Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Adios, Amigos (Asps Series, Boook #9) - Pepper at it again.

Today’s excerpt is from Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the Asps Series.  Pepper continues the education of young CIA Agent Edgar Bolte.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Pepper chuckled softly as they headed for the back door.  The rear of this building had two steps up to a porch.  Pepper gently tried the steps, to find they didn’t squeak.  She went up to the door, took out a small can of lubricant (like the one Drew had used at the last house), oiled the hinges that were (again) on the outside, then tried the door.  It was unlocked.  She glanced back at Edgar, nodded, and opened the door.  They both hurried through the door.  The two terrorists looked dumbfounded at an old woman and a young man pointing guns at them, with the woman holding a finger to her lips.  One of the men opened his mouth as he took a deep breath.  Pepper shot him through the forehead.  She shook her head at the other man who was looking at her and Edgar, who had a finger to his lips, also.  He decided to keep quiet.  Pepper and Edgar hurried to him.  Pepper slapped duct tape on his mouth as Edgar secured his hands.  Next, Pepper took three turns around the man in the chair he sat in with her duct tape.  Even as they stood back, they heard footfalls and a slight squeak on the bare floor. 

Unlike Pepper, Edgar, Drew, and Boris—who all had on shoes with soft rubber soles—the terrorist wore leather-soled shoes.  He had heard a slight noise as the dead man had slid from his chair to the floor.  The chair also had made a slight noise as it slid a bit on the flooring, into the leg of the table the men had been sitting at.  He was coming down a hallway leading into the kitchen.  There was no door.  Pepper motioned Edgar to get against the wall as she went to the wall next to the opening into the kitchen.  When the man took one step into the kitchen, Pepper quickly hit him in the temple with the butt of her Asp.

She reached out to catch him by his shirt as he fell toward the floor.  Even as he was amazed at the strength Pepper showed with her maneuver, Edgar hurried forward.  He had soon secured the man’s hands behind his back, and rolled him gently over so Pepper could put duct tape on his mouth, before she took three turns around his ankles.

Finished with him, they started down the same hallway the man had used, as they headed to the front of the house.  About halfway down the hall, another of the terrorists turned into the hallway.  Even as his mouth fell open, he started to reach for the weapon in his shoulder holster.  Pepper shot him mid-forehead and hurried forward.  She reached the living room while the man was sagging to the floor.  Edgar was right behind her.  Both had their guns pointed at the two men in there.  Pepper growled, in Arabic, “Move and you’re dead.  If you hold still, you might live out the night.”

One of the men made a move for his weapon.  Both Pepper and Edgar shot him—Pepper, in the forehead, and Edgar, in the side of the head, as Pepper had been just a bit faster.  The other man froze.  He was quickly secured with hand restraints and duct tape.  Pepper pointed at the man.  “Watch him while I round up the other two.”

Pepper began herding the man who had come down the hall, who was already awake, into the living room.  She had slit the duct tape on his ankles to help him up, before starting him in that direction.  After she shoved him into an empty chair, she went back for the other man.  In the kitchen, she cut the duct tape holding him to the chair, helped him to his feet, then also herded him down the hall to the living room.  Once there she pushed him to the couch, between the two living men sitting there. 

Edgar asked, “Now what?”

“Now I ask them a few questions.  Take the duct tape off all three of their mouths.”

After Edgar did as told, Pepper, again using Arabic, asked the man who had started down the hallway while she and Edgar were in the kitchen, “Who is in charge here?”


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