Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Bear's War, Book #5 of the Asps Series - Two bad guys in tow.

Today’s excerpt is from Bear’s War, Book #5 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Two bad guys slickly captured at Jim’s ranch.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



When Patty lined up for her landing, she notified her passengers she was coming in for landing to refuel.  Both men looked out windows of the plane and could see little, except for the light panels in the middle of the runway Jim had requested the construction company who put the landing strip in to place there.  They thought nothing of it, and settled back for the landing, never suspecting anything was amiss.  Patty’s landing was her typical smooth landing and she taxied over toward the fuel truck near the empty hanger, which had the main door shut, but had one side normal-sized door open, showing light from inside.

Phil drove the fuel truck up to the plane, where he and Wendy got out and started the refueling process.  Mohammad and Rolfe looked out the windows, saw them, and just sat back down as Patty came to the cabin area and opened the door.  Jim and Holly drove up in one of the dune buggies used to drive on paved paths between the various homes on the complex and other buildings.  Holly came up the steps.  “Hi, Patty.  Got the normal papers for you to sign for the fuel.”

As Holly handed the clipboard to Patty, Jim followed her into the plane, carrying his bucket.  “I’ll check the toilets for you, Patty.  Be done before the fuel’s all in.”

“Thanks.  Shouldn’t need much attention, but appreciate your usual thorough service.”

Jim just nodded as Patty turned her back, looked at the clipboard, and took the pen Holly offered her.  Jim walked back toward the rear of the plane, nodded to the two passengers and, when he got to a position next to them, dropped his bucket and quickly reached into his pocket with the hand he had been carrying the bucket with.  The other hand already had one of the small canisters in it.  As he sprayed the face of Mohammad with one hand, he pointed the other canister at a startled Rolfe and sprayed him, also.

The whole process had taken him less than two seconds.  Now, with both men unconsciousness, Jim shook his head in amazement.  “Wow, Patty, you’re weren’t kidding when I asked you if you had a bad guy on board, and you told me two.  Ibn Mohammad is about as bad as they come…nice work.  Who’s this other guy?”

“He’s been using the name of Randal Rolfe…right now, I have no idea who he is—other than a friend of Mohammad’s.  What’d you do to them?  I turned my back so I wouldn’t give anything away, and the next thing I know they’re out and you’re telling me I did a good job.”

Jim told her, opened the mouth of Mohammad, as he checked his teeth to make sure there was no cyanide capsule there, then did the same to Rolfe.  Satisfied, he grabbed Mohammad by the back of his jacket and shirt underneath it and pulled him to the steps of the plane, then right on down to the ground.  Phil looked down from the wing he was on.  “I see you got ‘em.  Want help?”

“Naw, finish fueling,” Jim replied as he headed back into the plane to get Rolfe, who shortly thereafter was lying in a heap next to Mohammad.


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Friday, May 27, 2016

Tears And Terrorists, Book #4 of the Asps Series - Wanna-be king get help from Asps...oops.

Today’s excerpt is from Tears And Terrorists, Book #4 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Namibia’s wanna-be king arranges the help he’ll need to take over the country…he thinks.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



The next day, many things happened.  Holly and Sarah had returned with Hector the previous night, and Holly, Jim, Dan, and Hector left for England in the morning.  Tony and Sergeant Major Squires had returned to England.  While Holly flew the new plane eastward, Bruce and Anson were contacted and asked to come with the man who had met them the previous day.  By then, Dusty and Ike were already at the villa of the “King of Namibia”-to-be.  His name was Peter Angula.  He was a high-ranking member of Namibia’s small military.  From him Dusty and Ike learned the insurgents had over a thousand men to be trained, and learned part of the plan.  The capital city of the nation, Windhoek, would be secured first, then any resistance would be put down.  The theory was that when Windhoek fell, many more would join the revolution.  The job of Dusty and Ike would be to train the existing force in special operations.  The King of Namibia-to-be admitted that while he was a ranking officer, he had no concept of the type of warfare that would be needed, and no real idea of how to train his men for such an event.  Dusty and Ike assured him they could handle it with no problem, but it would take a few days to carefully map out a training plan.

That was agreeable to Angula, and when Bruce and Anson arrived, they nodded to Dusty and Ike in recognition, and the plan was offered up to them.  When Bruce asked what was in it for him and Anson, Angula stuck out his chest.  “You will be at my right hand.  With your help, we can run this country, and you can have the first option of all contracts of the country…and have a part in natural resources.”

The broad brush Angola used was all fine and good, but Bruce pressed for specifics.  After they were given, he glanced at Anson, and nodded.  Anson also nodded.  “That is agreeable.  How much money will you need?”

