Friday, April 22, 2016

Billy's Rescue, Book #y7 of the Asps Series - C-130 to get a larger crew.

Today’s excerpt is from Billy’s Rescue, Book #7 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Wendy explains to Maggie why she is adding crew and who they are.   Enjoy and have a great day.



“Huh?  Oh, yeah—you don’t know them.  Goose Kovarik is a retired two-star…Major General…Air Force.  Can fly this thing, navigate, act as engineer, plus he’s just an all-around good guy.  His son, Chet, is a retired Air Force Captain.  Got the same deal as Phil…enlisted until late in their careers, before they got promoted to officer status by a thankful President for their service on this plane (when the Air Force still owned it) as we flew Jim and some other guys—including Billy’s dad, Hector—all over hell and gone.  All top secret—well, beyond top secret—so keep it under your hat.  Anyhow, I’ve known Goose for a long time, know he’s retired, and doing not much but hunting and fishing—Chet, too.  Though Chet has some sort of job where they live, he jumped at the chance to get back in the air with us.  Knows Jim will take care of him financially—a hell of a lot better than he’s making now.  With those two, we’ll never be shorthanded on the plane again.  Might even free you up for some fun and games in the field with the rest of the team.”

“I’d like that.  More what I was trained for.”

“Yeah, will work out better all around.  We need the plane to do any Gatling runs, Phil and Chet can handle it…while Goose and I handle things up here.  We know going in the Gatlings are gonna come into play, we normally figure out a way to get more people on the plane.  The deal with Phil this time was a fluke, but flukes are what I’ve been worried about for the longest.  He’d have been hurt worse than he was and we needed the Gatlings, we’d have been in the shits.  You were it while I was alone up here—not a good deal.  It was bad enough with both of you back there, with no one up here but me—though at least I knew I had one of you to call if I needed help.” 

“Yeah, I thought we were running a bit thin, with only three of us on the plane.”

“A bit thin is an understatement—with four of us, we’ll still be more than thin, but at least it makes a bit of sense.  Three is just stupid.  I should have put my foot down a long time ago.”


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