Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Saltwater Connection, Book #6 of The Janitors Series - Captured Iranian due for an unhappy surprise.

Today’s excerpt is from The Saltwater Connection, Book #6 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Jim decides what to do with the captured, very rich, Iranian who had bought one of the kidnapped young ladies…who was rescued by Billy and Hector.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



By the time Drew and Boris returned to the Joint, Billy had called Jim with news of what had been found on the computer disks he and Hector had taken with them.  Adel Dowiat Abadi had been left aboard the plane—well secured—as had Hector and the rescued Julia.  With Hector keeping an eye on Dowiat Abadi and talking to Julia, Billy borrowed a computer from Central Command, Doha.  After going over most of the tapes, and making copies as he did so, Billy called Jim.

“Hey, white man, this stuff we took with us from Abadi’s place is hot as hell.  But most of it concerns Israel more than us.  This guy was funneling millions to Hizballah, Hamas, and other terrorist groups of more interest to them.  There is some info on al-Qaida, including its ties to Hamas and others, but nothing we didn’t already know.”

Jim thought a few moments before he replied, “Okay, take the jerk and his stuff to Israel and turn it and him over to Ben Schiller.  I’ll give Ben a call and tell him to expect you.”

“What about his money?  He’s got tons of it in several accounts.  About a quarter of a bil, from what I can make out.”

“Oh, hell, we’ve got more than enough.  Tell Ben I said ‘Merry Christmas’.”

“He’s Jewish.”

“No shit.”

“Want us to come on back to the Joint after we deliver Abadi?  And what about the girl?”

“Come on back.  Bring her with you.  We’ll send her on her way from here.”

“You want us to use his plane?”

“No.  Give it to the military.  Maybe they can figure out a use for it.  I’ll call General Bradley and arrange transport for you.”


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Monday, January 30, 2017

The Tickleton Affair, Book #5 of the Janitors Series - Chang trap being thought out.

Today’s excerpt is from The Tickleton Affair, Book #5 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Drew and Jessica, with Evan and John with them, look over the site of their planned trap for Chang.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



Ben and Neil were unable to see well enough from their positions that she carried anything until she neared the door, and then only got a glimpse of it and paid no real attention.  Once Evan and Jessica were inside, John turned off the last outside light and walked them through the house to the rear door, opened it, and pointed toward high ground some hundred feet away.  “That’s the ridge that swings around until it looks down on the western street.”

Jessica nodded and headed that way with her goggles back on and her rifle case in her right hand.  Evan shrugged, put his goggles back on, and followed.  Jessica glanced back.  “You don’t have to troop up here with me if you don’t want to.  I’ll be fine.”

“Nothing else to do.  Besides, you might see a snake.”

“If I do, I’ll shoot it.  And, as you no doubt know, at this time of night, as cool as it is, there aren’t likely to be any snakes about.”

“Yeah, I know.  Just trying to be gallant.”

John and Drew laughed at that, but otherwise remained silent as John made coffee.

Up at their position, Ben and Neil didn’t even see Jessica and Evan head up their hill.  Evan still hobbled, but was doing better with his cane.  As she neared the top of that hill, Jessica looked around and nodded.  Then she walked on around it, until she could see the outline of the Western street.  She stopped and looked back.  She liked what she saw.  “Drew, where I’m at is almost perfect.  I can see the whole valley.  The house you’re in, the movie street, the front entrance, and the barn—all with no problem.  I can dig in right here and have a clear field of view of any possible direction of attack.”

“Good, Jess.  John and I’ll be up in a minute or two…he’s putting on coffee.  Want me to bring you a cup?”

“No, that’s okay, Drew.  The walking’s a bit rough…you’d just spill it.  I’m going on to the very top of this hill.  I’m about ten feet down from it now.”

“Okay, see you soon.”

Jessica nodded, then grinned as she realized Drew couldn’t see that movement.  She started on up the side of the hill.  She took about three steps and walked on the side of a rock, which gave way.  As she started to fall, Evan caught her…by her left bosom.  As he steadied her, he moved his hand up toward her shoulder.

She smiled.  “Thanks.  First time that’s ever been used as a hand hold to break a fall, but came in handy.”

Evan blushed in the dark and absently patted the top of her breast, without thinking what he was doing.  “Oops, sorry.”

Drew heard this exchange.  “What’s up?  What fall?  What ‘oops’?”

Jessica laughed.  “I slipped and nearly fall.  Evan caught me.  The ‘oops’ ain’t none of your beeswax.”