Angula looked at Dusty and asked, “What armaments will you need?”

Dusty laid out what he thought it would take, then Angula asked about cost.  Dusty told him it would take at least ten million dollars to purchase everything they’d need.  Angula glanced at Anson.  “Ten million dollars.”

Bruce asked, “You have nothing in reserve?  You’re starting from scratch?”

“We have several thousand dollars, but the money we have will be needed for other things.”

Anson asked, “What about arms you already have, which could come off the list you just got?”

“Ah, not suitable for what these gentlemen have in mind, I’m sure.”

After Dusty asked where the troops would be trained, and Bruce agreed to the deal on money, the team members all departed in two cars, each being driven by one of Angula’s men.  Back at their suite, Bruce checked for bugs, then called Tony and filled him in.  Tony’s reaction was calm.  “Only a thousand?  Well, if Dusty can get them all in one place, maybe we can use dear friend Wendy to help us out again with her wonderful Gatlings.”

“Yeah.  All we have to do is get Dusty and Ike out of the way when she starts her gun runs.  I’m sure he can figure something out.”

In his hotel room with Ike, Dusty also checked for bugs, then he and Ike started discussing that very thing, knowing the C-130 would probably be used to help eliminate the hoard of men Angula had assembled.


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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Fido, Book #3 of the Janitors Series - an al-Qaida terrorist captured.

Today’s excerpt is from Fido, Book #3 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Drew, Boris, Suzan, and Janet capture the al-Qaida terrorist they have been looking for.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Janet was wearing a nice blouse and loose-fitting slacks.  In the pocket of the slacks was her Asp.  When they reached the door, Drew nodded toward the door and stood off to the side.  Janet knocked on the door and the man inside asked, “Who is it?”

Janet answered, “I’ve a message for Rafael Sanchez.”

Sanchez opened the door and was pleasantly surprised to see the beautiful redhead at his door.  He was less pleased when he suddenly had the Asp stuck in his midsection and was being pushed into the room, with Drew right behind those two.  When clear of the door, Drew closed it and hit Sanchez in the side of the head with the butt of his Asp, hard enough to stun him, but not knock him out totally.  He was soon on the man, had his hands secured behind his back, a piece of duct tape over his mouth, and a black bag on his head.  Drew looked at Janet.  “Well done, Jan.  Now go out, get your car, and drive around behind the building.  There’s an alley—pull on down to the rear door, get out, and open the trunk.  Give Suz a head nod to follow you.”

As soon as Janet left the room, Drew checked it out and found little.  There was a laptop—which he tossed on the bed—a few handwritten notes, and two passports.  He went through the pockets of Sanchez and found some money, a wallet, and a key chain, with what had to be the room key, and one he had no idea what it might be for.  He searched again, found a loose floorboard, and pulled it free, to disclose a strongbox.  He picked it up, put it on the bed with the other items he’d found, and waited, sure Janet would pass on to Boris and Suzan where he was and what he was doing, once they were all in the alley behind the building.

In a matter of minutes, Boris came into the room with Janet and asked, “Do you want me to put him in the trunk?”

“Yes.  I’ll get the rest of this stuff.”

Janet offered, “Here, let me help you.”

Soon, they were all headed to the rear of the building.   Boris had checked down the hall, before heading Sanchez to the rear, checked again before moving him into the alley, then into the trunk of the car Janet had driven.  As Janet and Drew loaded up the items from the room, Boris went back to the car driven by Suzan and got in.  Soon, Drew and Janet were in the car, with Sanchez in the trunk, and Janet drove off and headed back to Vladimir’s ranch.  When they got there, they went straight to the plane and put Sanchez aboard, with the items from his room.  With Suzan and Janet left behind and Suzan warming the plane’s engines, Drew and Boris drove the two cars back to the ranch house.  Vladimir had seen them arrive at the plane, and was standing in front of his house.  Boris rolled down the window of the car he was driving.  “Get in—you can drive this one back, after we get on the plane.”

Vladimir did as told, as Drew got in the rear of the car.  On the drive back to the place, Vladimir asked, “Were you successful?”

Boris said, “Oh, yes.  Rafael Sanchez is an old friend of ours…Yasir Taraki.”

Vladimir stiffened.  “Ah, yes.  I don’t suppose there is any way I could be the one to kill the bastard, is there?”

“No.  But I’ll be happy to send you his ear for a souvenir, if you’d like.”

“No, thank you…just make sure he’s dead this time.  I just wish we could kill him twice.  Many good men he cost us when he changed sides.”

