Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Baghdad Butcher (Janitors Series) - Jim takes on the "offered" job.

Today’s excerpt is from Baghdad Butcher, Book #1 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Jim agrees to take on the new assignment.   Enjoy and have a wonderful day.
 After the third and final load, Jim looked at the smallish man in his living room.  “Well, Director, what brings you here?  Something I’m not going to like, I’d guess.”
“We do have something to discuss.  But I’m afraid it’ll have to be in private.”
“I can take a hint.”
“Thanks, Peggy.  Take my truck home.  The keys are in it.  I told your dad you’d probably be keeping it awhile.  Thanks for your help.”
“Thanks for ridding us of that lion.”
“Well, I think we just beat Billy and Joe to it by a little bit.  Though, your dad would have more than likely been short one more cow.”
“Bye…oh, I turned off the radio in your gun shop.”
“See you, Peggy.  Safe home,” he replied, knowing that Peggy had just told him where her flasher had been placed.
“Now, Director, I see you have a drink, so what can I do for you?”
“I have a job to offer you…from the President.”
“That dirty trick committee of yours been at it again?”
“Something like that.  It seems Saddam Hussein has been processing and selling drugs in this country to destabilize us.  The President thinks the time has come to put the last nail in his coffin.  You’re elected…if you choose to do it.”
“Yeah, okay.  The bastard has it coming.  He’s the best description of a war criminal I can think of in today’s world.  Though that part of the world has a few other prime suspects.”
“The usual terms of your engagement will apply.  Anything you have to do in this country that may be…uh…outside the law, will be covered by a full pardon when the job is done.  The government will in no way be party to the doing of the job.  You will in no way be compensated for your efforts.  In short, as always, you’re on your own.”
“I know the drill.”
“There is one slight difference this time.”
“A Special Agent by the name of Holly Hollins, out of our Los Angeles office, will accompany you as far as Los Angeles and offer whatever assistance she can—without being directly involved, if you know what I mean.”
“I know what you mean.  But I’m not sure I understand exactly why she’ll be involved, and why I’m going to start this little operation in Los Angeles.”
“Because the President wants to be sure the information we are operating under is correct.  As much as nobody likes the Iraqi President, we can’t just go off killing him on a lark.”
“Now wait a minute.  The President is vexed enough to have me go kill Saddam, but nobody is sure of the information that got him vexed in the first place?”
“Well, put that way, yes.  What the President wants you to do is start in Los Angeles and back track the drug trail to Saddam.  Since Agent Hollins was the one who basically came up with the information, she will brief you and accompany you to Los Angeles.  She can be of whatever assistance you want, so long as she does not actively engage in any…um…well, illegal activities.”
“Okay.  If you say so.”
“Good.   I’ll go out and get Agent Hollins.”
“You mean you left her out in that car, freezing her butt off all this time?”
“Yes.  I didn’t want her involvement known until you accepted the assignment.  And, anyway, she has the keys, so she shouldn’t be cold.”
“God, Director Finn, you’re a case.  Go get her.”
While Director Finn was getting Holly, Jim greeted his dogs that had wagged their tails when he came in, but had maintained their place guarding the Director.  When Holly and the Director came in, both dogs went over to her, but avoided Finn.
“Mister Scott, this is Special Agent Holly Hollins.  Agent Hollins, this is Jim Scott.”
Holly ever so slightly raised an eyebrow and gave a small dip of her shoulder.  As Jim frowned in a barely discernable way, she extended her hand.  “Pleased to meet you, sir.”
“Same, here.”
“All right, I briefed Agent Hollins on the way here, and since you’re briefed, and I have no intention of being presumptuous enough to tell you how to do your job, I’ll leave now.  Good luck.”
“Goodbye, sir.”
“So long, Director.”
As Director Finn drove off, Holly smiled.  “Jim, long time no see.”
Giving her a big hug, Jim replied, “It’s been too long.  How’s your dad?”
“Fine.  Do you think Director Finn really doesn’t know that we know each other?”
“It’s hard to believe he doesn’t.  He knows I was CIA after Desert Storm.  And, he damn sure knows Drew Hollins was CIA.  Hell, I know for a fact he, Finn, took some anti-terrorist classes your dad taught.  I don’t know if he’s being too cute by half, or just stupid.”
“He’s not stupid, Jim.  Maybe he just never made the connection.”
“Hard to believe, but I guess it’s possible.  Well, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt us, and the hell with him.  I’ve never liked that little prick.”
“Nice way to talk about the Director of the FBI, who just happens to be my boss.”
“Then why do you have that smile on your face?”
“Because I agree with you.  What does a girl have to do to get a drink in this palace of yours?”
“Oops, sorry.  Help yourself while I stow this gear.”
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