Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the Asps Series - Hector and Bear deal with bad guys.

Today’s excerpt is from Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Hector and Bear take down al-Qaida drug processing facility in Bolivia.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



They could also see a bit of a clearing to their left, while the shed was on their right.  Hector motioned toward the clearing, Bear nodded, and the two men were on their way toward the clearing.  When they neared it, they could see a lean-to type half building, with a large jug of water under the lean-to and the overhanging trees.  As they moved still closer, they could smell what could only be a “honey” pit.  Bear asked, “Now what?”

“Now we wait for clothing.”

Bear nodded, then left Hector where he was, as he made his way to a spot about ten feet behind the lean-to.  Soon, he returned.  “The odor is coming from exactly what we guessed.  It’s about ten feet behind their drinking water.  Sure hope someone has to pee soon.  We’ve about spent enough damned time on this operation.”

Hector grinned and nodded, then moved still closer to the lean-to.  They waited for nearly half an hour before one of the workers came to the lean-to, got a drink, then went behind it.  Bear quickly made his way to the “honey” pit and tapped the man on the back of the head with the butt of his rifle.  He caught him before he fell into the open privy.  Meanwhile, Hector held his position as he waited until another of the workers looked in the direction of the lean-to, tilted his head, then shrugged before heading their way.  After the man got a drink, he called out to the other man.  Getting no response, he went to investigate.  Once past the edge of the lean-to, Hector closed on him with lightning quickness.  Using his rifle butt, he tapped him on the back of his head, also.  As he started undressing the man after pulling him back a bit into the foliage, Bear walked up wearing the floppy hat, pants, and smock-type shirt he’d taken off the other man, to put on over his own clothing.  Hector wrinkled his nose.  “You stink.”

“You will too, shortly—I’d bet.”

Hector had to agree with Bear’s prediction when he too had similar clothing on over his own.  The two men concealed their sniper rifles, removed their night vision gear, took out their Asps, and walked out into the workplace clearing.  Of the eight men with weapons, five were talking to a group of the workers with their backs to Bear and Hector, while the other three were talking to another group of workers, also with their backs to Hector and Bear, which pleased both men no end.

The two walked boldly up behind the first five men and, as they did, Hector held up three fingers and pointed to himself.  Bear nodded, understanding Hector would take three of the armed men, while he was to take the other two.  With Hector walking on his left, Bear knew that he would take the two men on the right.  As they neared the group in conversation, one of the workers took a look through a flickering campfire at Bear and Hector.  Not recognizing them, he presented a puzzled look.  The armed man on the far left of the group noticed.  He turned in time to see Hector raise his Asp from where he had it partially hidden behind his back.  Before the man could say or do anything, Hector shot him in the head, then immediately shifted to the next target in the group.  By the time he had shot all three, Bear was lining up a shot at one of the other three men—again, starting on the right side.  That group was nearly forty feet away, but the distance was no problem with expert shots like Hector and Bear.  In less than ten seconds, all eight armed men lay dead.

As the workers stood transfixed at what they had seen, Hector waved his Asp as he pointed toward the nearby tree line.  Immediately one of the workers headed that way in much haste, without actually running.  He was followed by many of the other workers, two of whom fell due to the darkness, but were soon up and running.

Now ignoring the workers who had yet to make a sound, Bear and Hector headed toward the shack.  As they neared it, Hector shot the man in the doorway opening before the two men moved into the shack.  Quickly, the three other men inside were dead as well.  Only then did Hector turn to pay attention to the workers who had not taken flight.  As he walked back outside, he shouted out in Spanish, “Get out of here.  Your jobs here are over.  Try finding honest work.”


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