“If he was ever on our side in the first place.”

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The Zimo Hunt, Book #2 of the Asps Series - Drew and Boris on the hunt.

Today’s excerpt is from The Zimo, Book #2 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Drew and Boris getting ready to track down Zimo.   Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



It was three hours before Tony got word that Zimo’s plane had landed in Yemen.  By then, Holly and Kye were long since back at the safe house with Jim and Holly’s belongings, and Bruce was dining with his wife in the hotel restaurant, after an interlude in the hotel room vacated by Holly and Jim.

Drew and Boris were up and Boris looked at Jim.  “We’d appreciate a ride down to Yemen, if you’re in the mood.”

“I am.  Ike, pack up your things.  You can go with us, and Holly can teach you how to fly.  Harry, we may be gone a while…hope you don’t mind me stealing Ike.”

Harry smiled.  He knew Jim well, and could just about guess what he had in mind.  “Sure.  Have fun…in Iraq.”

Jim grinned, “You’re a better agent than I gave you credit for,” then looked at Tony.  “We can use a ride to the airport.”


On the way to Jim’s plane, Boris asked Tony to make a stop in a very seedy part of Islamabad.  He was only gone from the Land Rover about ten minutes, and handed Drew a set of authentic but totally forged papers.  Drew took out his passport and soon had his picture inside the new documents…a German passport in the name of a German businessman, with visas to Yemen already affixed.

Tony didn’t ask, but shook his head at the smoothness of Boris and Drew.  Here they were—both retired for at least ten years each—and still way ahead of anybody he’d ever seen.  He almost felt sorry for Zimo…almost.


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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Birth Of the Asps, Book #1 of the Asps Series - MI6 Agent Tony Henry joins the team and asks about the plan.

Today’s excerpt is from Birth Of The Asps, Book #1 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Tony joins the Asps who are on Marie-Galante.  After humorous introductions he asks what their plan is for taking out an al-Qaida group intent on taking over the island nation of Dominica.   Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Early the next day, Tony Henry finally managed to get a boat ride to Marie-Galante from Guadeloupe, having been unable to find a boat to take him late the previous night.

When he found Holly, Bruce and the others were already up, eating on the cruiser.  Harry saw Tony coming and went to greet him.  As the Englishman came aboard, Harry held out his hand. “Blimey, limey, good to see you.”

“You too, Yank.”

Harry led Tony to the others.  “Guys, I want you to meet an old friend, ‘two-first-names.’ Tony, meet our new guys…that fellow is Ike Hill, next to him is Bear Turner.  The one over there, getting more food, is Jack Littlefield.  Fellas old ‘two-first-names’ also goes by the moniker of Tony Henry…or is it Henry Tony?”

“Funny, Chipermunger.  Your last name is probably Henry.  That great-great-great-grandfather—or however many ‘greats’ are involved there…who lost his memory after he got shot in your Civil War and had the Chickamunga name hung on him—probably was the bastard child of one of my ancestors, who shipped him off to the colonies to get rid of him.”

Tony and Bruce exchanged greetings while everyone shook hands amid chuckles at two old friends ribbing each other.  Then Tony said to Harry, after glancing at Bruce, “Fine mess you’ve uncovered, old chap.”

Harry grinned, “Thanks.  We try our best.”

“What plans do you have to stop this insanity?”

“Go kill ‘em all,” answered Bruce.

“A bit more specific, please.”


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Monday, May 23, 2016

Sedona Chip, Book #9 of the Janitors Series - Dan checks into the wrong motel.

Today’s excerpt is from Sedona Chip, Book #9 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Dan and Hector get a bit of an unexpected problem in Mexico to deal with…and do.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Hector soon took out his cell phone and called Harry.  “Get out of that place now.  Don’t check out.  Don’t speak.  I’ll be right over to cover your back.”

With that, Hector was out of the hotel and heading for his car.  The young cousin had wanted to come along, but Hector told him “no” quite firmly.  He sped to the beachfront motel in time to see Harry walking out without his luggage.  Hector watched as Harry went to his car and drove off.  In a matter of seconds, another car pulled out and followed Harry—who spotted the tail, quickly put the hands-free attachment of his cell phone on, and waited for Hector’s call.

Hector called him.  “You’re being followed.  I know a nice little place to trap these bastards, where no one will be able to see our action.  You managed to pick a winner of a motel.  The damned place is probably owned by a drug big-shot.  We know al-Qaida is getting into drugs, so the connection might be there.”

“Yeah, whatever.  Give me directions.”

