Friday, February 26, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Toboggan (Janitors Series, Book #4) - Nick and Phyllis met the bad guys.

Today’s excerpt is from Toboggan, Book #4 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Nick and Phyllis meet the escaped bad guys as Russell approaches from the other direction.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



 While Dan and Mark watched their watches tick and the Janitors were doing their thing, Tony took a deep breath.  “Okay, Frank, let’s go.”

They had rested exactly thirty minutes.  Had they rested fifteen minutes more, or fifteen minutes less, a number of people—including them—may have had things worked out differently.  As they started plowing through the snow again, Russell started heading for the same target from a different direction.  With the snow still coming down heavily, Tony and Frank failed to see Russell, and he failed to see them as well.

Suddenly, as they were about two hundred feet from the lodge, and Russell was nearly as close, Phyllis said, “We’re nearly out of wood, darling.”

“Already with the ‘darling’ when you want me to do something.  In this case, you are correct.  I’ll go get some.”

As Phyllis laughed, Nick slipped on the sweater he had found in Meat Hook’s room and went outside.  Almost at once, he saw Frank in the State Trooper uniform and hollered to Phyllis, “Hey, honey, it looks like help has arrived.”

Then he saw Tony wearing the jail jumpsuit he had been wearing when picked up in Del Norte.  The coat covering the top half of the jump suit also had a big white “P” on the front, which he could see, and one on the back that Russell noticed just before he called out a greeting.

Both Nick and Russell also saw that Tony, a presumed prisoner, was carrying a shotgun while walking behind the State Trooper.  Nick realized something was wrong with that picture and shouted to Phyllis, “Don’t come outside!”

Then he turned and hurried toward the door.  Tony took a step to the side of Frank and fired as Frank grappled with the holstered handgun taken from Trooper Collins.  Typical of Tony and Frank, the shot almost completely missed Nick.  Only about ten stray pellets from the shot hit him as he stumbled through the door.  About the time Phyllis screamed, “What was that?” Frank finally got the pistol out and fired in the general direction of Nick, but totally missed.

At that point, something made Tony turn toward Russell and, on seeing him, he leveled the shotgun.  Russell spun and tried to run.  The blast from the shotgun hit him squarely in the back and threw him forward into the snow.

Convinced he had killed Russell, Tony turned back toward the lodge to see Frank trying desperately to push through the snow.  Tony followed.

As soon as he had gotten back into the lodge, Nick wasted no time.  He told Phyllis to grab her sweater and follow him.  Then he raced toward the kitchen, picking up the bag they brought with them but had never opened since being in the lodge.  In the kitchen, he tossed the bag on a table, opened it, and tossed in a first aid kit that happened to be there because Phyllis had cut herself the previous day while getting a meal ready for them.  That cut had been very minor, but had the effect of having the first aid kit handy. 

Next Nick grabbed a ham they had put out to thaw, tossed it in the bag, grabbed several knives, and put them in as well.  Then he ran to the door leading from the kitchen to the main lounge and saw no one in the lodge yet.  He raced forward to the bar, picked up three bottles of whisky, and ran back to the kitchen.  They went into the bag and, for good measure, he opened the freezer and took out three wrapped pieces of meat and tossed them in as well, having no idea what was in the packages, nor caring at that point.

Phyllis had stood by dumbfounded, but when Nick said, “Let’s go,” she followed without question.  Just as he reached the door, Nick remembered and saw the hip-waders.  He stopped, picked up a pair, and handed them to Phyllis.  “Put them on.  We may be roughing it for a while, so let’s not start out wet.”

As she complied, Nick quickly put his on, then opened the door for Phyllis and followed her out, carefully shutting the door as he went.  No sense drawing them a map where we are,” he thought as he passed Phyllis and led the way toward the barn.

Frank was irate at how long it took him to go just more than two hundred feet.  When he finally reached the porch, he raced inside with the gun at the ready.  Tony was close behind.  They, of course, saw no one.

Frank muttered, “Dammit, Tony.  Dem friends o’ Meat Hook.  He gonna kill us.”

“They weren’t.”

“How’d ya knows dat?”

“Because the sweater the guy was wearing didn’t fit him at all.  That was Meat Hook’s favorite sweater.  He wouldn’t let nobody wear it.  Now get upstairs and look for ‘em while I look around down here.”

Frank grumbled, but did as told.  By the time he had checked everywhere on the second and third floors and come back downstairs, Tony had already checked the first floor and poured himself a drink.  Seeing Frank approaching, he poured one for him and asked, “Nothing, how ‘bout you?”

“Naw.  Nobody dare.”

“Well, if they aren’t here, they either went outside, or they’re in the basement, which I didn’t check yet.  The door down there is off the kitchen.  Let’s get something to eat, then we’ll check out the basement.”

“Dat a good idea.”


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