Thursday, July 2, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - The Saltwater Connection (Janitors Series) - Suzan Saltwater not ready to die.

Today’s excerpt is from The Saltwater Connection, Book #6 of the Janitors Series.  Suzan escapes her terrorist kidnappers and take another young lady with her.  Enjoy and have a great day.



The man went to a shed, took out two shovels, and carried them, along with his AK47, into the holding area.  He set the shovels down and unlocked the cage holding Sarah Jane Mosley, then unlocked the cage holding a woman by the name of Suzan Saltwater.  He stood back from the cages.  “You two, come with me.  Both pick up one of the shovels.”

Both women did as told and followed the man out of the barn-like structure.  When they were outside, the man told them the direction he wanted them to head.  They did as instructed, until they were well into the woods.  There he pointed downward.  “Dig.”

Suzan looked at him.  “Just what are we supposed to dig?”

“Two holes.  Each six feet long and four feet deep.”

Suzan frowned.  “What are the holes for?”

“To bury you in.  You are both diseased and we don’t sell diseased women to our friends and benefactors.”

Suzan said not a word as she took two quick steps toward the man and swung her shovel before he could react.  The blade of the shovel caught him in the throat, slicing through his carotid artery and windpipe.

Sarah Jane stood transfixed…nearly as stunned as the man had been at Suzan’s quick action.  Neither the dying man nor Sarah Jane knew that Suzan was a Lieutenant in the United States Marines.  When she had been caught totally off guard during her kidnapping, she had the presence of mind to kick her small handbag under the van, even as she was being handcuffed, to keep her identity as a Marine hidden.

Ibn Ahmad’s men had searched half-heartedly for her purse without success.  When Suzan had been off-loaded in Cranbrook, she had given her correct name, but left out that she was a Marine.  To her dismay, she had not been selected by any of the terrorists to be ‘used” as had every other woman kidnapped.  She hadn’t stopped to think that being a Native American—her skin coloring and raven black hair matched closely to what the Arab terrorists were accustomed to—they opted to “use” females different from them.  Which was—to Suzan—a shame, because she had immediately decided that whoever selected her for rape was going to die—or she was going to die in the effort to overcome him.

Now, as she started removing the clothing from the man she had just killed, she glanced at Sarah Jane’s feet and was glad to see she was wearing sensible shoes, which were actually a quite expensive pair of nicely cut walking shoes.

Suzan was happy to see that the man had worn long johns under his pants.  She tossed the man's pants to Sarah Jane as she started putting on the long johns.  The man had been one of the shorter terrorists, and since Sarah Jane was on the tallish side, the pants fit her to a degree.  The long underwear, being a bit shorter and tighter, still fit Suzan (a full three inches shorter than Sarah Jane) less well, but she knew they’d have to do.  Next, Suzan tossed the man’s jacket to Sarah Jane and started putting on his shirt.

When dressed as well as they were going to be, Suzan picked up his gun and a six-inch sheathed knife he’d had.  “Let’s go.”

Then, however, she paused, picked up her shovel and placed the pointed end in the wound she had caused, steadied the shovel, and then jumped on it.  There was a discernable crunch as the shovel sliced through the high spine and the head neatly popped off.

Sarah Jane threw up as Suzan picked the head up by the hair and placed it on the now imbedded shovel.  Suzan glanced at the retching Sarah Jane and grunted, “Let’s go, you can be sick later.  We’ve got to put some distance between us and them.  It won’t be too long before they wonder what’s keeping him and come looking.”

Sarah Jane nodded mutely and followed Suzan, who was walking rapidly away from the direction of the terrorist camp.  As they walked, Suzan looked over her shoulder at Sarah Jane.  “In case you’re wondering why I did that with his head, I’m hoping that it’ll send a message to the rest of those jerks that following us might not be in their best interests.  I doubt it’ll work, but worth a try.  If nothing else, it might make them mad enough to make mistakes.”

Sarah Jane nodded.  “Okay.  Sorry I lost it back there.  By the way, thanks for getting me out of that mess.  What are your plans?  Shouldn’t we try to help the others?”

“No.  We have one gun and it only has one clip.  I may be good, but not good enough to take on all those guys.  My idea is to head south, which we more or less are.  If—probably when—we come to a stream, we’ll follow it to a bigger body of water, and keep following the water until we come to someone who has a phone.  Then we’ll call for help.”

“Oh.  How long do you think it’ll take?”

“Could be days.  Hope it doesn’t turn out to be weeks.”


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