Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tears And Terrorists, Book #4 of the Asps Series - Judy's memory coming back.

Today’s excerpt is from Tears And Terrorists, Book #4 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Judy’s memory starting to come back…and some of it isn’t too nice.  They want his help in finding the al-Qaida terrorist operating out of the area.  Enjoy and have a great day.



“Yeah.  We bugged her room…just in case she has a problem.  Got speakers for the bugs all over the damned place.”

Dan remembering to turn the speaker on paid large dividends half an hour later, as they all heard screaming from Judy’s bungalow.  Jim was nearest the tunnel connecting the pool room to the bungalow section.  He tore off in that direction, with Dan right behind him and Janet last in line, but closing ground on the two men as they raced down the tunnel.  When Jim reached the door, he opened it and stood aside to let Dan and Janet go in first.  Judy was having a violent nightmare, and Janet rubbed her arm and said soothing things to her, until she woke up shivering and crying.  Janet pulled her part way upright and held her tight, until Judy calmed down.  Judy muttered, “Now I remember where the scars on my ankles and wrist came from.  Oh, God, I wish I didn’t.  It was horrible.”

Dan reached out and stroked her hair.  “You tell us what you want when you want.  We don’t need to know.”

Judy shook her head.  “No, this I’ve gotta tell you.  I tried to escape.  Made it to the sea and was gonna try to swim for it…or steal a boat or something.  To where, I didn’t know, but figured I might run into a ship that wasn’t Iranian.  By the way, it was the Iranians who sank our boat and fished me out of the drink.  Anyhow, they caught me there at ocean’s edge.  Took me back to the prison and chained me up.  They raped me over and over again…all the guards must have had a turn.  Anyhow, the reason this is important—I saw Tommy when they brought me back.  He was in one of the cells…saw me and cried.”

Jim gently asked, “Do you have any idea how long ago that was?”

Judy smiled faintly.  “I don’t know when ‘now’ is…I mean, what year and so forth.  Or the month, or anything.”

Jim told her and Judy nodded, “In that case, about three years ago…no, more like two and a half.  They had us a long time, huh?”

Janet stroked her hair.  “Yeah, they did.”

Judy just shivered as she remembered more, but couldn’t bring herself to tell the others right then.  She knew she’d have to get it out, but she’d wait until it was just she and Janet.  The men could find out from Janet.  She was too embarrassed to tell them.


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