Monday, February 8, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Back To Iraq (Janitors Series, Book #2) - Education and a bit of humor.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To Iraq, Book #2 of the Janitors Series.  Drew tries to explain to Roland what they are going to do, and why.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Drew answered, “About two o’clock in the morning, Boris and I will break into his house, place listening devices all over the place, then listen to everything he does and says.  Before you ask, that is strictly illegal.  Under ordinary circumstances, we would do no such thing in this country.  However, these are not ‘ordinary circumstances.’  Not with a missing nuke floating around.”

Roland almost choked on a piece of meat in his mouth before asking, “Nuclear weapon? Here?”

Drew smiled and answered, “Probably not here.  However, my suspicion is that lad across the street just might know where it is.  If he does, we hope to find that out from him and take it away from whoever has it.  Now, Roland, obviously this information is for your ears only.  Unless the President tells you personally that you can discuss the nuclear part of our investigation, please don’t.  The only reason I’m even telling you of this possibility is that with you staying here, you will be able to hear our conversations and listen in to the goings on across the street.  If young Al-Sharif was to suddenly say something about blowing up some place or the other, I wouldn’t want you to have a stroke.  In addition, I trust you.  Based on what, you may ask?  Years of judging people.”

“Thank you, Drew.  I’m flattered.  I think the last person that came right out and told me they trusted me was my wife…and I got her pregnant.”


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