Drew grinned as his imagination ran rampant.  “Oh.  Take it easy.”

By the time John and Drew reached Evan and Jessica, she had her sniper rifle out and had sighted in on Ben.  She grinned as she saw the thermos and four cups John was carrying.

John saw the grin.  “Hope everybody likes black coffee.”

Jessica nodded, “I do, thanks.”

Evan held out his hand for a cup.  “Me, too.  I appreciate it.”

Jessica had sat down to sight in on Ben.  She now laid her rifle in her lap and held out her hand for the cup of coffee John had poured for her.  With her other hand, she pointed at Ben, Neil, and Gail.  “Easy shot, if you want to reduce the odds, Drew.”

Drew shook his head in dismay.  “You do that and how’s Lin gonna find us?”

“Oh, yeah,” joked Jessica.

Drew grinned.  “That’s one, young lady.  You got me.  I thought you were serious.”

John, wearing his goggles—as were everyone but Jessica, who had taken hers off to sight in the gun, which had a night vision scope—looked up at the three uninvited guests on the far away ridge.  That’s an easy shot?  They’re a mile away, at least.”


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Friday, January 27, 2017

Toboggan, Book #4 of the Janitors Series - The two escapees running into problems.

Today’s excerpt is from Toboggan, Book #4 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  The two escaped thugs having a rough go as they try to reach the lodge belonging to a New York crime boss they both know.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



While Nick and Phyllis were “enjoying” their meal, Tony and Frank were having a much less pleasant time of it.  Rather than proceed with steady, determined paces, they were trying to hurry.  The end result was both men were near dropping when they happened upon a deserted house.

Tony saw it first.  “Look there, Frank.  A house.”

“Whadda we do dares somebody libbin’ dare?”

“We kill’em, dunce.  What’n the hell you think?”


They trudged on up to the house, and could soon tell it was vacant.  Tony kicked in the door and walked in.  Since he couldn’t see well in the darkness, he walked back outside and started one of the flares, which he placed between two boards in the porch.  With the added light, he at once saw a fireplace.  “We gotta find some wood for a fire.”

“I gotta rest first.”

“Like hell.  Help me find some wood.”

When no wood was to be found, Tony took the butt end of the shotgun to a door frame, then another.  Those he stomped on and broke into pieces, which would fit into the fireplace.  Then he found a two-year-old newspaper lying in a corner, wadded it up, and put it around the wood.  Next he asked, “Did that cop have a lighter?”


“Well, give it here.”

Soon the fire was started, and let off an awful odor as the paint on the door frames started to burn.  Frank grumbled, “Dat smell like shit.”

“Beats freezing, you lame-brain.  But we’re gonna hafta find more wood.  That isn’t gonna last too long.  By the way, did that cop have cigarettes, too?”


“Well, give them here.  You don’t smoke.”

Tony lit one up, took a long drag, then went in search of more wood, now aided by the light from the fire.  He found an old dilapidated kitchen table, broke off the legs, and put them in the fireplace, sticking their fatter ends in the already diminishing fire, with the remainder hanging out on the hearth.

Knowing the legs would burn up quickly, he kept up his search while Frank broke up the rest of the table.  Just now starting to warm up, he hated to do it, but Tony went outside the house in his search.  In the heavy snow and rapidly fading light, he found only a large log, nearly too large to carry, and a shed.  The log had been used by the former owners of the cabin to split wood.  Had Tony been smarter—or at least taken time to think—it might have led him to the neatly stacked pile of wood near the building.  However, that wood was never to be found by Tony or Frank, and after getting Frank to help him carry the log into the house and placing it in the fire, he took the shotgun and used the butt end to start systematically smashing the boards from the shed.  With Frank’s help, a sizable portion of the shed was carried inside before Tony called a halt.

He surveyed their stack of wood and announced, “That should hold us through the night, and beyond if we have to stay here more than a day.”

“What’re we gonna do ‘bout food?”

“Starve…unless you want to go out and run us down a big fat rabbit.  How in the hell do I know what we’re gonna do about food?  What we’re gonna do is hold up here ‘til this damn snow stops.  Then we’re gonna go up to Meat Hook’s place and see what kind of stuff he leaves there during the off season.”

“What da off season?”

“Winter.  Late fall and early spring, too.”

“Why habba pwace wit ya can’t use ‘cept a little bit?”

“I don’t know why to ‘habba’ such a place.  Frank, don’t ask me things I don’t know the answers to, please.  You’re always doing that.”

“Yeah, an’ ya always makin’ fun outta me.”

