Monday, July 27, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Bigfoot Bait (Other Books) - Some of the former Janitors start getting involved in Bob Becker's new case.

Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, the second of three Bob Becker books (Bob is also a continuing character in future action/adventure novels—like Jim Scott who returns in this book).  With the two kidnappers from different parts of the country following their plan, the several former Janitors who will join in the search for the girls start getting involved.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.
While the Columbia kidnapper settled down on the now-closed seat above Lindsey, the Berkeley kidnapper had reached his rest stop area.  He followed much the same routine as his Columbia cohort had, before he too stretched out for a nap.  Both men had set small alarm clocks to wake them.  The Columbia kidnapper planned on a four-hour stop, while the one from Berkeley settled on a two-hour rest stop.
While those two were falling into slumber, Dan Orf—who was all tangled up with his wife Janet in bed—was sound asleep when his phone rang.  Janet eased away from him as he stirred before reaching for the phone.  He glanced at the display panel, then with a groan answered, “Hi, Hector.  What’s up?”
“You, if you’ll do a favor for me and a good guy.  Hank Cooper’s little girl, Ashley, has evidently been kidnapped from the university grounds up in Berkeley.  As you know, he’s in no condition to go up there.  He called me to ask for help, after he called Gordon Bergmann.  Gordo suggested he call me.  I can’t go up there because I’ve gotta testify tomorrow.  Will you take care of it?”
“Hell, yes…give me Hank’s home number.  I’ll call him once Janet and I are in the air.  About time for Janet to get up anyhow—she normally pees about now.”
His comment drew a poke in the ribs as Dan was trying to write down Hank Cooper’s phone number.  Hector gave him home and cell numbers before he thanked him for his help, knowing no thanks were really needed because Dan knew Hank well.
Gordon Bergmann was the Los Angeles Police Department’s Chief of Detectives.  Detective Sergeant Hank Cooper was one of his leading detectives.  He had been working on a special unit set up to investigate in high-crime areas of Los Angeles.  He had been severely wounded in a recent gun battle with a drug gang, to the point he had already had knee replacement—along with other surgeries. 
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