Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Birth Of The Asps (Asps Series, Book #1) - Dusty arrives just in time.

Today’s excerpt is from Birth Of The Asps, Book #1 of the Asps Series.  Dusty saves Kye from certain death, then rigs the scene to look like an accident.  That done, he later calls in to report what they found out about al-Qaida’s plans for the island of Dominica. Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



NOTE:  Caught some grief for where I ended the last excerpt from this book, so here’s a continuation.


As it turned out, Kye’s resignation to her pending death was premature.  Because even as the machete started its downward arch, Dusty, who had snuck up behind the much-shorter Arab, was able to reach over his bent forward form and grab his head in both hands.  Dusty snapped the man’s neck, killing him instantly…the machete falling harmlessly to the ground.

Dusty looked down at Kye.  “Sorry to cut that so close, but I didn’t want to shoot him.  Want to make his death look like an accident.”

Kye swallowed with dry mouth.  “No problem.  Thanks for savin’ my bacon.”

“You’re welcome.  Let’s go.”

With that, Dusty handed Kye the now-empty bags and picked up the dead terrorist.  As he turned, he pointed to the ground with his free hand.  “Grab his machete, please.”

Kye said nothing, but did as asked, and followed Dusty, noting the ease with which he carried the dead man.  Sorta like a small sack of potatoes,” she thought.

When they reached the incline they’d come up, Dusty tossed the man down it.  Then he turned, took the machete from Kye, and about halfway down the incline dropped it alongside the trail.

At the bottom of the incline, they both turned and looked at the scene of the “accident.”  Dusty nodded approval of his handy work, then retrieved their clothing, picnic basket, and blanket, from where they had hidden them.

Without a word, Dusty started changing his clothes.  Kye did the same but whispered, “Feel sorta funny changing clothes in front of that guy.”

Dusty laughed.  “He can’t see you, but I can…and I like what I see.”

“Oh, hush.”

After they changed, Dusty led them back to the car, carrying everything, because Kye was having trouble carrying herself.  When they reached the car, she sighed and slowly got in.  Then Dusty stored their things, except for the picnic basket.  He opened that and offered Kye a sandwich.  She waived it off and asked, “We got anything to drink in there?”

“Just water and soda.”

  Kye only groaned as Dusty got in and drove, while he ate his sandwich.  Kye glanced over at him eating and driving, but said nothing.  But when he reached in the basket and started munching on some of the fruit, she shook her head.  “Dammit, Dusty, pay attention to your driving.”

“Hey, I didn’t fall down a little old hill.”

Kye just gave him a dirty look, sure that was just the first of the digs she’d get about falling down the incline.

Dusty stopped at a nice scenic spot, got out his cell phone, and placed a call to Bruce.  He found that phone busy, so called Harry. 

Harry saw who was calling and answered, “Hi, Dusty.  What’s up?”

“Found ‘em.”

“Great, Dusty.  You get any read on what they might be up to?”

“Yeah, and you’re not gonna believe it.  These idiots are planning a coup.  They got some local out-of-pocket politician and they’re gonna put him in as Prime Minister and President.”

“Oh, that’s crazy.”

“Crazy or not, that’s their plan.  I got it on tape.  Let me play it for you.”


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