Thursday, April 21, 2016

Bullets And Baseball, Book #6 of the Asps Series. Two Asps and an extra CIA agent need repairs.

Kye called Glenn and filled him in on the goings on in Yemen, including the pending sea “disaster.”  When she finished her report, Glenn was quite happy at what he’d heard.  “Sounds like you had a bit of fun.  We’ll keep an eye on the ship and let you know if Billy and Bear’s plan worked.  Safe trip home.  Um…you gonna stop in England to get the injured looked after?”

“Don’t know.  Not sure just how bad they are.  Also, there’s the matter of the SAS base.  Our British friends might not be too thrilled to have us bringing the three guys—even though they’re CIA—there.  We need to make a pit stop, one of us can call Tony and ask.”

“As long as you don’t tell them—our three guys, that is—just exactly where in the hell they are, it should be okay.  I can call Sir Alistair, if need be.”

“Naw, we can handle it.  They love us—not so sure about you.”

“Very funny.”

In the air, with Dusty, Kye, and Pete taking turns flying, since Bruce and Maggie were in no shape to do so, Bruce called Tony Henry.  “On our way home.  Need to take advantage of our friendship to make a repair stop at our neighborhood SAS base.  We’ve got three CIA agents from Yemen aboard with us—one of them needs some attention, as do Maggie and I.  Nothing serious, but Jack insists we make the stop…says your doctors are better than anyone we’d use at home—unless we went to one of the VA hospitals, which we can’t do with CIA and MI6 types.  Oh, I could go there being retired Military, but not without a lot of explaining I don’t want to do.  We won’t tell these other guys where the hell they’re at.”

“You know you’re always welcome.  Sorry you got hit, and just why are you putting my young lass in harm’s way?”

“I was waiting for that.  Your ‘young lass’ is one hell of an asset, and we do our best to keep her safe…but she insists on sticking her nose in everywhere.”

Maggie, sure who Bruce was talking to, made a rude, one-fingered, gesture in Bruce’s direction, then grinned.

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