Monday, February 8, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Horace Goes Home (Other Books) - Horace the target.

Today’s excerpt is from Horace Goes Home, the second of three Elmer Bader books.  Horace finds out he’s going to be a ‘clay pigeon’ for the sniper waiting and watching for him to come outside.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Elmer acknowledged before ringing off.  Then Hector called Red to tell him the plan.  He requested Horace be handy when the time came.  Red agreed after talking to Hector, and went into the living room, where Julie, Nicole, Ruth, Lizzie, Jill, Horace and Doggie were all talking—with the exception of Doggie, who was camped out on Horace’s lap.  Red told them the plan, which called for Horace to walk out the front door at the prescribed time.  Horace objected, “No way.  I’m not going out there to be a clay pigeon.”

When everyone looked at him, he smiled, “Just joking.  I’ve got full confidence in those fellas out there.  With them all being Special Ops, I’ll be like a baby in the loving arms of his mother—though, I think I would like a drink.  That way I won’t feel a bullet if it goes through me.”

Jill gave him a hard look.  “You’re not funny.”

Ruth shook her head.  “Oh, yes, he is.  Come on, Red—I’ll help with the drinks.”

The second bar in the house was in a small anti-room near both the living room and dining room.  Red—who really didn’t like the way it had been arranged by his wife and daughter when they helped design the floor plan of the house—went to the bar to start pouring what he knew by now everyone drank.  When all the drinks were passed around, with Lizzie getting a glass of ginger ale, Nicole raised her glass.  “Here’s to a successful whatever you call it.”

Horace also raised his glass.  “Operation…or mission.  Take your pick.”


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