Thursday, April 14, 2016

Birth Of The Asps, Book #1 of the Asps Series - Coup plot uncovered.

Today’s excerpt is from Birth Of The Asps, Book #1 of the nine-book Asps Series.  The Asps uncover a coup plot by terrorists to take over the government of the small island nation of Dominica.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Long before Dusty had left the hotel, Harry called Glenn Burgess back.  “We’ve got a situation.”

“Go ahead.”

“Dusty and Kye found the ‘bad guys,’ but you’re not gonna believe what they’re up to.  These idiots are planning to stage a coup on the island and put in some local nut-cake politician as President and Prime Minister.”

“You’re serious, aren’t you?”

“Sure am.  Think you better call the Brits…Tony Henry, if you can get him.  I suggest you tell us exactly what to do.  Should we turn the mess over to the Brits, or just have Tony come down to help us clean up the mess?”

“How big a mess…that is, how many of ‘em?”

“Dusty said about a hundred.  Bruce and I originally figured on about thirty, so they must have been setting this up longer that we thought.”


“That’s the rub.  Day after tomorrow morning...leaving the camp at some time after two and finishing up by four.”

“Shit.  I’ll call Tony.  So long.”


Glenn thought a minute, then called British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)—known as MI6—and asked for Tony Henry, a long-time friend and intelligence trading partner of both Glenn and Harry.  When they told him Tony was on the island of Barbados, he thought how fortunate he was to have tracked Tony down there.

With Tony on the phone, Glenn sighed, and thought just a second.  “This is Glenn Burgess, Tony.  You on a secure line?”


“Yes.  We’ve got a ‘situation,’ as Harry Chickamunga called it.”

“How is Harry these days?”

“Fine—except for the mess he found for you.”

“Which is?”

“It’s about that Dominica thing you were worried about.  Harry told me they estimate about a hundred al-Qaidas are there, planning a coup.  Of further possible interest, a Chinese Frigate and an Iranian Destroyer are en route from Cuba to Venezuela, but taking a strange course to get there.  Before calling you, I got an update on their location, and it would be very easy to alter course slightly and wind up at Dominica.”

“Whoa, whoa, hold it.  That makes no sense.”

“Tell me about it.  The additional rub is that they plan to do this in less than thirty-six hours.  We’ve got Harry and four others on Guadeloupe—or rather Marie-Galante—and two more on Dominica.  Since they’re all Special Forces trained and excellent at what they do, they’ll have no problem taking out a hundred idiot al-Qaidas.  I’ll be happy to second them to MI6, for say about forty-eight hours, if you keep it to yourself that I did so without authorization.  Or you can just deal with it yourself and I’ll pull my people out.”

“I’ve got time to get my own people in there, but your team has done the grunt work, so I may as well let them in on the fun.”

“In other words, if this blows up, you can blame it on us.”

Tony chuckled, “Something like that, old chap.”

“Okay.  Harry and his folks are on a cabin cruiser named Holly.  I’ll tell Harry you’ll be there…”

“Six hours.”



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