Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Whodunit Did It, Book #1 of the Bader Trilogy (Other Books) - Elmer and Greg to take trip.

Today’s excerpt is from Whodunit Did It, Book #1 of the Bader Trilogy.  Greg and Elmer going to Berlin to talk to the fence who got the stolen jewels.  Enjoy and have a great day.



After breakfast, with everyone fully dressed, Elmer glanced at his watch.  “We’ve got time for another cup of coffee, Alan.  We can kick around what we’ll do today while we’re enjoying a good cup of coffee.”

Alan knew Elmer was joking, because he knew he made coffee Elmer liked, but he said nothing as he poured himself a cup after Elmer had filled his.  The two women were in the living room, already talking about planning the wedding.  Elmer was about to comment on that when his phone rang.  He glanced at the display.  “Hi, Greg—top of the morning to you.  It’s a wonderful day.”

“What has you so upbeat?  You catch our killer?”

“I wish.  No—the happiness is Alan…he’s getting married.”

“Poor fella.”

“Be nice.”

“Yeah—tell him I said ‘congrats.’  Now, about the reason for my call.  How would you like a nice little trip to Berlin?”

“Come again?”

“I talked to Homer.  He gave me his okay, then I talked to my boss.  He gave his blessing.  Now I’m asking you if you’d like to go have a word with Ebert?  We know where he’s at.  I have a plan.”

“Nothing like a man with a plan.  Tell me.”

Greg did.  When he finished, he asked, “You game?”

“Oh, sure—if my Captain says okay.  You call him…I’m chicken.  Just had a thought—you mind if I bring someone along?  Not Alan…my ex-wife.”

“Sure, there’s plenty of room on our plane—which, by the way, you’ll love.  I’d like to spend my time flying all around the country in it.  May I ask why?

“I like her.  She might enjoy the trip.  Yeah, yeah—I know…no time for shopping.  Just a fast in and out once we get what we want.  By the way, I like the plan…sounds like fun.  Maybe the bastard will even wet himself to make it more fun.”

“That would be nice.  Uh, I take it you’re not in your office, since you want me to call Captain Bergmann.”

“Correct.  But if I was, I’d still have you do it.”

“Get back to you as soon as I get his okay.”

“Thank you.”

Finished, Elmer yelled out, “Hey, Ruthie—you want to take a little plane ride…executive jet…to Berlin with me?”

Ruth and Beth came into the kitchen.  Ruth asked, “What gives?”

“Oh, Greg Noonan at NCIS is gonna ask the German fella who bought the jewelry store loot a few questions.  Wants me along to make sure he does it right.”

“There’s more to it than that, Detective Bader.  Give.”

“Can’t…top secret stuff.  Oh, okay—before you have a cat—he’s gonna pull a bluff.  One to see if we can bleed the guy for information on ‘Whodunit’.”

“Okay—sounds like fun.  You aren’t likely to get shot, I guess.  Got time for a bit of shopping?”

“Nope.  Just a long plane ride there and back.  Be two days…almost all of it in flying time.”


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