Monday, April 18, 2016

Fido, Book #3 of the Asps Series - Drew and Boris after al-Qaida terrorist.

Today’s excerpt is from Fido, Book #3 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Boris and Drew, along with Suzan and Janet visit an old friend of Boris…who had absconded with millions from KGB coffers after the fall of the Soviet Union.  They want his help in finding the al-Qaida terrorist operating out of the area.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



When the plane was about fifty miles from the ranch of the man calling himself Vladimir Sokolov, Boris called the number Angelo had given him.  When he had Vladimir Zukov on the phone, he said, “Hello, Vlad, old friend.  I thought I better let you know who’s about to land at your ranch.  Boris Telman, here.”

Vladimir Zukov turned pale and choked out the words, “How did you find me?”

“Quite by accident…and mean no harm to you.  I could care less about the little nest egg you took with you.  I took a good deal more over the years.  You keep my secret, and I’ll keep yours.  Your friend in Costa Rica has no idea I know your real name.  I’d like to land on good terms.  If you’d prefer I not land, I will tell my pilot to turn around, and we will forget each other.  Your choice.”

Vladimir had trouble even breathing at that point.  “Land…on good terms.  We have a deal about secrecy…both ways.”

When the plane landed, only Vladimir was in the Land Rover to meet it.  After Boris got off with Drew, he walked up to Vladimir and nodded, “Hello, Vlad,” and held out his hand, which was taken and shaken.

As Vladimir glanced at Drew, he noticed the two women getting off the plane.  Boris introduced his three companions to Vladimir, using the last name Sokolov.  It seemed to relieve Vladimir somewhat, who, even as he had driven to the plane wondered if Boris had told him the truth on the phone.  Introductions out of the way, Boris got to the point of the trip.  “We need your help, old friend.  We’re looking for a man in Laguna de Perlas, going by the name of Rafael Sanchez.  Do you happen to know him?”

“No, afraid not.  What’s he to you?”

“He’s al-Qaida.  I want him…very badly.”

“Al-Qaida…here in Laguna de Perlas?  What are they doing here?”

“That is what we hope to find out.  Will you help us, beyond letting us land here?”

“Yes.  Yes, of course.  Come, let me drive you to my ranch house, and we can discuss it over…vodka.”

As they got into the Land Rover, Boris, who had introduced the ladies only by their first names, added to this earlier introduction.  “I omitted the last names of the ladies.  Suzan is my wife.  Jan is the wife of a dear friend, who is presently at the home of your friend in Costa Rica…who, by the way, has no idea I know who you are.  I managed to keep it to myself when he showed me a picture of you two with a cow…er, pardon, ‘prize bull.’  He simply knows I’m after this Sanchez fellow, and I was coming to Laguna de Perlas to hunt for him.  Since you have your ranch here with airstrip, he suggested we land here, to save a bit of aggravation from landing at Bluefields, then taking a boat to Laguna de Perlas.  I have, of course, informed my friends here of your real identity.  However, you may trust their silence on the matter.  Those friends of mine still at your friend’s ranch can also be trusted with the information.  I see no need to let your friend know, however.”

Vladimir recognized the threat in the statement.  Knowing full well he was being told the failure of the four in his Land Rover to return to Costa Rica would be dealt with in an unfriendly manner, and he would, at best, be exposed.  He was, however, pleased at the subtle way Boris had warned him against treachery.  He decided at once the unfriendly reception he had planned for Boris and his friends at his ranch house would be cancelled.  He took the radio microphone, which was connected to his home.  “I’m on my way back with my friend and his companions.  Please start preparing the food, for a grand meal in their honor.”

Had he made no contact on the radio, his men had instructions to take out whomever he brought to the ranch house, as soon as they got out of the Land Rover.  Now his men quickly dispersed, and his domestic staff was told to get about preparing the requested meal.

Boris smiled after the radio message was sent and asked, “How many?”

Vladimir asked, “How many what?”

“How many men did you have waiting at your home, to eliminate us?”

Vladimir thought of lying, but remembered Boris was one of the few men who actually frightened him.  He answered, “Six.”

“Not enough, I fear.  Oh, and a grand meal at this time of night is not needed.  We have already eaten, but thank you for the thought.”

Vladimir swallowed, because he suddenly realized his six men might not have been enough and he might have died in the process.  When he stopped the Land Rover, he paid closer attention to the two women as they got out, and noticed both were wearing well-concealed shoulder holsters.  He reasoned the wife of Boris Telman quite probably was very capable, in spite of her gender, and suddenly was very sure he and his men might have failed in their efforts to eliminate Boris and his party.  Only then did he remember the name ‘Drew Hollins’…which had to be short for Andrew F. Hollins…the best man the CIA ever had.  He was almost sick to his stomach at that point, and glad they didn’t want to eat.


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