Monday, February 15, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Bigfoot Bait (Other Books) - The good guys close in on the kidnaappers.

Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, the second of three Bob Becker books.  On reaching the state of Washington, the searchers are closing in on the kidnappers.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



By the time Tank again tried for sleep, Jim’s group had made strides toward finding Biden…and Clay.  About the time Jim and Holly reached Reardan, Bob was in Waterville.  He found the station where Biden had gassed up on his third try in the town. 

Before calling Jim, he consulted his map of the Wenatchee National Forest, given to him by Jim.  He puffed up his cheeks, blew the air out, and sighed.  He realized what they had done to this point might turn out to be the easiest part of tracking down Biden and Clay.

When he did call him, Jim answered, “More good news, Bob?”

“Yeah.  I’m at the station in Waterville.  He was here.   Got real lucky.  The clerk at the place not only remembered him, but remembered him from last year…when—drum roll, please—he asked how to get to Entiat.  Fella remembered because he told me Biden was real snotty each time—even when asking for help.  So I’m headed to Entiat.  Check your map for how to get there.  Guy here told me it was about a forty-five minute drive—first down one side of the river, then up the other side.  As the crow flies, about five or ten miles…but we ain’t crows.”

“Let me know what you find out there.  Good luck.”

Bob wondered about having used up quite a bit of luck already, but kept quiet before heading to Entiat.  When he got there, he decided if Biden was hopefully meeting Clay there, they might both top off their tanks before heading into the forest.  His luck held.  The first station he stopped at had a country store as part of the property. 

The clerk there wasn’t busy, so Dan walked up and smiled.  “Looking for two guys.  You mind taking a look at their pictures?”

“You some kind of cop?”

“Private.  Looking for them because we think between them they kidnapped three young college gals.”

“Show me the pictures.”

The clerk instantly recognized both Biden and Clay.  After asking if he could check out the security camera footage for the time of their visit, the clerk immediately agreed.  While reviewing the surveillance tape there, he noted Biden and Clay made no contact with each other, but left almost in tandem. Within minutes he was on the phone to Jim. “Got the bastards.  Better yet, pretty sure where they went from here.  Back down the road here about two miles or so is Forest Road 51…also called Entiat River Road.  They turned in that direction when leaving the station here.  By the way, while here they acted like they didn’t know each other, but Clay followed right behind Biden when he left.  Which of course means we head into this damned big forest.  This is gonna be a pip.”

Jim laughed.  “Nobody said this was gonna be easy.”


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