Friday, July 17, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Father Mulligan (Asps Series) - Jim and friends buy house near bad guy's house to keep an eye on him.

Today’s excerpt is from Father Mulligan, Book #8 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Jim and team getting house near the Papoulias estate to monitor the arch villain who was responsible for the murder of one member of the team and wounding of several others.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.
At that precise moment—after Jim and Sarah had gone through all listings they could find on the internet, then having found the ideal house to buy—Patty said to the receptionist at the real estate office she was calling, “Hello, my name is Patty Clark.  You have a listing—um, number six one seven four, according to what we found online.  I would like to purchase it.  May I speak to the agent I should talk to?”
The receptionist nearly dropped her phone, before she mumbled, “Yes, of course.  Hold the line for just a moment,” then she transferred the call to an older gentleman in the office who had the listing.
The man answered, “Hello, this is Walter Umbrow.  May I be of assistance?”
Patty replied, “Yes.  I’m interested in buying your listing, six one seven four.  Is the price listed online the correct asking price?”
Poor old Walter nearly fainted.  He had gotten his company financially involved in what those in the office called “Walter’s piece of crap.”  The company was on the hook for over a hundred thousand dollars if the house didn’t sell within the next three weeks, because the bank was going to foreclose then.  He took a deep breath, held a second, exhaled, before he calmly said, “Yes, the listed price is correct.”
“I’ll take it.  When can we close if I wire transfer the money into your company’s account?”
“The entire amount?”
“Yes, of course.”
By now, Walter was visibly shaking and his breathing was getting quite short.  He gulped in another large breath.  “Um…well, we would have to set a closing date…”
“Excuse me for interrupting.  Just give me your bank routing number.  I’ll transfer the money into your account.  With the money, I will send instructions as to how the deed should be made out…in the name of my husband and myself.  Tomorrow, we will fly out, so you can give us the deed and keys to the house.  Is that satisfactory?”
“Er…umm, do you want title insurance?”
“Of course.  Tell me how much extra to add for it, so I can include it in my transfer.”
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