Thursday, February 18, 2016

Latst from tghe Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Monster's Palace (Other Books) - Some humor after taking out a drug operation.

Today’s excerpt is from Monster’s Palace, a standalone book featuring new hero Clyde Feegle, Jim Scott, and many old friends from previous books.  Clyde is the senior of three military men working for the CIA dealing with interrupting the drug trade south of the border, mostly where al-Qaida is making inroads.  Working with an Army Delta Force unit, the three military men and their CIA boss raid a drug facility in Venezuela doing business with al-Qaida.  When they leave, only two “plaything women” are left alive of those they found there.   Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



      In answer, Merrill joked, “In theory, they are real money—just not our greatly diminished money.  But to answer your question, about twenty grand U.S.  Dare I ask why you asked?”

      “I’m thinking about turning those two gals loose, and giving them the bolivars…any objections?”

      “Nope” replied Merrill, as Clyde shook his head.

      “Good.  Oh, by the way—when I questioned them—they did mention the Venezuelan Army does drop by from time to time, so I’m thinking a fast exit from the scene might not be a bad idea.”

      Merrill grumbled, “Now you tell us this?  Great.  Okay, let’s wrap it up and hit the road.  Captain Londoff, since you’ve taken a fancy to the ladies, will you deal with them whilst the rest of us load up?”

      Clyde sighed.  “Yeah, good idea.  Merrill, why don’t you start moseying to one of the buggies, while the rest of us load up?  I see Mitch heading our way, the approach of the good sergeant, and Dick, with boxes with which to use for the loading-up process.”

      Harry just shook his head and muttered about those two joking around, while showing no real sign of any type of hurrying to get ready to leave.  He went to the two young ladies, cut the restraints still on their wrists, and grunted, again in Spanish, “Alright, you two…go get dressed and load up anything you want to take with you.  Meet me outside.  I’m going to find you transport out of the area.”

      The two didn’t have to be told twice, as both had feared God knew what was going to happen to them.  As they hurried off, Harry noticed what lovely rear-ends both had, sighed, and turned to head outside.  There were three vehicles parked near the house.  The most reliable looking one was a two-year-old SUV.  He tried one set of keys and soon had it running.  He noticed the tank was three quarters full and figured if a quarter of a tank got it here, three quarters would get beyond where it had last been filled.  He drove it to just outside the front door, turned it off, then checked the papers inside.  They showed the registered owner to be one of the names on the documents he’d found inside.  After muttering, “Figures,” he got out and went back into the office. 

      By then the money beside the bolivars had been boxed up and carried outside.  Using a small box left behind, he put the Venezuelan money in it and headed back to the SUV.  Then he looked around, wondering what was keeping the two young lovelies and went in search of them.  When he found them, they were stuffing two pillowcases with anything they could spot they felt might be of some value.  He growled, “Come on, you two—I’ve got a stack of money for you, so you don’t need all this crap.”

      He noticed two suitcases on the floor and picked them up as he turned to exit the building.  When he reached the SUV, he put the suitcases, which he noticed were heavy enough they had more than clothing inside, into the rear of the vehicle.  He watched with dismay the trouble the two were having carrying their “treasures” out of the house, due to the weight of their nearly filled pillowcases.  Harry did not offer to help them in the least.

      After they finally managed to get the pillowcases in the SUV, Harry looked at them and grumbled, still in Spanish, “Okay, the way this is gonna work is we’re gonna cause a big bang.  After it goes off, you get your now-covered nice bodies in this nice ride I found for you, and split.  I assume you both have cellphones.  I’d really appreciate it if you would hold off using them for about twenty minutes after we leave…got it?”

      Both young ladies nodded.

      “Fine.  Now then, when you talk to whoever you’re gonna talk to about this little episode in your lives, feel free to say what you want.  For now, you best stay near the front of the house.”

      Already near the front of the house, both shrugged as Harry headed toward one of the buggies, now holding Merrill, with the others standing around talking.  As he walked up he asked, “Has something been done with all the damned dope in the barn?”

      Mitch chuckled, Dick nodded, and the sergeant answered, “Yes, sir.  All the finished product has been cut open, and gas poured on it.  The raw coca leaves also have gas dumped on them.  I was thinking if our big bang doesn’t set it all on fire, we could just fire off a few rounds into the barn.”

      “Good man.  Merrill, Clyde—you ready?”

      “Yup,” Merrill answered, as Clyde nodded.


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