“Sorry, Frank.  Let’s curl up in those blankets and try to get some sleep.  Ain’t nothing else to do that I can think of.”

“I gotta shit.”

“Frank, for God’s sake, don’t tell me your problems.  Go find a place to dump and just do it.”

“Outside?  It cold out dare.  And da snow deep.”

“Just do it, Frank.  Use one of these boards to push some snow back, take your dump, then cover it up with snow.”

After Frank answered the call of nature, Tony spread two blankets on the floor, tossed one to Frank, and laid down on one he had spread and pulled the last one over him.

Frank said, “I needa pilla.”

“Use your damn coat.”

“Dat’s a tought.”

Tony just shook his head and—not for the first time—wondered if he wouldn’t be better off just killing Frank and stashing his body.  He sighed as he realized that Frank did have his uses, no matter how irratating he was.


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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Dog Pound, Book #3 of the Janitors Series - Kidnappers at sea with Billie Jo aboard.

Today’s excerpt is from Dog Pound, Book #3 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Two of the kidnappers are safely at sea with Billie Jo aboard their boat.  The problem was, that unknown to them, they had been seen.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



Meanwhile, Oscar and Henry drove to the pier where their boat, the Freedom Express, was located and, on seeing no one about—except a few on boats in the marina—picked up the tarpaulin that covered Billie Jo Lane and, after rolling her up inside it, carried her to the Freedom Express.  They were at sea in less than ten minutes.  Once their sails filled with the brisk wind that was blowing and their course was set, Oscar called Dale’s newly acquired cell phone and reported, “We’re underway, no problems.”

Dale replied, “Thank you,” and pushed the end button on his phone.

As Henry steered the boat, Oscar stripped Billie Jo and put a chain around her ankle, securing it with a small padlock to an eyebolt he installed in the hull of the boat the day before.  The length of chain was doubled back and locked with another padlock. There was about three feet of leeway from Billie Jo’s ankle to the eyebolt.  Finished, he stood back and muttered, “That oughta do,” as Henry came into the lounge area of the boat.

Henry looked at the naked Billie Jo and asked, “Why take her clothes off?”

Oscar looked at Henry and answered, “Now, don’t pull a jealous pout on me.  I want to humiliate her to keep her in line.  I want her to understand we’re in no mood for any shit.”


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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Back To Iraq, Book #2 of the Janitors Series - Team discovers a Nuke problem.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To Iraq, Book #2 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  The Janitors take down an al-Qaida facility inside Iraq, but may have found a bigger problem.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



He whispered, “Jim, I’ve found their arms cache.  Other than weapons, it seems empty…I mean, no one about.”

Jim didn’t answer because he was peeking around the opening of the communications pod.  Jim saw four men and quickly pulled back.  This time he paused to think.  He was sure now that this was the last pod—hence, the last of the enemy was inside.

He whispered, “Four inside.  Looks like their com center…let’s try to take one or two alive…but not at the risk of getting our asses shot off.”

The other three men smiled and all four walked in.  When seen, Jim shouted, “Freeze,” in perfect Arabic.

Saddam Alwash went for his sidearm, as did his men.  All four died in seconds.

Jim muttered, “Damn.  Well, no one to question, so let’s see what we can find out on our own.  Tom, Holly, guard the back entrance.  Billy, how about taking the front.”

Billy nodded and asked, “What about the Humvees?”

Jim thought just a second.  “Good point.  Drew, Boris, you guys feel like getting them?”

“No,” joked Drew, then added, “Come on, old man.”

While Jim started investigating the computer equipment in his pod, Hector found the light switch in the armament pod and started searching there.  It didn’t take him long to find something he wished he hadn’t.  He walked down the corridor to where Jim was, and walked in.  You ain’t gonna like what I think I found.”



“You’re shitting me.”

“Wish I was.  Looks like those satchel ones the Ruskies had.”

Boris, who could hear the conversation quite well in spite of bounding along in a Humvee growled, “That’ll be ‘Russians’ had, Mexican rodent.”

Everyone laughed, but the mood only lasted a few brief seconds.  Then Jim sighed.  “Boris, when you get back, check this out with Drew.  Hector, stay here and help me with these computers.  I’m finding some interesting stuff.  I think we may have just stumbled onto bin Laden’s financial center…or a good portion of it anyhow.”


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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Baghdad Butcher, Book #1 of the Janitors Series - Jim working toward getting Tom a pass.

