Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Back To Iraq (Janitors Series) - Jessica takes off after bomb.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To Iraq, Book #2 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Jessica takes off after the bomb.   Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



 Both Jessica and Hector saw the bomb in mid-air and fired at it.  It seemed to flutter downwards, soon out of sight.  Boris also saw it, but didn’t have a shot.  Before he lost sight of it, he saw it land on top of a boxcar.  He reported that face.  “The bomb is on a boxcar.”

Jessica was the first to react.  She turned and ran as fast as she could to one of the cars they had left some two hundred feet behind her.  When she reached it, she tore open the door and jumped in.  She started the car and drove off—the car door slammed shut from the force of her acceleration. 

Once underway, she explained her movements.  “I’m going to try to get to that overpass I noticed in Bellefontaine Neighbors that is just off Bellefontaine Road.  The one with the light, just past the filling station.”

“Go, Jess,” encouraged Jim before he walked back to John’s car, which was just pulling to a stop behind his.  To John, Jim muttered, “Jessie is going after the train.  The damn bomb is on there somehow.  Call ahead and have your guys let her through.”

John immediately got on the radio.  “All personnel.  One of the Janitors is going to be heading south on 367 from 67—you’ll know her because she’ll be driving like a mad woman.  Give her free access!”

Even as he spoke, Jessica flew around the corner at Jamestown Road and narrowly missed a car just turned around by the road-block.  She swung around that impediment, up the ramp, and onto Highway 367 southbound.  At the first of four stoplights, where the northbound lanes of Highway 367 were shut down, she again nearly hit a turning car.

Traveling at speeds she didn’t even want to think about, the next light on 367 taxed her driving skills to the maximum, as the light was green the other direction and cars from both directions were crossing the intersection.  First, to avoid the stopped traffic, she swung into the empty left-hand turn lane, then swerved between the two moving cars, and somehow came out the other side unscathed.

Racing on down 367, she used similar tactics at the next light, which was also red.  This time there was no oncoming traffic, so she just barreled through the light and approached the last of the lights on that section of road.  Luckily, this one was green, so her derring-do consisted of simply driving on the shoulder, around the traffic, and on down to Highway 270, where she took the ramp and headed east on that highway.

Again she had to travel the shoulder of the road to get around traffic.  This time she was spotted driving like a crazy woman by a Bellefontaine Neighbors police officer, who gave chase.


Tom, meanwhile, had heard Jessica and heard what Jim said to John.  He told Jim he was going after Jessica and Jim simply groaned to John, “Another of my loonies is rushing off in the same direction.”

John nodded and warned his forces.


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