?”

Kye smiled.  “Because you’re cuter.  Maybe not a cuddly bear, like your SEAL sidekick…but cuter.”

Bruce sighed.  “Dusty, the real reason you and not someone else is you are well checked out in flying the plane we came here in.  I can fly it and so can Harry.  But we’ve already been to Dominica nosing around, and to go back so soon might raise a few eyebrows.  The other three guys can’t fly…unless you can, Jack.”

“If that’s a question…no, I can’t fly.  The only Air Force guy here, and I’m at a loss, as far as flying goes.  Plus which, I’m not cute.  You missed out, cuddly bear…if you could only fly.”

Al, sure that a new nickname was on the horizon, sighed and nodded.  “Yeah.”

Dusty, just as sure as Al, joked, “I think we should just drop the ‘bear’ and go with ‘cuddly.’  What do you think, Ike?”

“I think we should cut him some slack and go with ‘Bear’.”

Bruce smiled.  “Okay, Bear it is.  Now then, back to our little briefing.  In a day or so, we’ll leave in two of Jim’s planes.  Dusty and Kye, the happily married couple, will head to Dominica.  The rest of us will head to Guadeloupe, just to the north of Dominica.  I’ll go into more detail tomorrow.  We all need some rest.”


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