Friday, April 15, 2016

The Zimo Hunt, Book #2 of the Asps Series - Boris and Drew to hunt for Zimo.

Today’s excerpt is from The Zimo Hunt, Book #2 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Boris and Drew volunteer to hunt down Zimo.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Everyone laughed at that, and then Ike—who had been going over the printed out material found on the laptop taken by Dusty, Bear, and Kye on their little side adventure involving the Chechens and their al-Qaida higher up—swore and added, “Man-o-man, I want this bastard!”

On a list of reliable al-Qaida contacts in various countries was a man in Iraq.  He was a member of the government there, and had been a pain in the side of Army Special Forces for some time.  The others gathered around and took note of the man on the list Ike was now pointing to.

Bruce patted him on the shoulder.  “We get time, you can have him, Ike.  Iraq was your territory, and I can imagine why you want him.  For now, we have other fish to fry.  How do we go about tracking down Zimo?”

Boris answered, “I not humbly suggest you let Drew and me handle that little matter.  First off, we should find out where his plane lands…then Drew and I will commence finding him for you.”

Bruce looked at Boris.  “Thanks for the offer, Boris, but you two guys have done enough for us.  I know this has kept you away from your homes and lifestyles for some time now.  I also know you two can do a better, faster job than we can—but I don’t feel right in asking it of you.”

Drew asked, “Who asked us?  We volunteer.  We stirred things up on this Zimo character, and we’ll see it through.  Neither of us is too good at letting someone slip through our fingers and having someone else pick up our pieces.”

Boris smiled and added, “Furthermore, this has been fun.  Drew and I have a lifestyle of chess, golf, and sex.  While the sex—in my case, at least—is excellent, the chess is better now that Drew has learned a thing or two.  The golf is also better, now that I have learned a thing or two.  It keeps the blood circulating to have a turn or two around our old area of expertise.”

Harry smiled.  “Offer accepted, with thanks.”

Drew nodded.  “Good.  Tony, get on the horn and use your influence to find out where in the hell his plane lands.  Until then, I’m napping.  Oh, and the sex I experience with Sharon is excellent, also.  Holly, I trust when you girls get together again, you’ll pass along that last to my bride.”


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