Today’s excerpt is from Baghdad Butcher, Book #1 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Jim takes the first step toward getting the drug transportation charges against Tom Wilson dropped.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



Nearly thirty-five minutes later they reached the building that housed the office of Mike Vitro.  After he parked, Hector noted that it was nearly six, so he woke Jim and Holly. 

As he got out of the car and held the door for Holly, Jim groaned, “Well, so much for power naps.  I feel like crap.”

As they walked away, Holly joked, “You don’t look so hot either.”


After introductions had been completed—with Jim posing as an FBI agent, with a real but forged identification card and shield—he and Holly were seated.  Jim said, “Mr. Vitro…”

“Mike, please.”

“…okay, Mike.  Let’s get right down to brass tacks.  I think all concerned agree that Tom Wilson is mixed up in a bad deal.”

“I would put it a bit stronger than that, but go ahead.”

“I would like your permission to talk to Wilson without you being present.  If you agree, and he agrees with what I’m going to offer him, he walks.”

“Get off?  Scot free?”

Jim chuckled to himself at the inadvertent double meaning in the use of his real name, which Vitro didn’t know, but nodded.  “Yes.  Of course he may have to testify, up to and after which his life will be in great jeopardy.  However, if he agrees, I will make his safety my responsibility, and will get him far from harm’s way.  I think there is a reasonable chance that at some not-too-distant time, his expectations of a safe life will be greatly enhanced.  Part of this deal will be absolute silence about this matter from you.  If he goes along, I plan on no one being aware that he is even gone from his present location.”

“How in the world would you arrange that?”

“With a great deal of difficulty, and I’m sure much screaming from more than one source.”

“Like John Engle?”

“For one, but not limited to him.  However, that’s my problem, not yours.  It may require some fancy footwork on your part to avoid the attorney of his friends.”

“Wallace Greenberg?”

“Yes, or whomever.  If you agree to all of this, I would like to meet you in the morning, about eight.  We’ll have John Engle with us, so if Wilson is agreeable, we can get the show on the road.”

“A show I wouldn’t miss for anything in the world.  Though from what I’ve heard about Engle, he’s a pretty straight shooter…”

“He is,” put in Holly.

“…and I don’t think he’ll be too happy about a flat-out walk for Tom.  But, as you said, ‘your problem’.”

Without bothering to reply to Mike’s concerns, Jim stood up.  “In the morning, then.”

“I’ll be there.”


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Monday, January 23, 2017

Assassin I Am - (More Books) - Hector lends a hand.

Today’s excerpt is from Assassin I Am, a stand alone book featuring Fred Dupree and several old friends.  Hector Garcia starts aiding Fred in his “terrorist elimination” mission.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



On the flight west, Fred called Hector Garcia, using a private number he had been given.  “Mr. Garcia—this is Fred Dupree.”

“Can the ‘Mr.’ stuff, general.  It’s ‘Hector’ and I’m just a poor old master sergeant.”

“Not too ‘poor’, from what I was told, Hector.”

“Yeah, I’ve got a peso or two—but still just a master sergeant.  The reason I asked our mutual friends to have you call me is we’ve had several ragheads coming and going from the mosque you plan to visit with prejudice.  I’ve had my people take pictures of all, and run facial IDs on them.  None look like Houthi, and none of the facials match up either.  But we both know it really doesn’t take much to fool the facials system.  In looking closely at the photos, I don’t think he was one of them.  But something is definitely going on in there, besides what should be.”

“Do you have any sort of ‘ears’ on the place?”

“Yes, but nothing inside.  Haven’t picked up anything of interest.  You might give Harvey Puckett a call and have him pull his people off.  They’re good, but not good enough.  Took my guys about half an hour to spot them.  As stupid as most ragheads are, they probably haven’t spotted them.  But let’s be safe…if you agree.”

“I’ll get right on it.  If they’ve been spotted, they’ll more than likely be seen leaving the area.  Thanks for the heads up.”

“You’re welcome.  On to other matters.  I have a couple of choppers with infrared, and will start routine coverage to keep track of how many are inside.  Also have full layouts of all three mosques you’re after.  Must tell you, the other two don’t seem to have much going on of concern right now.  Oh, your Homeland guys are doing a better job there.  At one of them, your people are set up in a building owned by a friend.  I called your big boss at Homeland and offered to get them set up there.  The other one—the team sitting on it—is dug in well.  My guys never did spot them.  I had to go do it myself.”

Fred was starting to see why it had been suggested he contact Hector.  The thought, “‘Semi-retired’, bullshit,” did run though his mind before he asked, “I was planning on a night raid—sound okay to you?”

