Monday, April 4, 2016

Back To Iraq, Janitors Series Book #2 - Tom has some explaining to do.

Today’s excerpt is from Back to Iraq, Book #2 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Recently married, Tom Wilson has to explain to his new wife about the Janitors in the immediate aftermath of the Islamic terrorist 9/11 attack on America.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



In short, every one of Tom’s friends had impressed her.  There was one thing, however, she did not know, and that, she was about to find out.  Like a vast majority of Americans, Tom and Jessica were watching television, with tears rolling down Jessica’s face, Tom clenching and unclenching his fists and swearing quite often.  After news came in about the plane going down in Pennsylvania, Tom reached over and turned off the small office TV set.  “Jessie, there’s something we must discuss.”

Jessica pointed at the TV.  “But, Tom...”

“Sorry, honey, that will have to wait.  Sometime soon, I’m going to be getting a phone call.  Not much after that—my guess would be a day or two—I’ll be going to Washington and probably will be gone for an extended period of time.”

Jessica Wilson was not a naive little girl.  From the time she had known Tom, about every six to eight weeks he would announce he was going away on business and always left her in charge of the business for the ten or so days he was gone.  Now she shook her head.  “Those ten-day trips you’ve been taking every two months didn’t have a damn thing to do with ‘business.’  I knew something was up with that, but didn’t know what.  I like all your friends, but they all seem to have a certain edge to them.  Now that I think about it, so do you.  Are you CIA or something?”

“Or something.  Jim Scott heads up a group of ‘advisors’ to the President.  I’m part of that group.  The ‘business’ trips were for training.  Jim wants all of us to be able to mesh as a unit, if and when we go into the field.”

“Wait a minute!  Advisors to the President…the President of the United States?  The guy in the Oval Office?”

“The same.”

“Just what do you advise him on, and what does that have to do with going into the field?  Field as in going out and getting shot at?  Like some Army guys or something?”

“Or something.”

“You say that again and I’m going to punch you.”

“Jessie, simmer down.  Let me explain the whole thing,” which he did.

When Tom was finished, Jessie took his face in her hands and kissed him.  “Wow!  I’m scared for you, but proud of you, too.  And if you go after the guys responsible for this…this abomination, kill a couple of them for me!  When you go to Washington, I know I’ll have to stay here and keep the business running, but will you be able to stay in touch and let me know what’s up?”


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