Monday, February 22, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Assassin I Am (More Books) - Rosemary earns right to go with Fred.

Today’s excerpt is from Assassin I Am, a standalone book featuring new hero Fred Dupree, Rosemary Williams, Jim Scott, and other friends from past books.  After Rosemary outshoots him, Fred agrees to let her join him as his backup.   Enjoy and have a great day.



      Finished with everything Harvey had sent, Fred was mulling it over in his mind when Rosemary returned.  She asked, “How do I shut the access door to the shooting range?”

“If you watched the panel I pushed, just push it again and it will shut.  Try not to leave oily smudges on it, please.”

Rosemary just grunted at that and went back to the kitchen.  She closed the panel and returned to sit in the chair next to Fred.  “Okay—all done.  Is it conversation time yet?”

“Yes.  It dawns on me that I know little of your personal history.  You wanna fill me in?  Like where you learned to shoot so well?”

“That one’s easy—my dad and brother schooled me on shooting.  I started firing weapons when I was six.  They were both Marines, killed in action…by stinking ragheads.  My shooting was also helped, I guess, by some eye exercises I started in high school.  I did the eye exercises to strengthen them to be better able to hit.  I was a good softball player and wanted to play on the boy’s baseball team.  I could hit better than anyone on the team by the time I graduated—there was only one little problem.  I didn’t have a position—I couldn’t field worth a damn because I didn’t practice anything except hitting.

“I served in the Corps myself for six years.  But I never got a chance to see any action—the Marine Corps made a computer geek outta me.  Knowing I’d never get a chance to get any revenge on Muslims for killing my dad and brother, I went for the big bucks when the government recruited me for my computer skills.  I’m actually employed by the Justice Department as sort of a roving computer anti-hacking fixer-upper.”

“Okay, that explains a lot.  You did, however, win our bet fair and square—though I still don’t understand how a little bit of a mite like you could best me.  You can go with me, but on the condition I laid down earlier.  You follow orders…to the letter.  I do have another question, though.  Have you ever killed anyone?”

“No—but will be happy to kill any Muslims you track down.  Was up to me, we’d line up all billion and a half of ‘em and gun down the lot.  I promise not to puke, the first one I kill.”


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