Hector laughed and directed Harry to a road out of Ensenada.  When he told Harry to turn off on a road barely more than a cow path, Harry grumbled, “Holy shit, Hec.  I’m bouncing around like a ping pong ball in my car.” 

“Then speed up.”


When the car following Harry made the turn onto the same bumpy road, Hector was ready.  “Swing your car and block the road.  Um, you might want to get out the far side—and have your gun ready.”

Harry didn’t bother to offer a curt reply to that, he just did as told.  He had his seat belt off before he stopped, slid across the front seat, and got out.  He had his gun leveled at the approaching car as the driver noticed the car now blocking his way, and tried to swerve around and head the other way, but didn’t have room, and bounced into some underbrush.

By this time, Hector had bounced down the path himself, and slammed on his brakes to stop about seventy feet from the other car.  As he got out of his car, he yelled, ‘Shoot to wound, if you can—we need someone to talk to.”

At the exact moment, the driver of the middle car got out and started to raise a gun in Hector’s direction.  Ignoring what he had just told Harry, Hector shot him in the head.  The other two men in the car got out the other side.  One raised a gun in Harry’s direction, just as Harry shot the other one in the knee.  He quickly swung his gun and shot the man aiming the gun in the gun-hand shoulder.  Undaunted, the gunman grabbed the gun out of his right with his left, and started to raise the gun again.  Harry shot him in the forehead.

By then the wounded man had hopped around the car, took his gun out, and tried to aim at Harry.  Hector shot him in the wrist—shattering it and nearly severing the hand.  The rounds used by the Janitors were explosive in nature, and very destructive when they hit.

Hector raced forward, quickly checked the pulse of the first man he’d shot, then went to the twice-wounded man.  He was slumping down, and soon collapsed to the ground.  He was bleeding to death.  Hector looked down and saw the blood gushing out of the wound in his knee—and the same from the nearly severed hand—and shrugged his shoulders as Harry, who had checked to find the other man dead, walked up.  He looked down at the dying man and joked, “You gonna question him, you better hurry.”

Hector just gave him a dirty look, then looked at the position of the car that had carried the dead men, and asked, “You think you can pull around them, without trashing your car?”

“Yeah, I think so.  I have a question.  Who are we gonna question, now that these guys didn’t cooperate?”

“I’ve got a few ideas, but let’s keep in mind that Nasser is our first concern, and I don’t want to get in the middle of a drug gang out for our hides.”

“I’ve got an idea.  What say I go back and check out of the motel?”

“Are you nuts?”

“Hear me out.  These three thugs are now dead.  How many can one motel conveniently keep around for little errands—like trying to kill me, or whatever they were going to do?”

“Probably too damn many.  But I do see your point.  They had time to call for these guys after I left, and before I called you.  Let’s do it.  I’ll go in first and hang around.  You do your thing, and we’ll see what we see.”


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Friday, May 20, 2016

Devil's Brew, Book #8 of the Janitors Series - Change of plans.

Today’s excerpt is from Devil’s Brew, Book #8 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  While planning the major raid into Syria, the team decides a parachute jump isn’t the way to go.  During that conversation, a bit of actual history (except the name of the unit commander) is discussed.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Jim sat back, ran his hand over his face, and sighed.  “Okay, about twenty-five more.  By my count that leaves us at around one hundred and eighty.  Not enough.  But, for now, let’s get back to some planning.”

Before anyone could reply, General Bradley arrived and was let into the facility.  Since he knew everyone in the building, no introductions were needed.  After General Bradley got himself a cup of coffee, Jim joked, “Okay, now back to planning.”

Hector shook his head.  “Before that, Jim, we’ve got to change plans:  no way we can jump in.  Get the Seabees to build us a landing strip near the border or something.  Today’s training wound up with a broken leg, a broken arm, some cracked ribs, and God only knows how many wrist and ankle sprains.  On top of that, we had guys falling all over Quantico.  Oh, one more thing.  Just who in the hell got us a one-legged man?  He broke his prosthesis.”

Ski had just returned to the main conference/dining room where everyone had slowly drifted.  He coughed.  “He’s mine.  Lost his leg in Afghanistan.  Get him a new leg.  He’ll be fine.  Oh, and Jim, got three corpsmen and a Air Force Special Forces Medic—all with Force Recon experience—on the way.”

As Jim nodded at that, Hector growled.  “What the guy said.  New leg!  Crap.”

Jim chuckled, then sighed, “I was thinking about this jumping in, before you brought up the troubles you had today, Hec.  I like your idea about the Seabees building a fast strip near the border.”