“Yes—unless something comes up to cause a daylight operation.  If you need backup, I’ve got it.  I was told you have a Marine for backup now, but I’m talking about a larger force.  I have about ten guys I can fully trust on an operation like this—ones who’ve been there and done that.  Have a couple of hundred former military fellas working for me, but not guys fully vetted for this kind of action…or at least not in the U.S.”

“With the time difference, we’ll be in about three hours from now, your time…around one in the afternoon.  What happens if a move is needed before I get there?”

“I’ll take care of it.  Would just as soon not have to do so…but will.”

“Understood—thanks.  Guess I better get the Homeland guys there moved pronto.”

“Good idea.  See you when you get here.  I already know where you’ll be landing.  If anything comes up, I’ll call you before taking any action.”

Fred immediately called Harvey.  “Boy, oh, boy, friend—this guy Garcia is first-rate.  His people spotted ours at the main mosque deserving attention, and suggested we move them.  Told me his guys could handle it—implying better.  I have to agree, if our guys were spotted by his.  Also, he’s got choppers with infrared, and is gonna keep an eye on the inside, for head counts.”

“I’ll get them moved out of the area right now.  I was told that under no circumstances was I to ignore any suggestions from Mr. Garcia.  I’m starting to see why.”

“Yeah—me, too.  Talk to you later.”


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Friday, January 20, 2017

Escape From Mexico - (More Books) - Judge gets new gig after failed attempt on his life.

Today’s excerpt is from Escape From Mexico, a stand alone book featuring several old friends.  After taking care of the attack on the Suermann home, Bob, Bill, and Clyde inside his home when the Judge starts receiving phone calls.  One of those calls is to change his life greatly.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



Inside, the judge mentioned, “Well, at last once everything is removed outside, I should be able to kick back and take it easy until morning.”

How wrong he was.  The first phone call he received was from the Governor of Missouri.  The Governor informed him the matter of the attempt on his life was already nationwide news, and two Highway Patrol officers were on the way to protect him.  When the judge let the Governor know it wasn’t really necessary, because he already had protection, the Governor replied, “Nobody is going to kill any judge in this state, if I can help it.  We’ll work out logistics in the next day or two.  For now, please put them up in your home, Judge Suermann.”

The judge thanked the Governor, then looked at Bob.  “Well, the cat is already out of the bag.  We’re on national news.  I guess someone leaked it after my calls to get some assistance out here.  Wonderful—we’ll have every news hound in the state outside before we finish our drinks.”

Bob looked at Bill, glanced at Clyde, and muttered, “Excuse me for a few minutes, your honor.”

Bill and Clyde also excused themselves, with all three partners heading in different directions, away from the judge.  All three quickly made phone calls.  Clyde called his live-in lover, Josephine (Jo) Kelly.  She was an art dealer with shop in the City of St. Charles—even though she lived with Clyde on Bob’s estate in Wentzville, Missouri. 

Jo answered, “Are you alright?”

“You’ve heard, I take it?”

“Yes…it’s all over the news.  I repeat—are you alright?”

“Sorta.  Got a little ding on my side, but no problem.  Bob patched me up.”

While they were talking, Bob called his wife, Michelle, an attorney with offices in Wentzville and St. Charles, to fill her in.  Bill called his wife, Amanda, who ran the office for the detective/protection agency for the three partners.  She, too, was briefed.

Clyde was the first to return to the judge.  Clyde, a retired Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer and SEAL, looked at the judge and shrugged.  “Called my girlfriend, to let her know what happened.  I’m not afraid of much, but am afraid of her.”

The judge dryly replied, “I bet.”

As Clyde opened his mouth to reply, the judge’s phone rang again.  He muttered an oath and answered, “Hello, Judge Wendell Suermann at your service—unless you’re a media type.”

The President of the United States chuckled before he introduced himself, then he added, “I often feel the same about the press, Judge Suermann.  The purpose of my call is to ask if you would be interested in being the next U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri?”

The judge—normally never caught flat-footed—took a few seconds before he answered, “Are you serious?  Sorry…of course you are, or you wouldn’t have asked.  May I ask why me?”

“Right after you tell me if you want the job.”

“Yes, sir.  It would be an honor.”

“Very well, to answer your question—you have been recommended to the Attorney General and me by several sources, not the least of whom are your Governor and both Senators from Missouri.  Since you have agreed, I will submit your name for confirmation immediately, and request an expedited vote, due to the current situation.  By that I mean, the attempt on your life.  I will immediately send a U.S. Marshal Service detachment to protect you.”

