Friday, April 29, 2016

How 'bout Both, Book #3 of the Bader Trilogy (Other Books) - Terrorist killer to find him.

Today’s excerpt is from How ‘bout Both, Book #3 of the Bader Trilogy.  Elmer’s team finds out who the killer from the previous day is, and it is verified by two witnesses to the crime.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Reggie walked into the conference room.  “How’re you feeling, Elmer?”

“Don’t ask, or I might go back to the hospital.  Hurt everywhere, but the doctor was satisfied on the concussion front.  Told me I’d be okay if I kept it slow and easy.  Trust me, that’s exactly what I’m gonna do.  You been through what Alan and Bert came up with?”

“Yeah—I like the bozo they do…this Simmons jackass.  Oh, by the way—Greg Noonan, over at NCIS, called.  He said any help you need, he and his people are ready.”

Elmer nodded as he shoved the stack of sheets to Maine, before he pointed to a stack of files.  “Those the files going with these summary sheets, Alan?”

“Yeah.  As I said, we didn’t do complete files on all those others, or the ones who fit the profile but we don’t feel are right for one reason or another.  That’s the other stack of summary sheets.”

Maine looked at the top sheet of Leman Simmons’ file.  “Guys, this is almost too easy.  This has to be the guy.  Fits the description our two witnesses we talked to gave us right down to his big feet, Elmer.”

“Yeah, I noticed about the big feet, too.  His ethnic profile sure fits, too…half-white, the other half dark-skinned Arab.  Parents both dead:  father in a drug raid shootout with police, when he was five…mother died of natural causes when he was sixteen.  Baptized Methodist, but no mention of what his father’s religion was.  I always get nervous when it seems too easy.  In this case, maybe knowing who he is and finding him might be two different things.”

Those in the conference room settled into conversation about the prime suspect, until Bonnie Rockhead and Rush Bretnall arrived.  They had gone out for a drink after finishing their statements.  They found they really liked each other.  Thirty-five-year-old Bonnie was divorced…had been for several years.  Forty-two-year-old Rush had lost his wife due to cancer two years earlier.  Neither was dating at the time they met.  Now, as they were shown into the conference room by a uniformed officer, they exchanged greetings with those there, who—with the exception of Reggie—they knew from their conversations of the previous day.  After Reggie was introduced to them, Rush asked, “How’re you feeling, Lieutenant?  Saw on the news you were injured in the explosion of the jerk’s car.”

“Dinged a bit.  So was Maine, as you can see by her lovely sling.  We’ll both survive, I hope.  Have a seat—we’ve got some pictures to show you…don’t we, Alan?”

Alan grinned as he reached for a file folder with the pictures of the twenty suspects inside.  They were all shown to Bonnie and Rush.  Both immediately picked the picture of Leman Simmons from the group as the man they had seen kill the two officers.  Both were adamant he was the right man, then Bonnie asked, “How did you find out it was him so soon?”

Reggie answered, “By good police work by Alan and Bert.  Also, on the suggestion from his hospital bed, by Elmer…whose wife came up with a key idea along the way.”

Rush smiled, “Nothing like a family affair in police work.”

Elmer grinned, “Though my wife is a wonderful housewife and mother, she has never been in police work…but keeps coming up with great ideas when I’m working on a case.  At times I almost start with her thoughts, because they’re often better than mine.  In this case, we had two avenues of inquiry to pursue…she suggested bringing them together—which led us to this guy.  That out of the way, I’ve a question for both of you.  Did either of you discuss your statements to us yesterday with anyone?”

Rush tilted his head a bit.  “I mentioned I had been there and gave a statement to the police, but didn’t go into detail, or tell anyone I was coming down here today.  Just told ‘em at work I had an errand to run.  Why?”

“We will keep your name out of any press releases.  I would suggest you keep it quiet, also.  No sense having to protect you while we’re trying to find this jerk.  How about you, Bonnie?”

“No.  No, that is, that I talked to anyone other than Rush about yesterday.  Glad I kept my mouth shut for once—will continue to do so.  I had some time off coming at work, so just took the day off.”

Alan joked, “Nothing like a nice lady who can keep her mouth closed.  Would you like to meet my wife to give her lessons?”

Maine grinned, “I’m tellin’ Beth what you said the next time I see her, Alan.”

Elmer held up his hand.  “Oh, no, you’re not, young lady.  I don’t want to sound like a shill for Las Vegas, but what happens in this squad room stays in this squad room.  Period.”


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