Then he looked at General Bradley, “Can you be some help there?  And, if we go that route, we’ll probably need another 130.”

“Yeah, I can arrange the Seabees.  Know just the guy.  A Commander by the name of Rollston.”

Hector groaned.  “Sure, it’d be him.”

Jim tilted his head.  “You know somethin’ I don’t, Hec.”

“A lot of things, amigo.  Just been tryin’ to be coy all these years.  About Commander Rollston, he was in charge of a Seabee team that caused great embarrassment to the Marine Corps.  You tell him, General, since you want to use the guy for our strip.”

General Bradley smiled.  “Be glad to.  When Operation Iraqi Freedom started, the Marine unit heading north had a Seabee unit with them…commanded by Commander Rollston.  Seems, due to the sand storms they kept running into—and other reasons—the Seabees kept getting pushed forward from one squad to the next.  To make a long story short, they wound up with the lead element.  Then along came a serious sand storm and the Marines called a halt.  The Seabees never got the word, and kept on trucking.  Got to the spot where the Marines needed some defensive positions built and did their thing.  Next morning, when the sand settled down, the Marines moved out.  When they caught up with the Seabees, Commander Rollston walked up to the Colonel sent to see what the Seabees had been up to.  He simply asked, ‘What should we do with these guys?’  The Seabees had 140 prisoners—the first major batch of prisoners in the push north.  Needless to say, the Marines were just a might embarrassed.”


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Thursday, May 19, 2016

Dead Silent Calm, Book #7 of the Janitors Series - Some humor as Boris gets a surprise.

Today’s excerpt is from Dead Silent Calm, Book #7 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Boris gets a surprise…and doesn’t handle it too well.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Just as they had finished rehashing the plan, Suzan, who’d abruptly left the group and just returned, looked at Boris, who’d just stood up.  “Well, you silly old fool, you got me pregnant.”

Boris looked dumbfounded.  “What.  What.  How?  Oh, I know how you get pregnant.  I meant how do you know?”

“I missed my last period and got one of the home test kits.  We’ve got a dead rabbit in our room.”

“Rabbit.  Rabbit!  I don’t care about any damn rabbits!”

That brought outright laughter around the room where there had been only smiles and a few snickers at Boris’ discomfort previously.

Trying to control her laughter, Holly muttered, “Boris, years ago when women thought they were pregnant, they’d go to their doctor.  The doctor would take a sample of some sort of fluid, blood I think, and inject it into a rabbit.  If the rabbit died, the woman was pregnant.  If it lived, she wasn’t.  Or maybe the other way around, I’m not sure.  Suz was just making a funny.”

Drew started to enlighten his daughter on the correct rabbit test but held his tongue when Boris nodded.  “Oh.”

Boris then looked at Suzan with a blank expression.  “Uh, I guess we have to get married then.”

Suzan looked crestfallen.  “You call that a proposal?”

Now Drew couldn’t keep quiet any longer.  “Nice job, old man.”

Boris gave Drew a dirty look, then looked back at Suzan.  “I’m at a loss, Suzan.  As you know I’m in my sixties—and I have never gotten anyone pregnant before.”

Holly covered her mouth to hide her smile.  Billy, who’d stood up when Boris had, looked at his shoes.  Janet looked at Dan and sucked her lips in to keep from smiling.

Drew, however, was enjoying his normally totally in control friend’s discomfort.  “What you mean is:  that you know about.  You’ve probably got little Borises running around all over Africa, the Middle East and Europe.”

Hector grinned.  “You forgot Asia, Drew.  He just told us he had a female operative in China.”


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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Saltwater Connection, Book #6 of the Janitors Series - Suzan to stay with team for a couple days.

Today’s excerpt is from The Saltwater Connection, Book #6 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Jim gets to keep Suzan for three days, max.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Fifteen minutes later, Jim called General Kowalski and, after a wait of a few minutes, the General answered, “Kowalski.”

“Hi, Ski.  Jim Scott here.  How’s things?”

“Just fine, Jim.  I just hung up with the White House.  Uh, I assume you’re on a secure line?”

“Yeah.  You?”

“Funny, Jim.  The call I got from Pennsylvania Avenue sorta confirms rumors I’ve been hearing about what you’ve been up to.  Are you still employed by one of the alphabets?”

“No.  Left CIA about three years ago.  No longer employed by the Government.”

“Then I guess the rumors are true.”

“What rumors?”

“That you’re doing black-bag things and working directly for the White House.”