The judge—long known for his sense of humor, under even the most trying of circumstances—replied, “Fine…but have them bring tents to sleep in.”

“Come again?”

“My home has four bedrooms.  Presently I have two St. Charles County Sheriff’s detectives protecting me, with two State Troopers on the way to help out.  So, as it now stands, I have—or will have—four people, fighting over three beds.”

“I would think the marshal service can handle the task, so when they arrive, you can thank the present protection detail and send them back to handle other matters.  I’m sure they will understand.”

“Perhaps.  At any rate, thank you for the honor—and for your concern about my safety.”


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Thursday, January 19, 2017

Monster's Palace - (Other Books) - Jo on the run.

Today’s excerpt is from Monster’s Palace, a stand alone book featuring Clyde Feegle and several old friends.  Jo, knowing she was in deep trouble, goes on the run.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



In addition to being told she would get no more artifacts for the foreseeable future, Jo understood the implied threat in Tino’s words, so she agreed to do as asked.  That’s why she nearly bolted from the party when she felt the electricity in the air between Clyde and herself on first sight of each other.

Getting an invite to the party was easy.  She had simply called the Congressman and asked if the party was to be a fundraiser.  If so, she would like to attend and make a contribution.

Then—after meeting and falling in love with Clyde (she had meant what she said on the message she left)—Jo had gone to the mansion with him.  When she had invited Clyde to the mansion, Tino and Basil had assumed for some reason he hadn’t wanted to take her to his place.  They had been down the street from the Congressman’s home and saw them leave.

Well after Clyde and Jo had gone inside, Tino and Basil had put a bomb in Clyde’s car.  They then decided to wait around until he tried to leave, to make sure he blew himself up.  Once he was picked up by the helicopter, they had a long conversation about their next move.  While they were talking, Jo left in her car, headed for Clyde’s home—her decision made to come clean with him when he returned.  Unknown to her, of course, Tino and Basil had long since placed a homing device on her car.  The device made following her an easy matter.  When she entered Clyde’s home, they pulled to a stop and were soon inside as well.

When Jo saw what they were going to do, she waited until both were in the kitchen, working on the rear door, and ran to her car.  Instinct told her they would deal with her when they finished rigging their bombs, so she decided to follow her carefully prepared escape plan. 

Getting around their car in the drive parked behind her car had been no easy matter, but she managed.  As she drove off, Jo knew there was no way she would get Aldo Pedrotti involved in her situation, so going back there for any of her things was out of the question.  She had long realized Tino and Basil almost certainly worked for someone in the drug business, and said someone would have a legion of men to come after her if she stayed around.  In addition, the life she had planned, if the need came, appealed to her…before she met Clyde. 

Everything thought out, she went to her store.  The most valuable pieces she had in stock were routinely stored in a walk-in vault in easy-to carry-valises.  She had previously put two bags of clothing and other items in the vault, also.  Jo hurriedly loaded everything she wanted to take into her car, then drove to a small airport outside D.C. where she kept her plane.  No one she knew was aware of the plane—or that she even knew how to fly.

After loading everything she wanted to take with her in the plane, Jo drove her car two blocks away from the airport, and returned on foot.  Before she took off in the plane, Jo called Aldo Pedrotti’s phone at the mansion and left a message, telling him she had fallen in with the wrong crowd and was going on the run, to stay alive.  She assured him she was quite capable of succeeding in her disappearing act.

She then stomped on her cell phone and tossed it down a storm drain.  Once in the plane and airborne, Jo flew directly to the Cayman Islands in her twin engine plane.  It had fuel capacity to make the flight easily, without a stop.  When she landed there, it was Sunday morning (the party having been Saturday night) so she took her two travel bags through customs and checked into a hotel.

Early Monday morning she went to a bank, where she had previously opened an account.  There she arranged a wire transfer of almost all of her money in her Washington bank account into the Cayman account.  Then she asked for a cashier’s check, made out to her new identity for almost all the money—leaving the account open, with only two thousand dollars.  Her next move was to check out of the hotel…wearing the black pageboy wig.  Using her new identity, she deposited the cashier’s check into an account with another Cayman bank.  She had already opened the account there on one of her earlier trips.

Everything accomplished to her satisfaction, Jo had her plane refueled and took off for her final destination—Costa Rica.  On her last trip out of the country to set up her getaway plan, she had purchased a rundown store, with living quarters, in her new identity.  It had been vacant until now.  After clearing customs, she returned to her plane and flew it to a small airport.  Again, leaving the valuable art items in the locked plane, she took her two travel bags and arranged a cab.  Her new life was underway.


