Thursday, February 11, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Ancient Rookie (Other Books) - Chet says the wrong thing...but recovers.

Today’s excerpt is from Ancient Rookie, a standalone sports fantasy book with an action/adventure sub-story.  Chet goofs before starting a sexual relationship with Megan, but finally gets his message across.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Soon both were in his large shower stall as he began helping her wash.  When she started rinsing the soap off, Chet got out to start drying himself off.  When Megan came out, she grabbed a towel and started drying herself off, too.  When she finished, Chet took her by the hand, leading her toward the bed.  “One thing I should tell you before we do this, Megan.  In addition to the house, I’ve already set up a trust account for a million dollars for you.”

Megan stopped dead in her tracks, pulling her hand from Chet’s.  “What!  You think…you think—aw, hell.”  She turned, grabbed her robe, and left for her own room, tears running down her face.

Chet put his hand to his face, ran it down, then dropped it while he muttered, “Nice move, asshole.”

He got his towel, tied it around his waist, and headed for Megan’s room.  When he got there he looked kindly at her.  “Megan, I’m so sorry.  That was so stupid.  It’s just…well, I wasn’t sure.  I couldn’t understand why such a hot young lady like you could want to sleep with an old idiotic fart like me.  I just…I’m sorry.”

As he had been talking, he had been moving his arms.  The movement caused the towel to slip from his waist.  Megan saw, and saw Chet standing there, realizing it, also.  She noticed his mouth open and shut, then open and shut again.  She suddenly could also understand why he might lack the confidence to think she could want him just for him, not for his money.  She took a deep breath as he continued to stand there, naked in front of her, “Is that supposed to be some sort of seductive move?”

Again his mouth opened and shut…twice.  Then Megan dropped her robe and went to him. 


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