“Hmmm.  Interesting.  What I’m calling about…”

“Is Lieutenant Saltwater.  I’m glad she’s okay.  Bradley tells me you want to keep her for a few days, now that you’ve rescued her.  How long a few days?  What I mean is, she has to deploy soon.  Should have left today, but I thought I’d give it another day, to see if she turned up.”

“I don’t know if ‘rescued’ is the correct term.  She had already ‘rescued’ herself when we showed up.  Very resourceful lady, your Lieutenant.  Anyhow, I’d just like to keep her a day or two longer.  I’m a bit strapped for healthy people right now.  I lost a man on this deal, and have two wounded.  On top of that, I have two more going to pick up a plane in the next few minutes, and two with the plane out, leaving me with only two men.  We’re expecting company here, though probably not until tomorrow.  If it comes tonight, I’d like one more person on my team to handle it.”

“Okay, Jim.  It’ll press my team for time just a bit, but we can handle it.  Bradley told me he has a very fast plane we can use to make up some of the time lost.  It’s on its way to me as we speak.  I’d hate to make this last longer than three days, though.”

“She special ops?”

“Glad you had Bradley call, or I wouldn’t answer that, no matter how good a friend you are.  To answer your question, yes.”

“Didn’t want to put you in that position…that’s why I had General Bradley call.”

“Figured it was.  What led you to even think she’s special ops?”

“The way she handled herself up here, her refusal to tell me about her deployment, and I tricked her into using Arabic.”

“Oh, shit.”

“Gave her the lecture about not getting fooled like that again.  She’s a smart cookie.  She got the message.”

“Good.  Okay, you got her for three days, max.  Unless I get another call from Washington.  Don’t get her shot up…we need her.”

“Thanks.  And I’ll try to keep her whole.  My guess is she’d be better at keeping me alive than the other way around.”

“Naw, Jim.  The only reason you’re not a General officer in the Marine Corps is you opted out for CIA.”

“Thanks.  At least one of us made General.  You deserve it.”

“Thanks.  Enough patting each other on the back.  I’ve got a base to run.  Talk to you later.”

“Okay, so long.  Oh, wait a second.  You have a Captain by the name of Charles Forquer running around giving the clap to other officers.  Can you impress upon him what a naughty thing that is to do…after you get him cured?”

“You’re damn right I can.  Don’t tell me he got to Saltwater.”

“He did.”

“I’ll have his ass.  Now, I’ve gotta go, Jim.”


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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Tickleton Affair, Book #5 of the Janitors Series - Some humor as Dan updates situation.

Today’s excerpt is from The Tickleton Affair, Book #5 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  A bit of humor as Dan brings the FBI Director, and then his wife, up-to-date.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



“I’ve got Mark Yomo with me, for a day or two, and Janet.  Oh, and our pilot, Marty Bradshaw, the guy who was with Janet in St. Louis on the LV Charters deal.  I plan on protecting both Buchanan and Knight until we get to the bottom of this.  Speaking of which, that bomber that got his brains beat out by Buchanan now has been identified, in case you didn’t know it.”

“No, I didn’t.  By who, and who is he?”

“By Mark, and his name is Harold Morris.  The part you aren’t gonna like is he has Chinese connections.  Triad for sure…maybe Mainland as well.”

“Oh, shit!”  Damnit, Dan, how are you always two steps in front of us on everything?  I appreciate it, but you’d think with the resources at my disposal, I’d beat you to it once in a while.”

Dan didn’t answer the rhetorical question and kept silent while John continued to vent.  “You know with what you just told me, I’ll have to bring in CIA, don’t you?  While we are getting along with them these days, I still don’t like it.” 

John paused.  “Okay, thanks for the info and listening to my outburst.  You’re in.  I’ll call Phoenix right now and tell them you get full access and to listen to you.  Tell Yomo I said thanks, too.  If you’re with him, try to avoid getting shot this time, will you?”

Dan busted out laughing before he answered.  “I’m glad someone besides me realizes I only get shot when he’s around.  And thanks for easing the way for me.  Uh, I think Janet is—or soon will be—with Miss Knight at Buchanan Industries.”

John chuckled.  “I said I’d get right on it.  See ya.”

“So long.”

As Dan started to call Janet, Mark glanced sideways at him.  “You’re really funny, Orf.”

Dan just chuckled as Janet answered the plane’s phone.  “Orf lesser.”

“Hi, honey.  It is I.”

“Hi, I.  How are you, and why this second call?  I understood what you wanted me to do when I called you.”

“Well, we ran into a bit of a turf problem in Cottonwood, and I wanted to call John Engle and make sure we had no more of it, and the FBI guy that at first gave me some static was in the room with me.”

“Oh.  How’s John?”