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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Back To China - (Other Books) - Sammy Lee captured.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To China, a stand alone book featuring Jim Scott and friends.  Drew and Bear capture Las Vegas figure in his penthouse to question him as to who was behind the shootout on the streets of Las Vegas and capture of two Area 51 scientists just after they arrive for a bit of R&R.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



With Jim and his strike team airborne, Drew and Bear were, also…aboard the helicopter that would drop them.  After the helicopter flew around checking the wind—including looking at the various flags flying below—it swooped in over the target building.  By prior agreement, Drew jumped first.  This was done so he wouldn’t have to deal with Bear’s chute, while Bear was trying to gather it in.

In his days with the CIA, Drew was considered one of the best parachutists in the agency.  In fact, there was even a picture of him in the office of SIS.  The picture, taken by the RAF plane that had dropped him and an SIS agent, showed him climbing up his rigging from inside a smoke stack of an abandoned manufacturing building he had intentionally landed in, with his chute catching on the top of the stack.  

The ravages of age had dulled his ability, but he felt he’d have no problem with the jump—especially if he didn’t have to worry about any extra items on the veranda…like a billowing parachute.  He was correct.  He landed without difficulty, and was gathering his chute as Bear landed some ten feet from him.

When both men had their chutes gathered and stowed where they wouldn’t be seen, Drew went to a sliding glass door and tried it.  He shook his head at the stupidity of finding it unlocked.  He whispered to Bear, who was standing right next to him, “Idiot never thought someone might come at him this way.”

Bear just nodded as they entered the lavish apartment of Sammy Lee.  As Bear slid the door shut Drew headed for one of the rooms adjacent to what was obviously the main living room of the unit.  Bear headed for another door, leading from the room.  After they had gone through the entire unit, Drew sighed.  “Your idea was a good one, Bear.  Now all we have to do is wait.”

“Where do you wanna set up, Drew?”

Drew looked around carefully and pointed at a door neither he nor Bear had tried to open.  “That almost surely has to be the way in, as we discussed.  While it would be nice to see what’s on the other side, it may have an alarm system we can’t see—or surely will have cameras between it and the elevator.”

“Hold it, Drew.  I forgot to tell you there is a similar door…in heft, not design…in the kitchen.  Do you think it could be next to a freight elevator?”

“Could be—but I’m betting Mr. Hotshot Casino Owner won’t be coming through it.  But, just on the off chance someone may use it, how about going back into the kitchen and placing a chair in front of it, with something that will break as it falls off the chair when the door bumps into it?”

“Be right back.”

After Bear returned to the front room, the two men looked around again before Drew muttered, “Well, since the doors off this room were all closed, to open one and stand in the doorway probably isn’t too good an idea.  As much as I’d hate to hear the smartass comments of Boris if we did so, I suppose behind the drapes.  You on one end of the sliding door and windows, me on the other.  We only have to avoid being seen for the few seconds it will take Lee and whatever bodyguards he has with him to clear the doorway.”

“We don’t tell anyone where we hid, Drew.  I don’t want to listen to Boris go on about it for the next ten years.”

“Oh, when he gets up here, he’ll look around and make some comment about the only place to lay in wait would be the drapes…then wait for reaction from one of us.”

Bear laughed.  “At least the drapes are opened up most of the way, and there’s a wall partway behind ‘em so no one from one of the other buildings is likely to see us standing there.  Speaking of which, I sure hope no one saw our jump.”

“If they had, we would have had company by now.  We were no doubt helped by the fact the only light on in this entire apartment was the dim one over by the doorway.  But I’m glad you mentioned someone seeing in.  No doubt when they come in, someone will turn on brighter lighting.  You get the end of the drapes with the pull cord.  When we have things in hand, shut the damned drapes.”

Bear chuckled as he walked to one end the opening and found the pull cord.  He looked at Drew and nodded.  “This is my end.  See you later.”

Drew smiled as he walked to the other end and got behind the drapes there.  They waited for the better part of an hour before they heard the door opening.  They both stood still until they heard the door latch sounding, to indicate the door had been shut.  As Drew predicted, one of the two bodyguards with Lee turned on brighter lighting in the room.

Drew and Bear stood out from behind the drapes, within a fraction of a second of one another.  Drew growled, “Freeze or die.”

Neither bodyguard froze as both went for their weapons.  Both died.

