Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Sedona Chip, Book #9 of the Janitors Series - More bum dope for the French.

Today’s excerpt is from Sedona Chip, Book #9 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  General Bradley comes up with an idea on how to feed the French more disinformation…and Jim wants to ask a favor of the President.  Enjoy and have a great day.



“Stay on him for now.  In the meantime, ship me that list of names of the spies you know about, and the companies they’re trying to spy on.”

When the list came in, General Bradley scanned it and smiled.  An old friend of the Janitors who had helped on several occasions—Bettencourt Industries—was on the list.  An idea formed in General Bradley’s mind and he called Jim.  “Jim, I need you over here as soon as you can make it.”

“Good.  I wanted to talk to the President, anyhow, to ask a favor.  I’m on my way.”

“I’ll see you when you get here.”

Next, the General asked the President if he had time for a conference with Jim and John Engle.  Told that the President did have the time, he called John and asked him to come over as quickly as possible.

Later, when all four men were seated in the Situation Room of the White House, General Bradley opened the conversation, “This Maurice Lambourne guy is back from France, Mr. President.  John tells me we are aware of several French industrial spies operating in this country, and many have been fed false information…in some cases, for years.  I asked John for a list of those spies, and the companies they tried to penetrate.  On that list, I noticed Bettencourt Industries.  They do quite a bit of work for the military.  In addition, in the past they’ve been quite helpful to Jim and the Janitors.  I’d say this is a perfect opportunity to confirm the French misconception that we have our super weapon.  Jim, would you like to add anything to that thought?”

“I’d say you’ve come up with a good idea, General.  Dan and Jan are very good friends with Steve Bettencourt and his wife, Joyce, the former actress Billie Jo Lane…her stage name. After we dream up what Steve has been making for the super weapon, I can have Dan and Jan go visit the Bettencourts, and fill them in on what we want leaked to the French spy.”

The President nodded.  “I like it.  John?”

“So do I, sir.  Great opportunity to mess with the French still again.  General, any idea what type of thing Bettencourt has been making for the Sedona Chip program?”

“Not off the top of my head.  Jim?”

“Easiest thing would be to call Arnold Buchanan and ask him to come up with something.  He’s in on the ruse, and he is a very good scientist.  Hell, now that we’ve given him the idea, he’s probably working on a way to come up with such a weapon.”

The President chuckled, “Okay, I’ll leave it to you gentlemen to come up with a way to embellish what we’ve fed them so far.  Jim, General Bradley mentioned that you have a favor to ask.”

“Yes, sir.  It’s about a horse.  I wonder if it would be okay if I had Wendy fly it to Montana for me?”

General Bradley rolled his eyes, but said nothing.

John just chuckled.

The President smiled.  “Jim, anything you want within reason—and I’d say flying a horse to Montana is not too big a bonus for the work you’ve done for this nation.  But, would you care to explain just a bit about the horse?”

Jim told where they found the horse and why he planned to add it to his stock, presently being cared for by a neighbor. 

When he finished, the President asked, “You do know that any animal coming into the United States from abroad is supposed to go through quarantine, don’t you?”

“Yes, sir.”

The President flipped his hand.  “Do what you want.  It’s fine with me if you fly it to Montana or whatever.  Um, is he a nice-looking stud?”

Knowing that the President was a horseman, Jim nodded.  “Yes, sir.  Bit of a bag of bones, right now, but we can fatten him up.  I, of course, have no idea of his bloodlines, but—other than being much too thin—he’s a nice-looking brute.  If you can figure a way to sneak away, we have him in the hanger for our 130 at present.”

General Bradley again rolled his eyes, but the President replied, “I’d love to.  As a matter of fact, I’m taking a short trip tomorrow morning.  Must shore up some sagging conservative support for one of our senators.  Do you mind getting up about six?”


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