Friday, July 24, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Too Many Women (Other Books) - Bob tricks man who was part of a murder into confessing.

Today’s excerpt is from Too Many Women, the first of three Bob Becker books (though Bob is a continuing character in future action/adventure novels).  Bob tricks one of the men who tried to kill his new client as she walked into his office.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.
Gus answered, “Hi, tiger.”
“Hi, back.  What’s the status of the one I wounded?”
“He’s still in O.R.  Last I heard they should be done with him in about twenty minutes.”
“Okay, I’m on my way.  I’d like to talk to him first—I got an idea.”
“Oh, this oughtta be good.  May I ask just what your idea might be?”
“Just thought I might get more from him than you could.  Plan on lying just a bit…well, make it a whole lot.  Would like to tie her husband up in little knots for the L.A. cops.”
“You say so.”
As he drove to the hospital he thought about anything else he should be doing to avoid potential problems.  When he realized he might be over analyzing the situation, he was at the hospital and pulled into the first parking spot he could find. 
On arriving at the emergency section, he spotted Gus, who quickly filled him in.  “He’s out of surgery.  Doctor says he’ll be paralyzed for life, but should otherwise recover.  He’s still out, but I was told a few minutes ago he could be coming up for air sometime soon.”
“Lead me to him.  Make sure we aren’t interrupted—including any doctors or nurses.”
“Be a bit hard to do—they do have the first say.”
“Was easy, I’d get a patrolman to handle it…Detective Lieutenant.  I want a few minutes with him, before he knows he’s paralyzed.”
“Yeah, okay—I’ll try.”
As those two reached Dingy Reid’s room, a doctor and nurse were headed to the room.  Gus intercepted them and quickly asked for a few minutes alone with the suspect.  He explained about the murder he had been involved in, then added, “We’re hoping to get him to implicate the husband in the murder, so the wife doesn’t have to hide out, forever in fear of her life.”
The doctor had been ready to dismiss the request until being told about the murder.  While he was a doctor first, he was also a citizen who didn’t like the idea of helping a cold-blooded killer escape justice.  “I’ll give you five minutes.”
Gus thanked him before he went into the room with Bob.  Inside, he saw Reid was awake.  “I’m Detective Lieutenant Mantia.  This fella over here is Sergeant Becker.”
Bob grumbled, “One thing before we ask you a few questions.  The doctor told us to tell you to be very still.  Any movement on your part and you could paralyze yourself—got it?”
Reid started to nod his head, then remembered what Bob had said, so he whispered, “Yeah, I understand.”
“Good.  Okay, your friend Brown is dead.  Your boss, Jay Durbin, is in custody in Los Angeles.  He said you killed a woman in his house, then you and Brown disposed of the body.  Said he doesn’t know where.  The LAPD detectives don’t believe him, but have nothing to disprove his words.  The wife…Durbin’s wife…told us you three were with the woman, and she doesn’t know which of you killed her.  Is Durbin’s story the right version of what happened?”
“No,” came the agitated response from Reid, “it ain’t right.  He killed her.”
“Durbin did?”
“What about the body?”
“Me and Moonbeam got rid of it, but we sure didn’t kill her.  Durbin’s nuts, and a damned liar.”
Bob asked, “Where did you dump the body?”
Reid told them, then Bob looked at Gus and gave a slight nod.  Both men turned and left the room.  Standing outside were the doctor and nurse. 
Gus looked at the doctor.  “Thanks.  He claims the husband did the murder.  Appreciate your help.”
“You’re welcome…and nice work Detective.”
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