Thursday, July 9, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - The Zimo Hunt (Asps Series) - A bit of humor after Asps, SAS, & SIS raid in Pakistan.

Today’s excerpt is from The Zimo Hunt, Book #2 of the nine-book Asps Series.  After conducting a raid inside Pakistan, the Asps, SIS, and SAS gather intelligence then joke around a bit before leaving the area.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Tony and Harry found a good deal of usable information in written form in the tent, as well as a laptop computer and a meager amount of cash and gold.  By the time they finished with searching the tent and the body of Bekhit, Bruce and Sergeant Squires had seen to tying up all the men of the camp, and destroying all but two of the weapons.  Bruce explained to the men to be freed they didn’t want the weapons used for evil purposes, but two would be left behind for hunting and self-defense.  As the combined team departed the camp, Harry asked, “Tony, you don’t happen to have a ride nearby, do you?  Our cars are over fifteen miles away.”

“Sure, Yank.  We’re just down the road, about five miles.  Hike along with us and we’ll see you to your lovely lorries.  I take it you are still using the safe-house I set you up with?”

“Yeah.  And thanks again for that.”

“Good, I suggest I ride along with you to the safe-house, and we can go over the intel we gathered together.  When we reach your lorries, I’ll send Sergeant Squires and his men on their way, with thanks.  They best hightail it out of Pakistan as soon as they can…since they are not authorized to be here in the first place.  Umm…I’d just as soon that piece of information remain between us.”

Bruce, who was keeping up, in spite of growing pain in his leg, joked, “Nah, Tony…think I’ll give the Queen a call and tell her you’ve been a naughty boy.”

“Yes, right, that would be very nice of you, old chap…if you could get me a job with your CIA after I’m cashiered out of the SIS.”


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