As Drew took three fast steps toward Lee, encouraging him to stand still as he did so, Bear hurriedly shut the drapes.  With his free hand, Drew frisked Lee, and on finding no weapon, grabbed him by the silk tie he wore and led him to a chair.  “Sit.”

Drew was to find Sammy Lee to be one of the easiest to break he had ever questioned….until he asked the magic question.  “Who in China is behind this operation?”

“I don’t know.”

His gun still in hand—even though during the questioning, Bear had secured Lee’s hands and tied him to the chair with excess cord he had cut from the drapes—Drew backhanded Lee in the mouth with it.  He didn’t even have to make any additional threats before he got the answer he wanted.  “General Xi Rongji.”


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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Pool Of Blood, Book #3 of the Becker Trilogy - Assssin foiled again.

Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of Blood, Book #3 of the Becker Trilogy.  Would-be assassin thwarted again.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



While Michelle had been in the judge’s chambers—after the short time it took her to take care of the case that had brought her to the courthouse—much had happened.  Both Gus and Bob were looking over the area in front of the courthouse from high windows, facing the very direction Newton and Morsi were placed.  Bob had been concentrating on any windows where a sniper might set up shop, while Gus was more concerned with ground-level sites. 

Gus noticed the white panel truck some distance away and nudged Bob.  “Could you make the shot from that white truck?”

Bob looked where Gus was pointing and nodded.  “Sure…easy.  Easy from twice the distance.”

“Think I should have one of my guys check it out?”

“Yeah, but tell him to go with caution.  Might get a couple of other guys headed in the same direction at the same time.  Those FBIs down there wandering around friends of yours?”

“Yeah.  Got some plain clothes county boys, too.  We’re all on the same frequency.”

“Then I’d have a couple of the plain clothes guys headed in the same direction, rather than uniforms.”

“Just what I was thinking.  You might make a good cop—oh, never mind…not the way you handle things.  We’d have shootings all over the streets of St. Charles.”

“Is that a nice way to talk?  I would never do any such thing.”

“Oh, no.  Let’s see—my front yard; your driveway…”

“Just get your guys on the way to the panel truck.”

Gus laughed and did as asked.  It might have worked, except the uniformed officer standing in front of the courthouse, of course, heard when Gus told the officer nearest the truck to go check it out and asked two of the St. Charles County detectives in plain clothes to head in the same direction.  Hearing those orders, the policeman in front of the courthouse looked at the uniformed officer and pointed at the truck. 

Newton saw this.  Then saw a uniformed policeman and two other men change direction, to slowly walk toward the truck.  “Mahdi, get the hell outta here—now. I think they’re on to us.”

Morsi didn’t need to be told twice.  In seconds he had the truck started and pulling into traffic.

Bob glanced over at Gus.  “Well, if that was him, he’s sharp.  Guess we should keep checking things over, until Michelle gets here.”

“I could send a posse after him.”

“Good thinking, Tex.  Then what?  Let’s say your men trap him.  He gets out and blasts away, killing a couple of our pals on the force…and maybe even gets away.  Talk about shooting on the streets, you might get it.  Let him go for now.  This jerk is lethal.  Also, with his history, he’s got a good escape plan in place, so they probably wouldn’t catch him anyhow.”

“You know something I don’t, don’t you?”

“I know a lot you don’t know, gumshoe.”

“Oh, that was cute.  Give.  What do you know?”

“I know who he is, and I know who is behind this…and have a pretty good idea why.  All obtained illegally.  You want more?”

“You rat.  How long have you known who he is?”

“Since the day or so after his first try.  Look, Gus, my friend Jim has all sorts of resources not available to you.  Not the least of which is a computer you wouldn’t believe.  It’s better than anything the FBI, or even the CIA has.  He also has experience dealing with this type of asshole—way more than I do.  Let us handle it.  We’ll get him for you…us.  Just don’t go all cop on me and demand information I’m not gonna give you.”

Gus smiled.  “I oughta run you in on general principles, but you probably know a higher ranking general.  Now what?  What do you want me to do?”

“Help me get Michelle away from here safely.  Speaking of whom, I wonder where in the hell she’s at.  Her deal in court should have been over long ago.  She did have one more little thing to attend to, but it shouldn’t have taken this long.”

Gus pointed.  “Speaking of the devil.”

Bob turned to see Michelle walking their way.  He went to meet her, kissed her, and asked, “You ready to head for the barn?”

“Sure—if you don’t want to take me to a late lunch.”

“Why not?  You comin’ along, Gus?”

“Who’s buying?”


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