“Not a happy camper.  I don’t know what in the hell they’re making at Buchanan Industries, but whatever it is has all the Washington brass—including the White House—shitting bricks.  Anyhow, he’s gonna give us full access, so you shouldn’t have any trouble getting in to see Miss Knight.”

“Good, thanks.  I woulda just used my charm, but I appreciate daddy taking care of me.”

“Watch that ‘daddy’ shit.”

Janet giggled.  “Sorry, lover.”

“That’s better.  Where are you?”

“On the way to a small airport north of Phoenix that Marty found out is only about five miles from Buchanan Industries.  We should be landing in a few minutes…it’s a short flight.”

“Yeah, I figured it would be.  Honey, take care.  This is a hot one, hotter than I even guessed at first.  We may have the Chinese—as in the Republic of China—involved.”

“Wow!  Okay, I hear your warning and will proceed with caution.”

“You sick?”


“No wise-cracks when I tell you to be careful?”

“You’re not funny, husband.  Well, actually you are, but hush.  I love you.”



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Monday, May 16, 2016

Toboggan, Book #4 of the Janitors Series - Nick and Phyllis on the run, but leaving a surprise for the bad guys.

Today’s excerpt is from Toboggan, Book #4 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  After being hit at a distance with a shotgun blast, Nick leads Phyllis thought the otherwise empty hunting lodge and out the back door to a barn.  There he rigs a trap for the two bad guys.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



When they reached the barn and entered it, Nick shook his head.  “I don’t know who in the hell those two are, but they sure aren’t friendly.”

When Nick had been busy in the kitchen, Phyllis had noticed the holes in his pants.  Now she turned him around, eased the shoulder straps of the hip waders off his shoulders, pulled the waders down, and looked closer.  “You’ve been shot.”

“I know that.  But right now we have other things to worry about.  It won’t be long before they come looking for us.  I guess they’ll search the lodge first. So we should have a little time.”

“Time for what?”

“To get anything we need from here and then get away.”  Then, seeing some rope and two partially full bags of feed, he added, “And maybe rig a little surprise for them.”

Phyllis just shook her head and stood there as Nick pulled the hip waders back up and went over to the stack of horse blankets.  He picked up two and brought them over to where she stood.  As he started to put one on her, she objected.  “Hey, I’m no damn horse.”

“You’re gonna wear this whether you want to or not.  Hold still.  It’ll keep you warm in the weather outside.”

“Damn.  Okay, go ahead and make a horse out of me.  Better to be a horse than a horse’s ass, I guess.”

“Or frozen.”

Nick smiled as he fitted the blanket on her back.  After hooking one of the clasps, he stood back, shook his head, loosened the clasp, and folded the blanket down part way, then he re-hooked the clasp and hooked the other one.

As he stood back admiring his handy work, Phyllis frowned and pouted, but said nothing as Nick turned and went to one of the bags of rotten horse food.  He tied a rope around the top portion of the bag, and tossed the end of the rope over the exposed beam nearest the doorway.  He paused to take stock and think out the best way to do what he had in mind.  After a few moments, he sighed, took out a butcher knife from his bag and started cutting into another rope.  Soon he had it apart and made thin string from the strands of the rope. 

Next he tied the string around the bottom of the feedbag, hoisted the bag up by the rope, and moved it back a foot or so to make sure his line wouldn’t break from the weight of the bag.  After easing the bag back down, he picked up the butcher knife, poked a hole in the middle of the bag—which allowed an awful odor to escape—and placed the knife, butt first, into the rotten feed.  He was happy it fit snuggly without movement in the damp, rotten feed.

That accomplished, he raised the bag to a height he thought correct for his plan.  “Phyllis, hold this here for me.”

She shook her head again, but did as told.  Then she watched as Nick climbed the stall door nearest his beam and shinnied out on it until he reached the rope.  He took a firm hold of it.   “Okay, turn loose.”

He then pulled up the slack rope end and wound it around the beam.  When he had taken several turns, he tied it off.  Then he gripped the beam above his head and dropped to the ground.  Next, he tossed the thin line over the next beam (away from the door) and slowly hoisted the bag higher into the air.  When he was satisfied he had it high enough, he went to the door and tied the line off on the door hinge and stood back to survey the situation.  “Honey, the trick here is to rig it so when one of those guys opens the door, the bag comes flying down and hits him with the knife.  Any ideas?”

“No, Captain.  You’re on your own on this one.  I haven’t a clue, but I like the idea of sticking the guy who shot you.”

