Thursday, February 4, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - The Zimo Hunt (Asps Series, Book #2) - Bear has more fun.

Today’s excerpt is from The Zimo Hunt, Book #2 of the Asps Series.  Bear takes out another bomb-maker.  Also, the terrorist safe house to be watched trying to find Zimo.  Enjoy and have a great day.



About the time Jim spoke, Bear had Kye stop, right outside the new bomb factory…with instructions to keep the car running.  He got out, leaving the door open, took one step, pushed the countdown button on the bomblet, and threw it through a window.  He jumped back into the car and didn’t have to tell Kye anything, as she darted into traffic and drove as fast as she could.  She was actually surprised how far a car could go in five seconds.

Inside the house, the bomb-maker and his crew were stunned for a second when the bomblet came crashing through the window.  None of them reacted quickly enough to get the ticking bomb and toss it back out the window.  One of them was reaching for it when it exploded, igniting the other explosives in the house.

Kye drove on, even as debris from the bomb factory rained down on their car, as well as everything nearby.  One chunk of the building landed on the trunk of the car, but slid right off, leaving a nasty gash in the awful paint job of the car.

As she drove, Kye kidded, “Nice work, Bear.  Though I must admit you scared the crap out of me.  Whatever hit the rear of the car sure made a thud when it hit,” then she laughed and added, “not that Harry’s car will ever know the difference.”

Bear laughed and ordered, “Home, James.”


Back at the safe house, Bear and Kye reported their exploits since last seen, with Kye telling Harry his car had been damaged, but still ran as poorly as it had previously.  Harry took the ribbing about the car with good humor, looked at Drew and Boris, and asked, “Now what?”

Boris answered, “Now we watch the safe house Drew and I just visited, front and back, around the clock, and follow whoever shows up there.  It probably won’t be Zimo—or should I say, Marwan Hanania.  But it almost certainly will be one of his people, sent by him to bring those two in for consultation.  When said individual sees the two dead bodies, my guess will be he will hurry back to his leader to tell him what has happened.”

Drew, who had been at their computer printing copies of the pictures they had of Hanania, nodded his head and started passing out the pictures to everyone in the room.  “Just in case he shows up himself, take him…alive if possible, but don’t miss him.  We may only get one chance.”

Jim looked at Holly.  “Shall we take first watch?”

Holly nodded as Harry stood up.  “I’ll take the first watch, also.  You game, Jack?”

“Sure.  Jim, you want the front or the back?”

Holly answered, “We’ll take the back.”

Jim shrugged and nodded, then headed for the door, with Holly at his side.  As he walked, he tossed the keys to his rental to Drew.  “We’ll take one of Harry’s wrecks…be less conspicuous that way.”

Harry joked, “I’m glad someone has the sense to know why I got older cars.”

Drew exclaimed, “Older!  Are you nuts?  Those cars are older than old.  And they’re pieces of crap on top of it.”


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