Friday, February 19, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Escape From Mexico (More Books) - Bob anc Clyde get proof to clear Sandy.

Today’s excerpt is from Escape From Mexico, a standalone book featuring Bob Becker, Clyde Feegle, Jim Scott, and many old friends from previous books.  Clyde, Bob, and an ATF friend of Clyde catch filling station owner red-handed putting guns in the trunk of a car Michelle drove into his place of business.   Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



      By then they were on him, and soon hustled him behind a partition.  Clyde secured his hands on the way, and the attendant’s ‘worst nightmare’ was underway in no time.  Several threats as what would happen to him if he didn’t cooperate were hurled his way, but the capper was after Clyde told him he and Bob were not connected with the government in any way, just out to clear Sandy Melosi’s name.  After that, on a hunch, he added, “Did you happen to hear what happened to the five guys who raped her while she was in custody?”

Both Bob and Clyde knew they had him, due to his reaction to Clyde’s question.  Ralph, listening outside on his communication set, wondered what Clyde was up to, and—being unable to see the facial reaction to the question—had no idea Clyde had struck pay dirt.  He was soon to find out, as Clyde whipped out his knife.  “Okay, pal, you got two choices:  one, you lose your manhood—and if you can get help after we leave before you bleed to death, you’ll go through life without balls or a dick—or two, you can answer all our questions honestly and we’ll turn you over to an ATF agent friend of ours, who will put you in witness protection, if you give us everything.”

The broken man asked, “What about my family?  My woman, and two kids?”

Clyde asked, “You married to her?”


“Well, if she’ll have you, she goes into witness protection, along with your kids.  If not, they’re on their own.”

“‘Z’ will have ‘em killed to get even with me.”

“Then you better plan on getting married in short order…our friend can help arrange it.  He’ll get them out of harm’s way for now, as soon as you give us everything.”


Bob got out a tape recorder he had in his pocket, then had the man tell about how he had set Sandy up.  When the attendant explained what he had done and why Sandy had been arrested, Bob turned off his recorder and Clyde took one out, and the question-and-answer session began.  Outside with the car, Ralph could hardly believe what he was hearing, but called in all three teams he had in the area.  After doing that, he asked into his communication set, “Ask him where his lady friend and kids live.  I’ll have them picked up right now.”

Clyde did and—knowing Ralph could hear—went back to his questioning…after being told where the man’s family could be found.  The part on how Sandy came to be arrested was due to two Mexican border guards who normally worked the noon-to-four shift at the border entrance and would have waved her through, but they were involved in a wreck on the way to work and had been delayed that day.  The grumpy guards who had not been relieved discovered the weapons in Sandy’s car and arrested her.

When the questioning was complete, Clyde muttered, “Ralph, you may as well come on in.”

Ralph hurried in and Clyde gave him the recording he had made, which included a repeat of the situation with Sandy.  As he handed it over to Ralph, he grumbled, “We have a copy of the original statement on Sandy—the follow-up questioning on that is on this tape.  We’re keeping the other one…no pissing and moaning about it.”

“Are you kidding me, Clyde?  I should kiss you…but you’re so damned ugly, my lips might fall off.”


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