Not knowing that Frank and Tony were much more interested in food than in pursuing Phyllis and himself, Nick felt he had to come up with something quickly as he stood there rubbing his chin trying to think of a way to rig his knife laden bag.  Deciding what to do, he quickly got out another of the knives and made a notch in the exposed wall stud nearest the door on the far side of the hinges.  Then he untied the line from the hinge he had wrapped it around.  There was a knob on the bottom of the hinge that he used to keep the line tight, then he laid the line out across the door to the notched stud.  After running the line through the notch, he tied a knot at the end of it.

Next he almost ran to the supply bag, took out one of the liquor bottles, and took the lid off.  He took a swallow, grimaced, and offered it to Phyllis without comment.  The bottle held schnapps.  She took one look at it and handed it back.  “No thanks.”

He gave her a dirty look, smiled, and downed the remainder of the bottle.  Then he went over near the door and put the bottle against a stud.  Using the butt of the knife, he broke it.  He picked up a piece of the bottle he thought would do and placed it in a groove on the door, just above the line.  Then he gently raised the line up over the piece of broken bottle.

He stood back and looked at his handy-work.  Satisfied, he nodded.  “Hopefully when they open the door, the glass will cut the line and the bag will come flying down.  Now, we better get out of here.  I have no intention of being here to see if my little trap is going to work.”

“Good idea,” Phyllis deadpanned, still not sure Nick’s great invention would work.


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Friday, May 13, 2016

Dog Pound, Book #3 of the Janitors Series - Kidnapping works for bad guys, but the future won't go so well.

Today’s excerpt is from Dog Pound, Book #3 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  The kidnapping goes as planned without a hitch (the last part of the plan that would).  Enjoy and have a great day.



Dale nodded, and put a hand to his wig to make sure it was still in place.  “Okay, I’m heading for the far corner; you two cut across here as planned.  My contact told me Lane wouldn’t be coming in a limo.  Doesn’t want to attract attention.  So keep a sharp eye out.  With no more foot traffic out than there is now, let’s go ahead and try for her on the way in.  No sense in waiting around and getting a case of nerves.”

“Agreed,” replied Oscar, as he and Henry headed across the street.

As the car carrying Billie Jo Lane pulled to a stop in front of the nightclub in a taxi zone, Dale thought, “How lucky can we be…not a soul in sight.”

When one of the bodyguards got out of the car to open the rear door for Billie Jo, the other headed around the car.  Their plan was to get her safely inside, then one would come back and properly park the car.

 As Oscar and Henry walked toward the entrance of the nightclub on one side of Billie Jo and her bodyguards, Dale approached from the other direction.  All six people converged at the entrance at the same time.  With swift but seemingly unhurried motions, Dale produced his syringe, jabbed the bodyguard nearest him, pushed the plunger, and stood back, amazed at how fast the drug worked.  The man crumbled to the sidewalk in seconds.  Oscar did the same thing to the other bodyguard, with the same results.  After Henry gave a shot to the startled Billie Jo, he and Oscar caught her as she started to fall.

All three men saw the car Billie Jo had arrived in sitting there running and forgot all about the car they had planned to steal.  With Oscar’s help, Henry wrestled Billie Jo into the back of the car as Dale went around the front and got in the driver’s seat.  With Billie Jo in the rear with Henry, Oscar slid into the front next to Dale as he pulled out and drove away.

The entire process had taken less than a minute.  Buoyed by their easy success, Dale suggested, “I think we’ll just drive to your truck, then I’ll double back, park this thing, and leave in my car.”

Also pleased at the way things went, Oscar replied, “Sounds good.  Shit, how lucky can we get?  Not a person in sight.  That bought us who knows how much time.”

Henry gave Dale directions to where the truck was parked.  When they arrived, again there was nobody in sight as they lifted Billie Jo into the back of the truck and covered her with a tarpaulin they’d placed in the truck for just that purpose.

Then Oscar took out a bag with draw-stings and opened it.  While still at the kidnapping scene, all three men had put the syringes they used into their jacket pockets.  Now they all placed them into the bag.  As they got into their truck, Oscar and Henry also put their wigs, false mustaches, and flesh-colored surgical gloves into the bag.

As they drove off toward their boat, Dale headed for his rental car.  He parked half a block away, got out, and walked up the street and around the corner, since there was a couple walking down the opposite side of the road.  Once around the corner, he doubled back, crossed the street to the side where his rental was, and headed for it.  Once inside his car, he took off the wig, mustache, and gloves.  After driving several blocks, he stopped at a deserted street corner, got out of the car, and dropped those items down a sewer drain.  He then drove toward the hotel, humming with a large smile. 


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