Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - NEW RELEASE - Escape From Mexico (More Books) - New character Joe Goldberg rescues woman.

Today’s excerpt is another from Escape From Mexico, a just released action/adventure novel featuring Jim Scott, Bob Becker, Clyde Feegle (and their wives), and new character Joe Goldberg.  Joe Goldberg, staying with old war buddy, Clyde Feegle “for a few days” stumbles onto a situation needing attention…he rescues a woman destined for rape and murder.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



NOTE:  This book is now available at Amazon’s Kindle Book Store, and is posted on the below web site in the new “More Books” section.



“I don’t know about alright, but the blood you see isn’t mine.  It came from the guy with his balls and penis blown half off—and the guy over there with the hole in his head.  He had a knife to my throat when Mr. Goldberg shot him.”

One of the policemen went to the other dead man, saw the hole in his forehead, and muttered in Joe’s direction, “That was a dangerous thing to do.  He might have cut her throat when you shot him.”

Joe shook his head.  “Young man, you don’t know what you’re talking about.  A shot to the forehead causes an immediate loss of body control.  Probably the first thing to happen after I shot him was the release of his knife…followed closely by the lack of bladder and bowel control.”

Before his partner could say anything to further rile the man who might well have saved a life and kept the lady from being raped first, the other policeman spoke up, “You’re right, but I’m not sure I’d have the nerve to take the shot.”

“You probably haven’t had the training I’ve had.  Army Special Forces, retired Sergeant Major.  Now, with all those niceties out of the way, let me give my statement, then you can take one from Miss Adduci.  After that, we’ll take our leave…that is, Motzi, if you want to come with me?  I’m staying with a friend in a big four-bedroom home.  I’m sure he’ll be more’n happy to have another houseguest.  We’re gonna have to get you cleaned up and get some new clothes for you.  I’d guess your luggage is still on the bus.”


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